Saturday, March 31, 2018

March 31st, 2018 Grateful

March 31st, 2018 Grateful

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Emceeing the film festival went well tonight! Cindy accompanied me for the special evening.

I'm so grateful she and I found one another. It's insanely wonderful how much we have in common, in weight loss and plenty of other ways!

I intentionally tilted my food schedule again today to accommodate a late meal after the festival. I still left a few hundred calories on the table, but that's okay when it's this late!

I could have tilted it the other direction with an early dinner before the show, but I've never liked eating before a performance of any kind. It goes back to my standup comedy days. 

I wasn't doing standup last night or tonight, I was simply the emcee, but anytime a stage, audience, and a microphone get involved, it brings back a flood of wonderful memories of those days long ago. It's fitting to get home and find a Tweet from Ralphie May's Twitter account. Whoever is handling Ralphie's Twitter since his passing, thank you! 
Ralphie, Lahna, and I were roommates for a short time during my Los Angeles standup days. Ralphie and I were very close in size and weight. We were also occasional binge buddies. Oh, the memories of Popeye's Chicken and In-N-Out Burger spread out all over the couch, both of us diving in, polishing off enough food to feed a family of five. When it came to food, we certainly spoke the same language and completely understood one another. Rest in peace, Ralphie. You're missed by a lot of people all over the world. 

Ralphie finished his book before he passed too young and I highly recommend it! You can find it anywhere books are sold--and of course, on Amazon. It's called: This Might Get A Little Heavy: A Memoir.

I better drop in bed. There's an Easter egg hunt with my grandsons Noah and Oliver tomorrow!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 30, 2018

March 30th, 2018 Same Size

March 30th, 2018 Same Size

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Sleeping in this morning was fabulous. I needed the rest! I plan on doing the same in the morning. I intentionally tilted my food schedule today because I didn't want to eat dinner right before emceeing the Bison Bison Film Festival tonight. It made for a really late dinner for Cindy and me, but it was okay. I've never been one to worry about the time. If it's ridiculously late, I've been known to leave some calories on the table, but it wasn't too bad tonight.

My emcee job tonight went well even though I read a typo without thinking first and horribly flubbed one of the film titles. Oh well, it happens, and it was okay. The rest of the night worked very well. Cindy joined me for the event tonight and she is planning on dressing up with me (I'll be in a tuxedo) for tomorrow night's films and awards.

I must note how it feels to once again emcee this event at the same size as the year before. It's simply amazing to me. The annual events like this become the biggest reminders. I can remember times when the reminder was very different and not at all desirable!! But this--oh my, this, is a very blessed thing. I'm so grateful for the support, the plan, and the practice each and every day that helps keeps me well.

Tomorrow will basically be a carbon copy of today except for the formal attire. I'll make sure we get pictures!

Amber, KL, and Baby Raegan are doing very well, by the way. My youngest, Courtney, is set to deliver Phoebe on Tuesday if she doesn't before that day. It's an exciting time around here!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 29, 2018

March 29th, 2018 Opinion

March 29th, 2018 Opinion

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Today I was asked about my opinion on "cheat days" or "cheat meals." 

In my book, Transformation Road, I wrote about my philosophy on cheat days or cheat meals--or cheating, period. If what I'm doing is so restrictive and against the grain of what I can do for the rest of my life, then perhaps I need to change what I'm doing. For me to accept a "cheat day," suggests that what I'm doing the rest of the time is just a means to an end. If I'm constantly looking forward to the day when I can cut loose--then I might want to inspect the daily restraints. This isn't about defining restrictions, it's about refining solutions--making this something enjoyable, doable--workable, delicious--satisfying...and if we can make it all that, then why would we feel the need to deviate into old behaviors for a day or a meal? If what I'm doing is a temporary means to an end--and I'm forcing myself to do something unnatural to me and what I like--then I'm setting myself up for a monumental problem down the line.

I was also asked about how not eating refined sugar has helped me over the past four years.

The abstinence from refined sugar has made a profound impact bio-chemically--effectively turning off the "binge switch" and ushering in a peace and calm I never knew. But as I've discussed before--it doesn't stop the other side of things--the deeply ingrained pattern of seeking comfort with food in times of extreme emotion and high stress.

It's not as easy as simply agreeing that excess food doesn't fix anything--or that food isn't a therapist. It doesn't matter how long or how much success we're experiencing, I've learned that unless I reach out for support, I'm perfectly capable of talking myself into the comfort food dynamic.

My success isn't a guarantee. I'm not entitled. It's not automatic. If I stop doing the things I'm doing, I'll quickly fall hard.

This here thing is a daily practice--a one day at a time practice of uniquely crafted fundamental elements. I just want one more day feeling as good as I feel when I'm honoring my commitment and maintaining the integrity of my plan. I'd like a whole bunch of one more days.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28th, 2018 It's What I Do

March 28th, 2018 It's What I Do

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Jordan's words from yesterday's post really resonate with me. I used the words "I know" over and over, too. And like Jordan, those words almost killed me. And still, to this day, those words are dangerous for me because I've discovered it isn't what I know that's important, it's what I do. 

When I look back at my nearly twenty years as a 500-pound man, I realize my "know" was very limited. I knew the very basics of eating less and moving more. What I didn't know at that time was how these two things were truly the least of what I needed to learn. The barrier for me all those years ago was my constant declaration of "knowing." If we know it all, then we haven't a need to learn more, and we can't because we've essentially shut down our potential for growth.

What I didn't know back then was how the non-food, non-exercise elements; the structure of support and accountability, was/are the things constantly supporting the plan. "Structure of support," to me is a fairly broad phrase covering everything from my morning prayer/meditations, positive visualizations, planning/prep, weighing, measuring, logging, and of course, direct one on one support connections each and every day. When I would say "I know what to do," back then, I wasn't thinking about any of these things because I didn't know.

Even today, I'm the first to admit--I don't know it all. I've experienced a lot. I've learned some things in the hardest ways. I've defined and refined the plan that works well for me again and again. I've evolved nicely, but there's more to learn--more to experience, more to appreciate and consider. Staying open-minded, humble, and willing to watch, listen, and learn is, in my opinion, imperative to continued positive progress.

Recent featured Tweets:


Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March 27th, 2018 I Know, I Know

March 27th, 2018 I Know, I Know

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I'm republishing a guest post from May of last year written by my friend Jordan Burgess.

