Thursday, July 13, 2017

July 13th, 2017 Simply Something

July 13th, 2017 Simply Something

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, I stayed connected with support, and I did a short stair climbing/body-weight strength workout at home. It was short and sweet, but it was something. And some days, simply something is the thing to do.

I visited with mom this evening. We dressed up her room with a valance over the window. Decor is important in transforming her room into her own personal space--something that feels special and unique. It's getting there quickly. Mom loves it.

We're excited about tomorrow night. Garth Brooks's record company is treating some of our radio station staff with tickets to his Oklahoma City shows this weekend. I'm taking mom early for dinner in OKC, followed by a meet and greet with Garth and his 10:30pm concert. It will be an epic evening! I'll make sure we get some pics!

Dinner plans tomorrow night will be Cracker Barrel. Talk about having a history with a restaurant brand. Oh my-- I do have a history of eating myself sick at that place. I'll NOT be doing that tomorrow night. I'll navigate the menu within the boundaries of the food plan that keeps me well. And it'll be great. And if the offerings start triggering wacky food thoughts, I'll pick up the phone instead of the fork and reach for support. I'll engage mom in conversation. The key for me is NOT making food the star of the show. I'll make the star mom and our special time together. That'll keep my head on straight!

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sean, when can we expect the next episode of transformation planet? I noticed that there wasn't an update with Nathaniel on the last episode, how is he doing? Thanks for everything you do. You are an great inspiration, keep up the amazing work!


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