Friday, October 6, 2017

October 6th, 2017 Rest In Peace, Ralphie

October 6th, 2017 Rest In Peace, Ralphie

Rest in peace, Ralphie...

Ralphie May died today at the age of forty-five. He was one of the best. He leaves behind two young children--and that's truly heartbreaking. I was hoping it wasn't true; just another celebrity death hoax, but sadly, it wasn't a hoax. It was true.

When my comedy career brought me to LA in 2003, I had the pleasure of being roommates with Ralphie and Lahna, his girlfriend at the time, and later wife and mother of their children. They both opened doors for me left and right. Ralphie was incredibly kind to me in so many ways. I wrote about my LA Experience in Transformation Road, including my admiration for Ralphie and the qualities he possessed that often left me awestruck. We were opposites. I was 500 pounds, he was around 600 back then, I believe, yet-- he brimmed with confidence, always. And I didn't, at all. He embraced himself in all the ways I resisted. He taught me things he may not have realized and ultimately, those things helped me make the important decision to go back home.

We binged together on several occasions. "If you fly, I'll buy" was usually how it worked. I'd return with loads of food and we would feast. One time, Lahna was out of town for a gig, so Ralphie and I loaded up at the grocery store--each of us making a list of every possible binge food we could think of-- and as soon as we got home, as we're putting the food away, he turns to me and says, "If any of this is left when Lahna gets back, it's yours--you understand?" I understood, completely.

When I told him I'd never tried sushi, he about flipped. Ralphie loved sushi. He immediately insisted on giving me a grand first-time sushi experience. He ordered almost $200 worth of sushi from a very nice restaurant on Fairfax Avenue and of course, we brought it back to the apartment---where I took one bite and immediately apologized, I just couldn't do it--I hated sushi. Ralphie was cool about it, even though he threw some colorful language my way--ultimately, he enjoyed what he could and fed the rest to Pimp, his dog. Pimp loved sushi, too. Ralphie loved Pimp.

The world loved Ralphie. He was a great guy and one of the most prolific and talented comedians to ever drop a mic. The first time I watched him slay a room, I couldn't believe it--he was unbelievably talented. The comedy world lost one of the best today.

My thoughts and prayers are with his ex-wife Lahna and especially their children. Very sad.
Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I have a big location broadcast tomorrow morning followed by emceeing the entertainment stage at the big OktoberFest event. I'll be doing the emcee gig tomorrow and Sunday. I'll need to plan my food in consideration of the schedule!

I posted the following on Facebook earlier this evening:
If you feel stuck in your weight loss efforts--I want you on my team. If you're tired of the "diet mentality" merry-go-round and ready to try something different--I want you on my team. If you're tired of starts and stops and you're frustrated with it all--Please, take a deep breath, and join my team.

I cofacilitate a weight loss accountability and support group with Coach Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess. When you're on our small and powerful team, you receive personal attention--we can help you as you define your "you" plan--and we want to support you.

We have weekly group mentoring/coaching conference calls and all members are part of an exclusive and "secret" Facebook group where it's all about accountability and support every single day. As a member, you also have 24/7 text/call support as needed.

We have members with 100 pounds or more to lose and we have members with 20-40 to lose, and some in maintenance mode--and still, we all relate to the mental/emotional dynamics involved, regardless of where we are along the way.

I invite you to discover the difference this group can make... It isn't another's something different...and it's powerful. It has been for many. It can be for you too.

Two options: One on One membership featuring 15-minute one on one sessions each week--$200 for the 8-week session, or the group conference call mentoring/coaching plan for $120 per 8-week session. None of us do this alone. I didn't and don't. Will you join our team? Message me with questions--ask them in the comments or send an email: Our next session starts this Monday and Tuesday, October 9th and 10th.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Kinda brings home the fact that for some of us--Losing weight isn't for vanity, to wear a smaller size or just to see a lower number in the scale. It truly is a matter of life or death. RIP Ralphie.

  2. Compulsive overeating is no joke it's a disease that took this young man's life much too early. Rest in peace Ralphie. We will be very missed.

  3. Sean, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend Ralphie May. I really liked Ralphie, he was so funny and always came off as a really nice guy. When I heard the news yesterday I thought of you immediately, I remembered you wrote of him in your book. The thought of him being gone brought tears to my eyes and I didn't even know the man personally! A great one gone too soon. Take care Sean, and again, I'm very sorry for your loss. -Rick in Florida


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