I think I've had one other guest post in the history of this blog. I asked for his permission to republish it here. It's powerful stuff!

Thank you, Jordan!

"I Know" by Jordan Burgess (Listen to Jordan's interview on episode 13 of Transformation Planet)

"I know"- those words almost killed me.

For years, in fact, most of my adult life, friends, family, and even concerned strangers would try and talk to me about my weight.

Die young, orphaned kids, bad health, diabetes, cancer, no career prospects, and on and on. "I know" was the only response I could muster. And I did know.

What I didn't realize until later was that what I should have said is "I don't know how to stop." My "I know" was really a misplaced cry for help.

I "knew" how to lose weight. For the most part, everyone knows. You simply expend more energy than you consume....every 5th grader knows that, right?

And I knew it too. I just needed to "do" it. Funny how far apart the "knowing" and "doing" were. All that and the results were less than nothing. Literally, I would try and GAIN weight.

The thing that worked for me is I had to have a really honest conversation with myself. Not necessarily about what foods I ate (although that was a part of the conversation), but about why all that knowledge couldn't produce any results. It boiled down to one simple phrase "If I could of, I would of."

I found myself able to exert enormous discipline and willpower in almost every other area of my life, except food. Try as I may, I could never fully tame the compulsion to keep eating things that I knew I shouldn't be in amounts that I shouldn't be eating.

I finally admitted that I would not be able to beat this, not on my own. That's when there was a new plan. Not one of me doing all the work, but more of following simple directions and letting go of the things that I thought I needed. Obviously, those were not working.

If you had told me that I could lose 230 pounds in a year by eating over 2000 calories a day I would have said "impossible."

This honesty and willingness to step outside of my own thinking is what has produced results for me.

Everybody is different. But I would encourage you to ask. If you find yourself time and time again not getting the results you want or expect, then have an honest conversation with yourself. I've been fortunate enough to meet several people on my own journey with lasting recovery. They all have varied food and exercise plans, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are completely honest with themselves.

People will sometimes approach me about just having "one of this" or "one of that" when it comes to food. "All things in moderation," they say. I almost always respond that I "am on a plan of abstinence, not moderation."

Moderation does not work for me, especially when it comes to food. One thing I had to learn about me is that I had to be abstinent from certain things with a happy heart.

For example- I love ice cream- Blue Bell ice cream is my absolute favorite. When I discovered ice cream was probably my #1 trigger food I determined I could not have it. Not a single bite, ever again- because if I started - I didn't know if I could stop. Over time I would get resentful- whenever I saw someone else eating it, or when a new flavor came out. I realized this resentment was poisoning my plan. I was looking at it the wrong way. What I was getting was much more valuable than what I was giving up.

Once I flipped that perspective- then I was ready to embrace a food plan that abstained from anything and everything that triggered me.

I just thought I'd throw out some thoughts tonight. Hope you are all well.
Thank you, Jordan!


Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, March 26, 2018

March 26th, 2018 Room For You

March 26th, 2018 Room For You

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Today was a good day! Long day, though. Keeping tonight's edition short.

I posted last night about the accountability/support group I cofacilitate with Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess. Our Monday night group is full, but we have room for you in the Tuesday night conference call group! Tuesday night's weekly group call happens at 7pm Central/8pm Eastern. If you're interested, get ahold of me as soon as possible via email, text, or call--- or 580-491-2228.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, March 25, 2018

March 25th, 2018 Alternate Routes

March 25th, 2018 Alternate Routes

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Click Image To Enlarge

You still have time to join our support team for the new 8-week session set to start tomorrow and Tuesday!

We have two different weekly group coaching/mentoring calls and a one on one package program for a more focused approached. All members share the Better Weigh secret Facebook page for ongoing daily accountability and support. Our regular group call 8-week session package is $120. The one on one program for 8-week is $200. Are you ready to have a team of support with the added bonus of structured coaching/mentoring? If you just said yes, email me: or call/text 580-491-2228 and I'll get back to you asap.

Mom was very excited about getting out for our regular Sunday night get together. We dined at our favorite Mexican restaurant and I ordered my favorite fajita chicken tacos. If you're local to me, you'll not find these on the menu at Los Portalis. I order the ingredients separately, then assemble the tacos at the table. I know what I want and how I want it--and I get exactly what I need. A big part of successfully navigating restaurants, in my opinion, and experience, is not being afraid to ask specifically for what we want and need. 99% of the time, the server and kitchen will go out of their way to deliver. It's about turning roadblocks into alternate routes.

Mom and I visited Amber, KL, and baby Raegan tonight. Oh my--that little princess is the cutest little girl in the entire world. Her soft little cry just melts my heart.

It's been a good day.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, March 24, 2018

March 24th, 2018 Wonderful

March 24th, 2018 Wonderful

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Today's You Plan Workshop was a success! I'm immensely grateful for the opportunity and feel incredibly blessed with the outcome. I'm looking forward to organizing more workshops in the near future!

I cannot thank Cindy enough for her incredible support today. She helped me organize the entire event! Here's something many may not know about her: She has her own one hundred pound weight loss and maintenance story. She shared her experience too during the "let's get to know one another" portion of the program. It was wonderful.

Gerri Helms--oh my, Gerri--what can I say...well, quite honestly, I can't say for sure I'd be here each day working my daily practice if not for her support over the years. Gerri is very experienced at organizing workshops literally all over the world--her help and guidance was and always is, invaluable.

I'm thrilled with how it all turned out today. The feedback I'm receiving from attendees is overwhelmingly positive. I couldn't ask for anything more.

I'm blessed and grateful.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 23, 2018

March 23rd, 2018 Kind To You

March 23rd, 2018 Kind To You

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

If you're struggling, I hope you're being kind to you. I never understood that concept in previous weight loss attempts. If I struggled, I'd compound the challenge by calling myself every name in the book describing how I felt about my inability to "get it together."

When I was finally ready to move forward in a positive way, it started by picking myself up with positive thoughts and actions instead of holding me down with negative thoughts, energy, and actions.

Reaching an accord within, a forgiveness, and letting go of the guilt, shame, and every other negative thought and emotion isn't easy, but it's critically important for moving forward in a stable, positive way.

Something that can help further solidify this: Make "a list of you." This list should contain the answers to this question:

What are the things about me that do not change if I'm heavy or at a healthy weight, or for richer or poorer-- what are the core qualities of me that are constant, regardless of everything else?

