Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 6th, 2016 Where Positive Progress Is Found

October 6th, 2016 Where Positive Progress Is Found

First of all, I have many friends and regular readers from Florida and Georgia--so, I just wanted to start tonight by saying, you're on my mind. I hope you're safe and doing well. I spoke to Gerri Helms this afternoon. Gerri and David have a home in Florida, right in the path--luckily, they're traveling near West Virginia. I'm impressed with Gerri's calm, "we have insurance." Good thing.

When I reach out to Gerri, I can always count on her to shoot me straight. She certainly did, today. I needed her straight to the point style and her gift in asking the most thought provoking, action-inducing questions--I suppose that's what makes her an amazing Life Coach! My post last night was a serious one--and I'm grateful for this awareness. But being aware isn't the magic fix. Awareness plus action steps in harmony with the desired changes--that's where positive progress is found. 

After working into the wee hours, I couldn't physically do my show this morning. No way. I called in backup and slept in. It wasn't enough sleep, but enough to get me through. I reported to the studio by 9:30, made breakfast and proceeded to have a productive production session before hitting the road to pick up mom for her 2nd doctor's appointment.

I hurried back home this evening, made a fast trip to the store and got home in just enough time to prepare a good dinner before being activated for severe weather coverage for the third night in a row.
Lucky for me, the storms aren't an all night deal this time. They've passed, replaced by cool temps in the 40's.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The last 48 hours has challenged me considerably. I'm proud to say, I made it with my plan intact.

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