Saturday, October 7, 2017

October 7th, 2017 This Time THE Time

October 7th, 2017 This Time THE Time

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded today's water goal, I had plenty of natural exercise/activity with my two location broadcasts and emcee gig--I might have been seated a grand total of 15 minutes, so it feels like I worked out today, and I stayed connected with good support.

Monday is fast approaching. Monday and Tuesday start the next 8-week session of the Better Weigh Weight Loss Accountability and Support Group. If you're on the fence, maybe I can help you by answering questions you might have about this small, exclusive, and powerful team of people. Email me right away with questions: It's not too late to make this time THE time it all changes, once and for all. I hope you'll join us! The regular group fee is $120 for 8 weeks, or $200 for the premium one-on-one membership.

I wanted to clarify something that came from last night's blog. I certainly didn't intend on giving the impression that Ralphie and I were close friends because we weren't. We were roommates, yes--and shared quite a few interesting experiences in the short time I was in LA, but after my return to Oklahoma, we only stayed in contact about a year, then sporadically over the next several.

My tremendous respect and admiration for Ralphie was and is very high. He made a significant impact on me and I'm forever grateful for the time I spent with him and Lahna. I felt the need to clarify this after many very natural responses to last night's edition mentioning "my loss." I sincerely appreciate the support and I understand how my writing about him might have given an impression of a closer relationship.

I'm certainly saddened by his passing--in fact, it's been on my mind constantly since I heard the news, but I can't say it's "my loss." It is the standup world's loss. It's all of the young comedian's loss, whom I guarantee Ralphie would have helped like he did me. But most of all, it's those two young kids who lost their father. That right there--I'm having a hard time with that one. Their loss is the biggest of all.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm new to this site and all I can say is that your weight loss is impressive and should be imitated.

    Keep up the good work.

    The difference is clear. The difference is 7up


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