The list should be populated with your likes, dislikes, things that bring you joy, things you're passionate about, things you're good at doing!!! Also, the things that make you a loving and compassionate person. These wonderful things we possess often get ignored when we're preoccupied with all of the negative thoughts and feelings surrounding relapse/regain.

For many of us, these are things we've ignored for years because we've been too busy, either focused on how good we feel about our success or how bad we feel about where we are at any given point along the way.

Embrace your core-- wrap it in a level of love and compassion you normally reserve for yourself that love, compassion, and acceptance-- and realize: Heavier, thinner-- successfully losing or struggling with relapse/regain--it truly never, EVER, changed any of these core qualities in you. 

You've always been an amazing person worthy of love and worthy of extending yourself the gift of extraordinary care and the improved health and vitality that comes with it.

I wish you all the best. I'm so happy you're here, where you are, moving forward with a resolve reserved for the most important things in your life.

I've been working today on getting ready for my workshop tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting into it! If you're within driving distance, now's your last chance to register!
Click here to go directly to the registration page!

Featured Tweets:

Keeping it short tonight--and working a little more on workshop prep!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 22, 2018

March 22nd, 2018 Important Practice

March 22nd, 2018 Important Practice

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

“They,” said we couldn't do it. “They,” said this time would be like all of the others. “They,” told us we were set in our ways. “They,” told us to give ourselves a break, it's okay, we were fine just the way we were—even if miserable. “They,” said it's just too hard. “They,” said it couldn't be anything but temporary. “They,” said it was hopeless.

After careful study, we realize we have the power to choose change regardless of what “They” said about us.

And then the truth reveals a shocker: The biggest “They,” the one most affecting our thoughts and actions was always...US.

We have the power to remain locked up or break free once and for all. We already own it. It's ours to acknowledge and put into action.

Now, we're surrounded by hope because this time will be like no other. “They” know it and most importantly—WE know. Something's refreshingly different.

I don't know about you, but I spent many years being my harshest critic. Sometimes, I still am, but much less these days. I believed every single one of those limiting thoughts about myself, until one day, I didn't.

Like everything along this path, it takes a daily practice to help keep the inner dialogue in a positive and supportive perspective. It's a very important practice!
My first ever LIVE workshop is Saturday right here in Ponca City, Oklahoma. If you're within a reasonable distance to attend, I hope you will join me!
We're down to the wire! I hope you'll sign up today!
Click here for the Eventbrite registration page!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

March 21st, 2018 Big Things

March 21st, 2018 Big Things

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I've spent a lot of time working on workshop stuff today and tonight. Two big things on the immediate horizon: My workshop on Saturday and the Monday start of the next 8-week session of the accountability and support group I cofacilitate with Kathleen and Jordan.

Click on image to enlarge

We have two options in our support group-- the weekly group coaching conference call options with two different night and times and the one on one option where Coach Kathleen and I work with you privately each week. All members belong to an exclusive and "secret" Facebook page for daily accountability and support interactions. Your membership immediately puts you on our team of support. Ready to join the team? The regular group option is $120 for the 8-week session. The one on one option is $200 for the 8-week session. Questions and/or to request the registration link, email me: or text 590-491-2228 and I'll get back to you asap.

If you're within driving distance of Ponca City, Oklahoma, I'd love for you to join me this Saturday afternoon from 1:30-4:30 for my first ever LIVE "You Plan" Workshop. For the event description and to register, simply click this link: Sean Anderson's You Plan Workshop

Today's been a good and productive on-plan day!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

March 20th, 2018 Such A Revelation

March 20th, 2018 Such A Revelation

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I often mention "Epiphany Day." It was May 15th, 2014. In essence, it was the day I finally realized the truest source of my self-worth, identity, happiness, and joy. These things were no longer tied to something that naturally fluctuates. These things were no longer found externally. These things could exist and flourish regardless of my weight, the size of my bank account, my relationship status, or any other external circumstance.

My initial 275-pound weight loss was supposed to "make me" happy. And it didn't. And I'm glad it didn't because it would have been an illusion of happiness and illusions eventually reveal their truth one way or another. It was working through this monumental let-down that helped me discover what I truly believe is a major element of real happiness.

It wasn't an accident that Epiphany Day came not long after starting the turnaround from my 164-pound relapse/regain. I feel like it was Devine intervention as if to say-- here, look at it this way and be free. Lose the weight because you're taking extraordinary care of yourself--not in an effort to obtain some magical level of happiness, but simply because you're worth every ounce of effort in this care. You deserve this level of care. 

I stopped searching for something I already possessed. I'm not writing about happiness itself, I'm writing about the capacity--the ability to choose happiness regardless of whether or not I possessed the things I felt certain were requirements for such a revelation.

Two things I need to mention tonight: My workshop!!!! OMGoodness, it's Saturday!!! Are you coming? Only if you're within driving distance, please--I mean, really, it's a 3-hour workshop. BUT--It'll be a power-packed three hours! If you're ready to fashion your unique plan, different from anything before--a plan that could be the end of dieting for you and a new beginning of something sustainable long-term, then what are you waiting for? The time to commit and register is today! But seriously-- if you're more than a drive away, uh-- yeah, I'd wait until I create an online version!!
Here's the link to register at EventBrite: Sean's "You Plan" Workshop

I'm also gearing up for the next session of the accountability and support groups I cofacilitate with Life Coach Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess. Our new session starts March 26th and 27th and we have a spot for you! Email me with questions: You can also call or text: 580-491-2228

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19th, 2018 Human

March 19th, 2018 Human

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I'm feeling much better tonight! I'm certainly well rested, that's for sure. The rest probably helped speed this cold thing right along. It's tilted my sleep schedule a little--but at least I'm feeling human again!

Featured Tweet of The Day:

Hitting the pillow quickly! Short one tonight.

If you're local to me and you're ready for this Saturday's You Plan Workshop, it's time to register! Here's the registration link: Sean's "YOU Plan" LIVE 3-Hour Workshop

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 18th, 2018 Break Free

March 18th, 2018 Break Free

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

The cold thing continued today with a variety of symptoms. I'm taking some over the counter things. I didn't leave my apartment at all. I canceled my normal Sunday outing with mom and didn't visit Amber and Raegan. It'll be fine, I'll be fine--just a bad cold and sinus pressure type stuff.

I have several days to get well and be ready for my "You Plan" Workshop on Saturday the 24th. I'm really excited about this first workshop. I can't wait! If you're within driving distance, I really want you to register!

