Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20th, 2016 Whatever It Is

November 20th, 2016 Whatever It Is

Some days are more challenging than others. And sometimes, I'm not sure why. Today was one of those days for me. I just wasn't feeling well. Maybe I didn't sleep well enough or long enough last night--or maybe it was just the general blahs. Whatever it is, I'm okay. And I know, the best move for me is to get in touch with my gratitude list right away. I'll do that before bed.

I canceled my plan trip to see mom this evening. My Aunt Wilma's funeral is tomorrow and mom has a doctor's appointment Tuesday, so I'll see her over the next couple days. I did keep my planned visit with my grandson Noah. We had dinner together, although he didn't eat a thing. Turns out, he also wasn't feeling his best today. We stopped at the Walmart toy department on the way back to his house--and nothing brings him out of whatever has him down, like toy shopping!  He has a new Nerf football, a giant bouncy ball and a squishy fake spider.

It didn't take him long to remember how cruddy he felt. And on the drive home, I was feeling it too. The most important thing for me to remember, aside from my gratitude list, is that there will be days like this and I can have my fair share and still take extraordinary care of my daily plan.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support.

Whatever it is, it isn't something worth sacrificing the integrity of my maintenance plan.

I reeled it in, scaling back to the non-negotiable elements and accomplished the basic fundamentals of my plan. I'll call today a success. I'm ready to be in bed by 9:30pm.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. "Whatever it is, it isn't something worth sacrificing the integrity of my maintenance plan."

    Hard won words of wisdom. I may not be in maintenance yet, but the wisdom still stands for wherever we are at. Good post!!

  2. Thank you for being an inspiration to me Sean!


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