Monday, September 17, 2018

September 17th, 2018 Productive

September 17th, 2018 Productive

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Gerri and I had a very productive work session yesterday as we continue to prepare for this week's goal intensive teleconference line workshop. There's still room for you! Email me right away if you want details on how to join us! It's simple.

Gerri coached me years ago through the process of writing my book, Transformation Road, and also at several points along the way over the last ten years. I'm very grateful she's coming out of retirement for this special event! It's fast-- 4-days and 4-hours, but it will be powerful!

I spent some time last evening with mom and Noah. Mom and I made the trip to pick up little man for dinner and a store trip. It wasn't a long outing but it was quality time together. Quality over quantity! He's growing up incredibly fast. Every time we get together with him we notice signs of his continued learning. 

We dined at a Mexican place--and for me and my food plan, it works very well. I prepare chicken fajita and sour cream crunchy tacos--oh my, always satisfying, delicious, and easy to log into MyFitnessPal! 

Today will be an involved workday at the studio before tonight's workshop. I have a couple of special projects to complete plus a midday taping of the cable access TV show I host for the school district. Staying on point with my schedule will be today's challenge with appointments at 11am, noon, and 2pm. My big goal today will be an exercise session this afternoon after work and before tonight's workshop.

My food plan is set, my morning foundational routine is complete, and I'm ready to make this day work well.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sean! So happy you're still here. I'm back after a long absence - new beginning for me. Best - LuckyMama


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