If you're tired of yo-yo dieting, if you're interested in developing a plan you can wake up to each day and feel enthused about, if you're ready to break free with a consistency like never before, this workshop might help you understand and embrace an approach and perspective leading to your very own dramatic transformation.

Register by clicking here!

This is also the period where we're taking new members for the accountability and support groups I cofacilitate with Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess. We have a space for you! If you have questions about the next 8-week session starting March 26th, simply call or text me and I'll get back to you asap. 580-491-2228. When you're ready to register, let us know and we'll send you what you need to get signed up.

Having a support team of people who really "get it" on every level can make a monumental difference for you as it has for me and countless others. Good accountability and support measures are difference makers. I remember so many attempts in my past where those two elements were nearly non-existent. Changes didn't start happening until I embraced those two critical elements. There are many ways to establish these for your own plan without joining our groups, but what you have here is an experienced team ready to go. Are you ready to go?
Click image to enlarge

It's not a weight loss plan. It's a tool to help strengthen and support the plan that's working and sustainable for you. And if you need help identifying what works well for you, we can help you fashion your plan!

This group is all about support and accountability.

I co-facilitate the group with certified Life Coach Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess. It's a diverse group! Members range from just getting started with more than 100 pounds to lose to maintenance mode and everywhere in between. It really doesn't matter where each of us are along this road, we can all relate, and that's one of the key elements in why this group works.

The mental/emotional dynamics of weight loss and the power of good accountability and support is universal. This group makes a difference.

We currently have openings for our next session starting Monday, March 26th and Tuesday, March 27th. The group uses one "secret" and secure Facebook page with two different weekly support group call options. The accountability and support of the group are ongoing daily within the group page--the group calls via conference line are weekly.

If you're ready to discover the difference solid accountability and support can make for your weight loss goals, I highly recommend joining us for this next session!

The regular group session fee is $120 for 8 weeks.

The one-on-one package is $200 for 8 weeks of direct-dialed sessions.

Questions? Call or Text 580-491-2228 and I'll get back to you asap. Or email me directly:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, March 17, 2018

March 17th, 2018 Germy Germs

March 17th, 2018 Germy Germs

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I spent the day working on a couple of personal projects. I didn't leave my apartment until this evening for a couple of store visits, a hospital visit with Amber and Raegan, and a visit with mom. I plan on accomplishing more tomorrow.

I seem to be battling a cold. I went to bed last night feeling it coming on and woke today with a bunch of congestion, sneezing, runny nose, etc. I didn't get my germy germs near Amber or Raegan during my visit this evening--Amber wouldn't allow it! She's already a great momma, very protective!

It was a good food day as well. I spent entirely too many calories on half & half in my coffee, but I like drinking coffee while I work on my stuff!

I'm taking some medicine for this developing cold and hitting the pillow.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 16, 2018

March 16th, 2018 Solutions Instead Of Roadblocks

March 16th, 2018 Solutions Instead Of Roadblocks

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

Cindy and I were invited to dinner at the home of some friends tonight. I didn't know the menu beforehand, but I know the boundaries of my plan. I decided to not stress over the food served. If I could navigate the dinner, great, if not--I could eat what I could and have something later. It turned out well. Roasted chicken wings, chicken breasts, brussels sprouts, and a half-serving of brown and wild rice. It worked.

The perspective of, "I don't know the menu but I know my boundaries," is the same I take to a new restaurant situation. For me, it's about finding solutions instead of roadblocks. Navigating a menu or a dinner party isn't impossible as long as I keep a solution based perspective instead of a defeated focus. I got lucky tonight. It was fairly simple. The biscuits and crackers were the only two things I passed on, the rest worked just fine.

The next 8-week session of A Better Weigh Weight Loss Accountability and Support Groups starts March 26th. No matter where you are in the world, this is a powerful group you can join. We would love to have you on our team! Here are the options available:

The regular group membership is $120 for the 8-week session. The more intensive one-on-one package is $200 for 8-weeks. Are you ready to discover the difference this could be for you? The regular group averages out to only $15 per week or $2.14 per day. If you have any questions about our group and how it works, call or text me on the Transformation Planet hotline, and I'll get back to you asap: 580-491-2228

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 15th, 2018 Replay This Day

March 15th, 2018 Replay This Day

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

This marathon day started shortly after 3am when my oldest daughter's water broke. It was the call we've been waiting for--and immediately, after very little sleep, tiredness was replaced with excitement and anticipation. I through myself together and made the short trip to pick up mom for the day at the hospital.

As far as my food plan goes, I packed an "on the go" breakfast of almonds, banana, apple slices, and cheese. I really thought it would go quicker--but it didn't, really. Lunch was put together from selections in the hospital cafeteria. I made two trips for coffee, too.

It wasn't too much past noon when Raegan arrived.
Raegan Renae: 8lbs 12oz and 22 inches long

Mom absolutely enjoyed every minute of today's experience!

Precious little princess!

Noah and Oliver--My two grandsons!

Hanging out with Noah in the waiting room!

Awe-- so adorable-Raegan resting in my arms 

In a little over three weeks from now, we'll replay this day with my youngest daughter and Princess Emery!

Everyone is exhausted tonight--likely none more than Amber and KL!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14th, 2018 Time To Focus

March 14th, 2018 Time To Focus

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

We were all surprised little Raegan didn't come last night. It was fairly intense for Amber. Today has been much calmer for her. So, the baby-watch continues! If she doesn't deliver by Friday, her doctor will induce. So, if not sooner, it's Friday for sure!

I enjoyed a short, midday speaking opportunity for the local chapter of AMBUCS. It was a chance to share some of the philosophies and practices I live by each day while offering a couple of mental exercises and a plug for my upcoming workshop. It was well received!

If you're close enough to attend my workshop, I want you to register and join me March 24th 1:30-4:30pm Leave a voicemail or text with questions to the Transformation Planet Hotline: 580-491-2228 and I'll personally get back with you asap! If you're ready to register--awesome!  Simply click here to register at Eventbrite!

I'm taking vacation time off from the radio station. I need time to focus on a few personal projects--and of course, welcoming baby Raegan into the world!

Today's featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 13th, 2018 Baby Fever

March 13th, 2018 Baby Fever

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

Are you within reasonable driving distance to Ponca City, Oklahoma? If you're in Wichita, Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Enid, Stillwater, or anywhere else close, my exclusive 3-hour workshop is coming Saturday, March 24th! I would love the opportunity to work with you on developing your own personal "You" Plan! Click here to register for my workshop!

