Sunday, November 6, 2016

November 6th, 2016 Earthquake

November 6th, 2016 Earthquake

We're okay after the big earthquake! It must have made national news because I've had friends on both coasts text me with concern. Mom's place isn't too far from the epicenter, less than thirty miles away--so we experienced it very well. It just kept going and going.

I was visiting with Mom, her brother-my uncle Keith, and mom's sister-my aunt Jean and uncle Sig. Aunt Jean and uncle Sig were in from Michigan. I haven't visited with them since last Thanksgiving. Usually, we dine out during these visits. I offered to cook dinner for everyone instead of our automatic restaurant visit--and it was a wonderful experience. (see dinner Tweets below)

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support. It was a solid day.

The visit with family was really nice. And I thoroughly enjoyed cooking a fantastic meal. They raved!

Have you listened to episode 6 of Transformation Planet? You can find it in iTunes, Google Play and wherever you find your favorite podcasts. Don't do podcasting on your phone? That's okay! Here's a handy little player so you can simply hit the play button:

Michael Bartley's story doesn't take the familiar route. Michael wasn't overweight as a child, a teen or as a young man. He was a record-setting swimmer, a wrestler, and a long distance runner before a catastrophic injury landed him in the hospital for more than four months. His athletic career ended abruptly, but his identity as an athlete remained and so did his daily caloric level. The same eating pattern that once fueled his athletic performance became a recipe for rapid weight gain. Finally acknowledging and coming to terms with his new reality set him on a path for a dramatic 320-pound weight loss transformation. His story includes a divorce, depression, a life-changing trip to Belize, monkeys flinging feces on his head, legendary film director Francis Ford Coppola and more--all on this episode of Transformation Planet!

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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