Monday, March 27, 2017

March 27th, 2017 Most Things

March 27th, 2017 Most Things

I haven't been managing my calorie budget well. I should never have nearly 400 left at the end of the day. But lately, for a variety of reasons, it seems difficult to hit certain marks throughout the day. The optimal level for me is somewhere between 1500 and 1600 before dinner. That gives a reasonable dinner amount and leaves a normal amount of calorie for some fruit as I write this blog.

With over 400 calories left, I concocted a crazy combination tonight--that I'll admit, was a little much this time of night. It was refined was within my calorie budget--yes, but still, I feel overly full from it--and I don't like that feeling. I suppose it conjures up memories. I think, from now on--when I have too many calories left, I'll just leave them on the table. I'll eat a reasonable, normal amount of fruit--and call it good. If I want to prevent going too far under budget, then I'll need to plan better throughout the day.

Anyway-- nice "problems" to have, I know. And it isn't about any one food item really--to me, it's more about a rhythm and style of eating--and breaking that rhythm even while maintaining plan boundaries, can eventually break the plan.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded today's water goal, and I stayed well connected with support.

The schedule is still nuts and will be the rest of this week. I'm hoping our threat of severe weather tomorrow diminishes quickly. But as it stands, it's there.

I take mom to the doctor tomorrow. It'll be a fast back and forth midday trip because tomorrow is also the day we transition to all new hardware and software at the studio.

I'm handling the stress a little better than expected. It's going to be a wonderful thing. It'll simply take time for adjustment. Isn't that true for most things?

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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