Tonight should be the night my first granddaughter is born. Planned on a bigger blog post tonight, but keeping it short and sweet.

Today went very well. I actually met Amber at Walmart unexpectedly as I was going in, she was coming out. She figured walking and shopping might trigger whatever needs to be triggered. Tonight, she and KL took off for a walk around their neighborhood. She's having strong indications about tonight being the night...we'll see!! I'm so excited!

Baby fever!!!

Baby Oliver last April  

I'm getting this posted and getting ready for the call that could come anytime! If it doesn't happen tonight, we'll all be surprised.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, March 12, 2018

March 12th, 2018 Diets Never Worked For Me

March 12th, 2018 Diets Never Worked For Me

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I'm getting super-excited about my upcoming workshop. If you're within driving distance of Ponca City, Oklahoma, this could be well worth your time and investment! If you'll click the link below, you'll see the description of the workshop and the button to register.

If you're considering attending my workshop, I hope you'll read the rest of tonight's edition. It might give you some insight into what I'm all about!

It might be confusing sometimes when I write or speak about how I don't "diet." Thank goodness, because diets never worked for me. Shifting my perspective away from diet mentality interrupted the pattern of lose/gain more/lose/gain more... and as long as I take care of my daily plan, I hope and pray the peace and stability continues.

So--isn't this interesting?? I was thinking about this topic today--then, I find a post in the archives from exactly one year ago, describing exactly what I'm writing about. You ready to go back? Let's hop aboard the DDWL Time Machine!

DDWL Flashback! From March 12th, 2017:

I'm not sure when the switch occurred. Looking back, I suppose you could say it happened after my initial weight loss, and right as I started the turnaround from my 164-pound relapse/regain. The switch arrived at just the right time. I'm talking about the switch from DIEting to LIVing. Yeah, I don't "diet." I didn't "diet" while losing that 164-pound regain and I don't "diet" in maintenance mode. I live each day with a plan, a style of eating that fits me--and one that's conducive for a healthy body weight.

Diets don't work because it's a means to an end. Have you ever attempted a diet that was so restrictive and gross--but you did it anyway because you knew it would succeed in dropping the weight? But you hated it the whole time--dreaded it each day, white-knuckled through it--and fantasized about the day when you'd reach the pre-determined goal so you could be done with the diet, whatever it is/was? Me too.

I remember doing a plan that included all the food I'd need-- and hating it--every meal of it, just horrible, and then going on the air and essentially lying to my audience because I was contractually obligated to speak favorably about the diet's food during my show. I was looking forward to the day the contract ended--and was secretly hoping they'd cancel early, so I'd be off the hook and get back to being me. And right there, the last five words of the previous sentence--that's why diets don't work. Because...

If what we're doing is a temporary diversion from who we are in the behavioral patterns that brought us to our heaviest in the first place, then as soon as we return to "being ourselves," with the internal patterns, experiences, actions, and coping mechanisms on which we've grown dependent, the weight comes back--every time, with rarely an exception.

When I looked for an external solution to my internal issues, it always ended in a bad way. I still like my disgusting analogy for diet mentality: It's like calling a cleanup crew to the sewer line break instead of calling a plumber to repair the sewer line.

It's interesting, our whole lives, people often tell us to "just be yourself," yet, when it comes to losing weight, the advice or plan is often: "Here's the latest fancy diet plan, product, or procedure, do it. It works," with little consideration for the divide between who we are and what it requires us to be. Basically, don't be something you perceive as "better than" yourself...and here we go into another direction promoting self-loathing as soon as we don't somehow conform or live up to this "better plan."

Binge eating, compulsive overeating, and resulting morbid obesity ARE NOT MORAL issues. But the old diet mentality would have us believe it's so. I refuse to share some of the most brutal things I've told me about myself over the years--all because I couldn't "get it together," somehow. The least of it involved the word "failure," the worst--well, you can imagine, I'm sure. I would never speak to someone or treat someone the way I've spoken to and treated me...ever.

But--the search continued for the next thing--the key to my weight loss success--the next best diet plan--something, anything that would work--and I was desperate---and as long as that search continued, I felt justified with my food behaviors. Maybe the solution I needed hadn't been invented yet. What could I do?

This search for the next best thing is what fuels a 100-Billion dollar weight loss industry.

When our personal truth is finally recognized, acknowledged, and embraced, the search can abruptly end. It's like an exhausting search for a missing car key that comes to an end when you realize the key was in your coat pocket the entire time. I've witnessed this happen with numerous people who reach in, grab the key--insert the key--and head in a direction with a consistency they've never known... and they do it without the next best-latest-greatest-wonderful-sure-fire, straight off the shelf, tv, or some other plan. These people stop DIEting and start LIVing.

I don't know what your personal truth is. I can only speak of and write about mine. I'm a compulsive overeater. I'm an emotional eater. I'm a stress eater. I'm a celebratory eater. I'm an addict whose substance of choice isn't served at a bar and it isn't secretly sold in the back alleyways. It's food. And that doesn't make me any better of an addict than anyone else--not to compare, but my addiction is just as lethal as others--the only difference is the speed it proceeds. 

My food addiction, more specifically, is about certain food substances--for me, clearly refined sugar--and my personal list of trigger foods--some of which do not contain refined sugar--but they dance for me if I let them. My dealer is the unwitting individual working the drive-through.

So what's the key?? Well, in my experience--and again, that's all I can draw from--there are several different cuts to the key.

As Jordan Burgess referred to it on episode 13 of Transformation Planet, "an unwavering commitment to self-honesty." That right there is the pivotal cut--without it, nothing works.

Another cut--is extending love, self-compassion, and a healing level of forgiveness to ourselves for where this road has led us--and all of the things we did or didn't do along the way. The struggles and successes have a common denominator: They're all opportunities to learn. That's it. What went well? What didn't go well? It's a study every single day. It's not good or bad. It's not shameful or admirable--it's just an opportunity to learn how to proceed in a groove that fits us well and keeps us well. Because really--

It's okay. I'm okay. You're okay. We're human. We're fallible. We're conditioned. We're experienced. We're lovely. We're beautiful. We're good people with great intentions, We have overflowing love and compassion for others--and now, for once, we can start cupping some of that overflowing love and compassion for ourselves.

