Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17th, 2016 The First Half

October 17th, 2016 The First Half

I think it was the cantaloupe. I'm not sure what happened, really--all I know is, I didn't sleep well, even though I was in bed on time and slept 7 hours. By midmorning, the stomach issues continued. I decided to take a half sick day. I made my way home and back to bed. I felt better after a couple hours. The great thing about tracking everything I eat--well, one of the great things--it makes it easier to identify culprits in a situation like this. I consumed the cantaloupe last night and this morning. I think the cantaloupe did it. I knew there was something not right about that melon.

I've been taking it fairly easy the rest of the day. I prepared some good food today. And we had a great teleconference support group call. I feel much better tonight.

I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained abstinent from refined sugar, I exceeded my daily water goal and I remained in contact with solid support.

This will be the fourth night in a row I've honored my commitment to being in bed 7 hours prior to the next day's alarm. The alarm is set for 4:30am--and as difficult as it might be, considering the sleep midday, I'm headed to bed within minutes. 

I'm serious about this new commitment. I'm making it extremely important. Tomorrow night will be a challenge. I'm picking up a colleague at the airport in Wichita at 9:45pm. I'll get home about 11pm or a little after.

This is how serious I am: I'm going to put in for a last minute personal day on Wednesday. Or even 1/2 a day--yeah, the first half. 

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. From the outside, looking in, it seems like part of the priority needs to be saying "no" to late night commitments. MC events, comedy events, transportation, etc. If it is a work night, with a set rise time the next day, then it seems like you should be saying "no" a lot more often. Proactive "no".

  2. (Maybe bed time should be written in your planner as a reminder.)

    And I wanted to add, one of my kids has a Fitbit that tracks her sleep. She is a teacher with a set rise time. Her Fitbit works backwards from her rise time and tells her to go to bed. (Your concept.) It works for her because it also tracks the quality of her sleep and keeps her sleep data. Super important in keeping her healthy.

    It was ironic you mentioned cantaloupe. Three of us, in my family, after years of eating cantaloupe with no issues, now have a huge sensativity to it. I am not sure if it is chemicals they use on cantaloupe or the food itself. But we cannot eat it. Myself, my youngest daughter, my nephew.

  3. One option you've probably already considered is taking a nap for three or four hours on Wednesday, picking your colleague up in Tulsa, and then obtaining the remainder of your seven hours sleeping. This will help you avoid taking time off work.


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