Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16th, 2018 Things Change

September 16th, 2018 Things Change

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

On September 15th, 2008, the same day I started this blog, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. It was the financial crash of 2008. I discovered this yesterday and found this shared date rather interesting. That day was a pivotal day for many people.

I thought about the choices and behaviors creating 505 pound Sean and how on September 15th, 2008, it all arrived at a pivotal moment. Lehman Brothers, I'm sure, gave much more thought to their choices and behaviors leading up to that day. The road to recovery for me (and the economy) hasn't been a straight line but the trends in the charts and graphs look very promising ten years later!

I guess it's all an example of how there's hope for better days. No matter how deep, no matter how lost, no matter how disconnected we feel, there's hope.

Things change. The truth asserts itself until change happens with or without our intent or action. Usually, if the change occurs without our intent or action, it isn't pleasant or even the least bit desirable. This is where my mantra, slogan, or whatever you want to call it, came from: "I'm Choosing Change Before Change Chooses Me."  Because let's be honest, change is constant--it's coming one way or the other, right?

I sincerely enjoyed every single congratulation and word of support I received about yesterday's 10th Anniversary, or, uh-"blogiversary," as it's called in the blogging world. Thank you!! I'm grateful, humble, and I appreciate your kindness!

I'm working on the goal intensive workshop today with Life Coach Gerri. I'm so excited about her coming out of retirement to work with me again. She's one of the best and that's what makes this workshop extra-special. I'm co-facilitating and co-presenting, however, I'm also a student of this workshop. I'll be working on my goals right alongside you.  If you're interested in this four day-four hour goal intensive workshop, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you registered and ready for tomorrow evenings first session!
The 1-hour workshop sessions start on a secure conference call line at 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific each night this week, Monday, Tuesday, skip Wednesday, then again Thursday, and Friday.
Here's a promotional video!

If you're ready to once and for all take action toward smashing obstacles and accomplishing goals, I want you in this 4-day/4-hour workshop!
Text/call with questions: 580-491-2228 Or email me:

Okay! I'm ready for a good Sunday. I plan on doing a little bit of work at the studio--then working a good amount of time with Gerri on the workshop, and then, I'll be spending some time with mom this evening for dinner and a store trip.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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