When we have those two cuts on the key--and we add spiritual support (whatever that is to you), accountability, and support from others who understand--who've lived it--as Dr. Marty Lerner puts it, we surround ourselves "with others in the same lifeboat," this is when this time becomes like no other time in our history.

Add another cut--a style of eating--a plan that considers very personal elements of our individual truth--with boundaries in place and held with a sacred importance level--and suddenly something almost magical happens. Things start changing.

And a few other things that are critically important to remember: It's about progress, not perfection. Consistency beats intensity--in other words, it's better to embrace a plan that's not only doable, it's one that's sustainable long-term instead of doing something dependent on short-lived bursts of extreme intensity. It's important to look for ways to feel good about what we're doing instead of feeling horrible because we're focused on things we think we should be doing. And one of the most important things--- oh my, it's big:

Always remember--our continued peace and calm isn't guaranteed and it isn't found on the scale. It's found within the plan we embrace each day, one day at a time. If I forget this--or willfully deny it--or throw it all out the window tomorrow, I'll return to over 500 pounds without question. And I'm very capable of doing that. I'm capable of not doing it too.

But--I'm much more experienced in the chaotic stream of struggle than I am the softer flow of peace and calm.

My continued success doesn't come from the words I speak, the words I write, or the personal truths I've discovered about me. It's the things I do each day in service of the mental, spiritual, and emotional transformations, that give me the best shot at another day like today.

I don't "diet." And I don't have to diet.

My body weight will follow and reflect where I am within my daily plan. I don't have to chase it anymore because it follows me wherever I go. My body weight isn't the focus, my daily plan must be the focus--because body weight is a side effect of my continued recovery or lack of recovery. 


Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, March 11, 2018

March 11th, 2018 Not Unusual

March 11th, 2018 Not Unusual

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I'll like the time change later--but today, not so much! I've felt off today--slightly tilted, but okay-- know what I mean? It's not unusual for me to create a tilted schedule on the weekends. I'm naturally a night person. I'm only a "morning man" by profession!

Mom and I enjoyed dinner together this evening. I did my usual chicken tacos and they were perfect!

I'm headed to be fairly early for me on a Sunday night. The 4:30am alarm comes quickly!

Featured Tweet this weekend:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10th, 2018 Practice This

March 10th, 2018 Practice This

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

One of the things that really helps me is actively engaging in support interactions throughout the day. When someone reaches out to me, my hope is that it helps them--but it also helps me in big ways. One of the biggest things I had to learn along this road is, I didn't have to go it alone. In fact, what I discovered wasn't something new, but for me, it was because "I got this."  It took a long time to realize the goal wasn't to "get this," it was to "practice this." And the practice of a daily plan is what ultimately keeps me well.

It's about progress not perfection, and a practice. I think as long as I keep the practice up and running, I remain open to learn and grow.

There's rarely a day passing where I don't hear from someone either in person or via message, email, or otherwise, commenting on and complimenting my continued maintenance. I sincerely appreciate every single word. But rest assured, I do not take my maintenance for granted.

I ran into the store for coffee earlier this evening and was approached by a nice man who said, "you're a role model for weight loss and keeping it off." I graciously thanked him for the compliment, adding, "it's a daily practice, for sure. I'm grateful for each day." But inside my head I was thinking--Oh no-- let's don't say role model because Lord knows my plan and practice could use some serious tweaks in a few departments... Let's say instead, an example of how an imperfect practice of a personal plan can yield great results while being open to improvement and growth.

Cindy and her two youngest were in town today- we took the opportunity to get together and share a meal. Hanging out with those three was a wonderful highlight today. I spent some time with mom this evening, too, and I must report, she's doing better than ever. Mom is completely off the oxygen. She's stronger and her spirits are in great shape, especially since she received her new phone!

I spoke with my oldest daughter today. She's 9-months pregnant and due literally any minute, anytime, any day---it could happen right now--and will very soon. We're very excited to meet little Raegan. My youngest isn't far behind. Courtney is 8-months pregnant with Emery. Two granddaughters will join Oliver and Noah very soon! It's an exciting time! Just for the record, I'm 46. I feel like I should be much older for these kinds of blessings--four grandchildren!!! But hey, the benefits of starting out way too young!!

We lose an hour of sleep tonight when we spring forward for daylight savings time. I plan on sleeping in well and then, well rested, working on preparations for my upcoming workshop.

I sincerely hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 9, 2018

March 9th, 2018 Answers To Questions

March 9th, 2018 Answers To Questions

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

This week has been hectic in many ways. It was nice to make it to Friday night, relax, make a good dinner, visit for a little while with mom, and finish some work late tonight at the studio.

As more people sign up for my March 24th workshop, I'm getting a few questions.

"Do you teach how to do your plan?" No! My plan is specifically designed for me. This workshop will help you create a plan that's specifically designed for you. Certainly, some elements and structure, the accountability and support--plus perspectives and concepts that have been key for me will be important parts of the workshop.

"Is this like a motivational speaking thing? And are you going to try to sell us a product of some kind?" Two questions there--First, inspirational/motivational speaking will certainly be a part of this workshop, but a very small part. We've got work to do and only three hours to do it! Second, NO--I do not sell or endorse weight loss products. This workshop isn't a come-on for something else. It's a workshop designed to help you develop a plan--not a diet, and there's a big difference. The workshop will help you create the YOU Plan that could be the start of your very own transformation.

"Is it only for people that have a hundred or more pounds to lose?"  Not at all. I've worked with people who started out wanting to lose 20, 40, 60--100, 200 pounds and more. The amount of weight is relative. One person's 40 is another person's 100. Developing and embracing a plan in harmony with your healthiest weight will very naturally get you there in time no matter how much time is needed. It's not a race and the scale isn't the primary focus--it's all about the plan that fits you. Once you have a plan that fits, maintaining consistency will be much easier.

If you're within driving distance of me in Ponca City, Oklahoma and you're ready to register--click the link and I'll see you on the 24th! If you have a question, text it to me or call and leave it on voicemail--either way, I'll get back to you quickly! 580-491-2228

In my experience, it's critically important to take pause for not only deciding on your on-plan approach in particular circumstances but also pausing to remind yourself of the importance of you and how your plan boundaries are set to ultimately take extraordinary care of you. Clearly defining those boundaries has been paramount to the consistency of my plan.

Maintaining the boundaries of our non-negotiable elements fosters growth in every other area of this process. When we disregard those boundaries, it stunts our growth and the result is often: We feel stuck and feel like we're doing the same thing over and over.

