Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16th, 2017 It Works

March 16th, 2017 It Works

Mom was ready to go. I picked her up for her fast and easy outpatient test. After the procedure, we enjoyed lunch out. She's feeling relatively well compared to the last few weeks--and I'm so glad.

We dined at one of my favorite places, where the old stand-by order was ready to go. It's within my plan boundaries and delicious. It works and it rarely gets old.

I worked a little later in the afternoon--made it home, napped for a short time-- prepared dinner, visited mom and made a workout important! Stair climbing tonight. It's one of those workouts that starts easy, then works its way into a mess of sweat and heart rate--and not in that order. It was only 20 minutes, but I know I'll be feeling it tomorrow. My legs will not appreciate tomorrow morning's squats at 4:45am.

If you haven't discovered the big world of podcasting, please, let my show be your introduction! Look for Transformation Planet in iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you find podcasts.

In the spirit of the global podcast cooperative known as #trypod, here's a list of my favorite podcasts. I highly recommend any of these: Half Size Me, Stuff You Should Know, WTF With Marc Maron, Ted Radio Hour, NPR's Fresh AIR, NPR's Planet Money, How I Built This, and The Tony Robbins Podcast. Subscribing directly from your smart-phone is fast, easy, and free!

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I stayed well connected with fantastic support, and I completed a good cardio workout. Good day. I'll try for the same, tomorrow.

Here's a clickable link to play the latest episode of Transformation Planet:
Episode 14 description: Michael Prager lost and regained the same 130 pounds, twice, before finding another way and ultimately losing 155 pounds. The perspective he's embraced for sustainable weight loss isn't all about weight. And it isn't even about dieting. Michael says the weight was A problem, but it wasn't THE problem. His was an approach challenging him to release what he thought he knew and to stop trying to figure it all out on his own. Michael is the author of two books, Fat Boy Thin Man and Sustainable You. He's also a certified health and wellness life coach and experienced public speaker. Find out more at Also, we'll have a short update with my friend Nathaniel.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. I started listening to your podcasts today. First four, doing them in order. Really enjoying them. You are doing a good job letting the guests tell their stories. Informative, yet each personality and journey really comes thru. Be proud. I am sure they are very fun to do.


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