Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7th, 2016 The Biggie

November 7th, 2016 The Biggie

"You're obsessed with the food pictures!" It was said to me with a smile--no offense taken whatsoever! And I get it, on the surface, sure--I see how that might be the impression. As my good friend Gerri Helms says, "what other people think of me is none of my business." For me, it isn't about being obsessed with the pictures. I'm focused on taking extraordinary care of my food and my continued recovery, each day. And in doing that, I'm giving myself the best chance of continued sustainable weight-loss maintenance. The food pictures and accountability tweets are simply accountability tools within my multi-faceted daily plan.

I found an excerpt from May of 2014, nearly two and a half years ago, that goes a little further on this topic:

It's interesting: The thought of taking pictures of all of my food and sharing it via social media was once something I was absolutely against. I didn't want to be judged. I didn't want anyone to feel like I was saying, this is what you should eat (because that ISN'T what it's about at all), and let's be honest--I didn't want the accountability. <<< That. That was the biggie.

What I had been doing was a product of my inconsistency and struggle. I've written about having a few good days followed by four bad and another two good and so on---and during the good times I might enjoy preparing a fabulous meal--a meal so wonderfully suited for me--calorie wise, taste wise and everything I would take a picture and post it to my facebook page. But it wasn't indicative of anything other than that one meal...because the next day I might be eating God only knows what--and where's the picture of that?  Nobody wants to see my fried catfish (not a bad calorie value, really) and three hundred calories worth of tarter sauce (horrible calorie value, really). The point is, if it's accountability I wanted and honesty--then I needed to go all or nothing. And in doing so for all the right reasons, I've found my initial objections have all faded away.

I'm loving it. I mean--like, looking forward to it-kind of loving it. Not one person has expressed judgment of any kind in any way. I've clarified my objective several times--It's a tool for me. Having this accountability tool in place inspires me to eat better, to slow down and enjoy not only eating my food, but preparing it. And in this, it's inspiring me to take better care. 

I still eat what I like and nothing I don't. Trust me--if I don't like it, I'm not eating it. It doesn't mean I'm not open to trying new things--it simply means if I try it and hate it--it'll not be back, ever.  You're welcomed to follow the live-tweeting of food and exercise on my Twitter page by clicking here.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I met my daily water goal. I stayed well connected with great support contacts. I co-facilitated a fantastic support group teleconference and I enjoyed a solid 20-minute stair climbing workout. That's a solid day for me. I'm pleased.

Today's Accountability Live-Tweet Stream:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I look forward to the "food pictures," every day Sean. Maybe it's because I am obsessed with food. Your meals and snacks always look so tasty, and I love how you continue to do this every single day, for your own accountability. It's something I should do as well, because I have those good days and then those bad days, and pray that I can regain my focus so as to maintain this re-loss! I'm glad you don't let comments from others bother you. As I have said, this recovery is sacred, we both have to do whatever it takes to stay in recovery, and we also both know what works for us. Nobody else can decide for us, or sway us from what we need to do.

  2. Oh I think posting your food intake is one of the most effective accountability tool you are using. It's also helpful for me to judge the quantity. You take such great shots too. LN


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