If consistently maintaining the boundaries of our plan is what brings growth and a natural evolution of the plan--and that consistency is what brings about positive progress, then we must first look at the plan--and make sure it's something we can maintain.

If it's too extreme, we're setting ourselves up for disappointment.

But if we start small and with simplicity, and it's something we can work with inside the boundaries of the plan--that's when something magical starts happening. The challenge becomes the action of releasing judgment for what we might perceive to be an imperfect or incomplete plan--when all we're trying to do is get started from a place where consistency is the focus--and trusting that this approach will allow for a natural evolution of our plan. On the opposite side: If we decide we can't move forward unless everything is perfect within some elaborate "ideal" plan, we're setting ourselves up for a serious struggle with starts and stops.

One of the biggest threats to my consistency is emotion/stress levels.

One thing that's really helped me in this area is to examine not only my current state of mind and emotion but also my expectations for food at any particular moment.

Do I expect it to take me away from and improve emotional/stressful circumstances? 

Or Do I expect it to simply provide energy and nourish me physically?

Looking at my own expectations pushes me in the direction I need to make more progress toward handling things in ways that truly work, instead of me constantly relying on and believing that escaping into the food will help.

The food does provide a temporary reprieve from the circumstances at hand, but it's never improved the things I avoid, ever. In fact, when I turn to food for these things, it compounds my issues. I try to remember that often.

My continued recovery depends on a daily practice of my plan. I often refer to the different elements of my plan as my "rails of support." I hold onto those rails every day. If ever I wake and say, "look, no hands," get ready to witness a hard fall.

A few Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 8, 2018

March 8th, 2018 Essentials

March 8th, 2018 Essentials

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Keeping tonight's edition short. Just the essentials!

The workshop I'm proudly presenting is set for Saturday the 24th. If you're within driving distance of Ponca City, Oklahoma, I really want you to join me for this powerful 3-hour event! If I can answer any questions for you, text or call 580-491-2228. I'll get back to you quickly.

If you're ready to register, here's the link to Eventbrite:

I found this from one of my Facebook "microblogs" in 2011-- thought I'd share it here tonight:

When almost all hope is gone, when it seems darkest, impossible, void of even the smallest chance it might ever turn around—this is when a most critical decision is made. Is it really hopeless? Or is “hopeless” a story exclusive to our imagination and the perspective we choose? It will be whatever we decide. If we decide it's hopeless, we're instantly relieved of the decision making process from that point forward—we'll be shaped by the changes coming. However, if we choose change despite our challenges—if we make this crucial decision now—we instantly render powerless every excuse and past rationalization keeping us locked up. People overcome incredible odds every day. We're people. We're capable of amazing things.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7th, 2018 Twitter

March 7th, 2018 Twitter

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

I recently stopped tweeting all of my food and drinks each day. I did it for two months shy of four years. Those Tweets still exist on my twitter feed--not that anyone would want to--but seriously, you could go back and look at every meal dating back to late April 2014. Talk about an internet rabbit hole! I'm still logging and tracking everything in MyFitnessPal. My MFP diary is set to public, so feel free to friend request me through that app! My MFP username: SeanAAnderson

For whatever reason, I've received a half-dozen messages the last two days from readers missing the tweets. I'm a people pleaser, so I'm bringing 'em back. Just kidding! :) But seriously, if I thought it necessary to remain well and in maintenance mode, I'd still be doing it.

Michael writes: "I don't get here as much as I used to, but just realized you stopped the tweeting and posting of your daily food on here and twitter. In it was it's like a loss for me too. I used to enjoy the posts and got many ideas for my own daily food recipes from them. I still remember that meal we had at Guadalajara at Boulder Station and before you ate you had to tweet out the meal. I felt a part of that process that day, kind of looking behind the curtain at the wizard doing his work. End of an era, but I'm sure the time savings for you are immense. But still, a small part of me will miss the comfort of those tweets."

Michael, sir, it was an honor to meet you and share that meal together, I remember it well! I'm looking forward to occasionally sharing meal ideas and recipes--plus adding "calorie-adjustment" suggestion for smaller calorie budgets.  The time savings was a big factor in the decision. I sincerely appreciate your support, always--thank you!!

Weighing, measuring, logging and tracking my food--that's something that doesn't change for me-If I ever proclaim the end of those elements, that means I'm in trouble!!! The Tweets was an extra measure, a redundancy I actually grew to enjoy fairly quickly, but they've served their purpose and now I'd rather use that time in other ways.

And I'm still deciding different ways to use Twitter. Occasionally featuring a meal, recipe, or perspective is most likely how that'll look. I'll tweet a picture or video every now and then and I'll also use it to promote Transformation Planet and anything else in my future.

Speaking of Twitter! Dinner tonight was one of my favorites!!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6th, 2018 Some Perspective

March 6th, 2018 Some Perspective

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with support!

I also received a tremendous outpouring of support concerning last night's blog post. Thank you, thank you--I sincerely appreciate every single comment, message, text, and email. It really helped me process things much better. I needed some perspective!

Losing three brothers in different ways and all at ages way too young is something of a ridiculous long-shot. I think I have a shade or several shades of "survivors guilt." If you were to go back a decade or more, I was most likely on a path to die young. I spent nearly twenty years at 500-pounds and somehow, by the Grace of God, I'm still here. And they're not. It doesn't seem fair for them--and feels overly generous for me.

It's been one of those "busy but good" days. I'm hitting the pillow a little later than I intended, but still earlier than usual for a Tuesday night.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5th, 2018 Feeling Feelings

March 5th, 2018 Feeling Feelings

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

My younger brother on my dad's side, Chris, passed away last night. He was 40 years old. I didn't know him, in fact, I only spoke with him a handful of times. But still, I've felt an awkward feeling all day with this news.

First of all, the ones who I feel genuinely for tonight are his mother, stepdad, sister, and the father we had in common and any other family member on my dad's side that knew and loved him. I don't mean to sound so cold and disconnected, but this isn't my loss, it's theirs.

My loss was in not making the time to get to know him. And to be fair, it was a mutual disconnect between us. It's not like either one of us ignored each other, we didn't--we just didn't make time to connect.

What's messed with me most today is the fact that all of my brothers have passed away. I'm the only one left. My youngest brother Shane died at 24, My older brother Danny on my dad's side, at 42, and now a younger brother.

