Saturday, November 19, 2016

November 19th, 2016 We Laugh

November 19th, 2016 We Laugh

The day started early. And aside from a small nap, I've been going all day. I did a two station, four-hour location broadcast this morning from a big Holiday Hot Tub Sales Event!! It was a busy broadcast--32 breaks in four hours, and normally I pack some food, but today, I didn't. I decided it would be too involved to eat until after the event. But then...

The owner of the company, who knows me well--informs me of his plan to cook a turkey and some fantastic sides as a demo and sample for anyone interested. And since he's familiar with what I do, he assured me--no refined sugar. Oh my--it was great! The Big Green Egg smoker/grill cooked the turkey perfectly--and the Holland Grill took care of the rest. I tried acorn squash for the first time today and it was fantastic! I also tried grilled apples. Everything was wonderful. I sincerely appreciated the food!

I enjoyed an evening meal and visit tonight with my oldest daughter. We have a strikingly similar sense of humor--same with my youngest daughter, so whenever we're together, we laugh--a lot. We originally planned to see Carrie The Musical, but scrapped those plans in favor of more conversation.

I didn't do all the things I wanted to accomplish today, but there's tomorrow. And I wouldn't trade today. It was a good one.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

The Sean & Coach Kathleen December Speaker Series via private LIVE conference call line starts December 7th at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/5pm Pacific with Dr. Marty Lerner. Dr. Lerner is a world renowned authority on eating disorders, food addiction and recovery. When he speaks, it's powerful. Dr. Lerner has a way of communicating complex ideas in ways many of us can immediately grasp.

If you're interested in breaking away from the merry-go-round of diet mentality and moving toward something sustainable for the rest of your life, this speaker series is for you!

This 4-week December event includes membership in our special speaker series Facebook group. The teleconference speaking events will happen every Wednesday night in December at 8pm Eastern. Aside from those incredible calls (members of the speaker series will also have access to the recording of each talk in case you miss one), this is a great way to find like-minded people to help build your own accountability and support team. And in that, it's a great introduction to the weekly group coaching nights we regularly offer. December is quickly approaching!

The four-week Sean & Kathleen December Speaker Series is only $60--and it could prove to be an invaluable life-changing experience for you as you head into 2017! This is a fantastic gift from you to you!!

Sign-Up Here:
Once you sign up, you'll receive an email welcome letter, you'll be added to the speaker series "secret" Facebook group and you'll have access to the conference line phone number and access code.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking for crackers without refined sugar. What kind are those please?


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