Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 24th, 2020 Life

May 24th, 2020 Life

Since our last edition: I've maintained the integrity of my food plan boundaries, I've remained refined sugar-free, I've met or exceeded my daily water goal, I've enjoyed some really good walks and a few body-weight strength routines, and I've stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Good morning! Thank you for coming here and catching up with me on this blog! I woke up way too early this morning, couldn't go back to sleep, then decided to make the best of it by embracing the opportunity to get started early on a good day ahead. Of course, as a professional nap taker, I certainly reserve the right to do just that at some point today.

Update on mom: Things continue to go well for her. She's loving her Facebook Portal device more and more, especially as she gets more comfortable and acquainted with its touch screen controls. She seems to be in a stable period, health-wise, for which I'm immensely grateful--especially considering the circumstances of our world, right?

For me, work has required an extra-sharp focus of late. It isn't necessarily taking more time, but it is requiring me to stay on point, accomplishing tasks and moving to the next, while prioritizing the list of things that must get done. With that written, I did have an extra-long day on Friday, in excess of twelve hours, but those days are rare. I was working to complete a 17.5-minute audio documentary that'll air as a Memorial Day special presentation.

One thing, regardless of the schedule or circumstances, I must connect spiritually, mentally, and directly with others each day in order to protect my daily plan practice. I believe we have a finite amount of emotional, mental, and physical energy each day--and when it's gone, it's gone. Saving just enough for the daily practice of things that help keep me well is an ongoing and extremely important thing. Inside the fortress is the peace, calm, and stability I desire--so defending the fortress each day is a requirement.

With all the uncertainty in the world providing an endless stream of things beyond my control, the intentional actions I can control each day provides a measure of calm and certainty in an uncertain and chaotic environment. The schedule, the world events, the stress, the bills, the daily responsibilities, mom's health and wellbeing, unexpected challenges, emotional agitation (positive or negative varieties)---all of that stuff still happens, but if I'm defending the fortress of this daily practice--if I'm reserving just enough energy to care and be responsible for it each day, then those things can be what they are: Life. The circumstances of the day no longer need to hold the "good or bad" switch to my day-to-day plan practice. The circumstances of the day may, in fact, make things much more challenging--but it is in those moments where it's imperative for me to pick up the tools of my personal recovery instead of picking up the food. I must lean into the very real, comforting, and supportive tools of this practice rather than leaning into the temporary illusion of comfort my food addiction behavior provides.

You might read the last two paragraphs and think, "Boy, that Sean has got it all figured out." And if so, you would be wrong. I don't "got this." I don't know it all. I'll never claim to have it "all figured out." I'm not an expert of any kind. I am an addict. I humbly get down on my knees each morning and ask for guidance to help me maintain this daily practice of things one more day. That foundational routine not only connects me spiritually, mentally, and emotionally--but it also connects me with my gratitude list, positive visualizations of the road ahead, and positive affirmations I need to remind myself of the good things I'm making important each day--and the "why" for it all. One day at a time, ya know?

I spend a lot of time each day in mutual support with others "in the same lifeboat." Many of these support connections are not client/mentor/coaching relationships. I give as much time as I can, very freely, and in that, it also helps me in tremendous ways. I need good support just as much as anybody. This important piece of my continued recovery must always remain consistent.

Another thing I do and have done for years is to offer two direct options for mentoring/coaching. If you're interested in my personal mentoring as you create your own unique plan practice, there's limited space available right now. Another 8-week session of my small and private support group starts on Wednesday May 27th and Thursday May 28th. We have spaces available in our powerful group! I also have room for one more one-on-one client. For more details about how it works and for answers to your questions, email me right away: or text your questions to 580-491-2228. I'll get back with you quickly!

I'm ready for a good Sunday. I hope yours is a good one, too! Thank you for reading!


I recently showed mom this pic in order to help her create some positive visualizations of times we hope and pray come again someday soon. We will get to hug again. She will be able to get her hair fixed again. We will enjoy dinner out and shopping trips together again. Thinking about it made her smile from ear to ear. It was so much better than the laser focus on the limitations of what we can't do today. Better days ahead!

Do you own an "I'm Choosing Change" wristband? I wear mine daily as a constant reminder of why my daily practice of things is important. For me, it's simply a daily reminder to be open, willing, mindful, to pause, and to be intentional. If I'm not those things, I get stuck at the line of least resistance and back there is where the old patterns and behaviors thrive. Your order includes priority shipping so you'll get it quickly! Here's the link to order yours right now:

My website shares a phone number with my podcast, Transformation Planet, and it's always available for you! Have a question? Want to share your story? Leave a voicemail or Text me! 580-491-2228 I'll text you back!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

My website:

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for Android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 20 episodes waiting for you!

Questions or comments? Send an email!

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