My brain immediately goes to regret. And it's regret for what I didn't do with all three.  I was super-close with Shane, we were raised together--and although we spent a lot of quality time together, I've always felt like in many ways, I could've and should've been a better big brother to him. With Danny, I sincerely wish I would have been more persistent and proactive in developing a relationship with him and now, his daughter, with whom I'm ashamed to admit, I've lost contact. I could have done more of an effort to get to know Chris, too. But all of those opportunities are behind me and they're not coming back.

I really feel for Chris's mom and the dad we had in common. As my dad put it, "we're not supposed to outlive our children," but here he is, going through the agony of losing a child for the second time.

I'm okay like I mentioned--I've just felt emotionally off and awkward today.

I'm not face-first in the food, though, and that's something for which I'm immensely grateful.

Sometimes, feeling the feelings is difficult especially when I'm being exceptionally hard on myself. Also, since I have much more experience NOT feeling feelings by stuffing them down with food than I do actually feeling feelings, it seems a little more difficult to handle.

What can I learn from these feelings and emotions? That's something I'll ponder for a little while.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, March 4, 2018

March 4th, 2018 Did Well

March 4th, 2018 Did Well

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, I enjoyed a good workout at the YMCA, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I was able to get plenty of sleep this weekend. Sleeping in meant today's food schedule was slightly tilted, but I'm okay with it all. I got some work done, a workout at the YMCA, a visit with mom, a few fantastic support exchanges, and a fabulous dinner prepared at home. I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to today, but I did well.

I just wrapped cleaning my kitchen. It's amazing to me how simply cleaning up a room or kitchen somehow inspires progress in other areas. Have you noticed this dynamic? It's as if the order of our living space mirrors the order of what we do each day. Does that make sense or am I just rambling here?

Tomorrow's a brand new work week. 4:30am alarm comes too soon! Goodnight!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, March 3, 2018

March 3rd, 2018 Couldn't Help It

March 3rd, 2018 Couldn't Help It

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

I started today feeling the positive effects of a solid eight hours rest. I don't get enough--and truly, it's been a long-running issue with me. I certainly feel the difference when I do get enough!

A visit with some family from my hometown was canceled today, so I went ahead and picked up mom and Noah as planned and we made our way out and about. We enjoyed lunch out, a trip to Walmart, the park, and finally because it was too windy at the park, the indoor PlayPlace at McDonald's. Noah had a great time and so did mom. I did too! Cindy dropped by for a little while on her way back home, joining us for lunch and the Walmart excursion before hitting the highway. Cindy's visit was an unexpected surprise and added to the fun!

After driving Noah home and taking mom back to her place, I made a quick store run. I always go in with a short list in mind, like tonight: Coffee and gouda--and it never fails, I end up with a few more items. Well!! I couldn't help it--a three pack of red, yellow, and orange bell peppers for $2.29 was a steal-- and a pound of strawberries for $1.19...uh, yeah, I need some of those! I had dinner ingredients waiting at home, so it wasn't anything I needed for dinner prep--but I can't resist great deals!

I keep my meal options open. For some, planning meals well in advance works better. For me, I like to have a few options that work for my food plan, then deciding on the meal the day of, or even at the last minute, works. One personal rule I maintain is always logging the ingredients in MyFitnessPal prior to eating. This way, if it's too much for the calorie budget, I can easily scale it back before the meal, instead of adding it up later--running the risk of forgetting ingredients and being shocked by the number or exceeding budget.

I decided on oven "fried" catfish tonight. I found fresh catfish filets on sale yesterday for $3.99 a pound! I ordered a pound. That easily makes two meals for me! Can you tell I'm a bargain shopper?

The weighing and measuring everything at home and work is a non-negotiable for me. I don't take a food scale to restaurants, but the experience I've gained in weighing and measuring everything at home and work informs my "approximate" amounts while dining out. It's a necessary part of my continued recovery and maintenance because my brain can't be trusted with this stuff! I need a fair measure of certainty in my calorie budget calculations--and my trusty food scales provide the certainty and better prepares me away from home and work.

I'm hitting the pillow within minutes. I plan on another good night's rest.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, March 2, 2018

March 2nd, 2018 Pivotal Role

March 2nd, 2018 Pivotal Role

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Day 2 of no food tweets and it's going well. All food is logged in MFP and I'm noticing how much time I'm saving. So far it's a great experience. If it seems like I'm making too big of a deal out of it--and maybe I think I am... remember, the accountability Tweets played such a pivotal role in my recovery, I think I kind of worried how I might respond without their structure and routine. I'm doing everything the same as before, just minus the food pic, description, and tweet. Each on-plan day that passes will reinforce that it's okay. I'm incredibly grateful to be in this maintenance position. 

The past two days have been super busy with work. I didn't get home until after 6pm and that's left me rather depleted for the night. I'm hitting the pillow without an alarm set for tomorrow morning. I plan on getting the rest I need!

I have a little more work to complete this weekend and more in preparation for the workshop I'm presenting March 24th. I'm really excited about this workshop! People are signing up--and that's exciting! If you're within driving distance of Ponca City, Oklahoma--I would love for you to join me on the 24th!

The event description and sign-up link:

In the fall of 2008, Sean Anderson set out on a mission to uncover the personal plan that ultimately ditched the diets, enabling him to reclaim his life at a healthy weight. Sean works his plan each day in maintaining a 300-pound weight loss and mentors others toward the development of their own personal You Plan and ultimately their own dramatic transformation. This workshop event can help you get started in a way that establishes clear and reasonable goals, sets up accountability and support measures, and helps you create the YOU Plan for long-term sustainable results. This workshop isn't a diet plan. Mostly, it's a collection of perspectives and practices that could lead to your healthiest weight with enthusiasm and consistency. Are you tired of the exhaustive diet mentality merry-go-round? If you're ready for a different approach and different results, this workshop might be just the thing for you! Registration/attendance at The You Plan Workshop also comes with a private accountability & support Facebook group page exclusively for attendees of this and future You Plan workshops.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March 1st, 2018 Felt Weird

March 1st, 2018 Felt Weird

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed connected with good support.

It felt strange not doing the food tweets today. Or maybe the extra time is what felt weird, I don't know. All I know is, when you do something night and day for almost four years, then stop doing it--it feels very different. It's different in a good way in this particular case.

I logged everything in MyFitnessPal, finished the day a little over 40 calories under budget, and all is well. I'm well. 

It's been a very long day. I'm doing myself a favor and hitting the pillow before it gets way too late!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,