Wednesday, April 19, 2017

April 19th, 2017 Adds The Challenge

April 19th, 2017 Adds The Challenge

We spent today adjusting after the tilted schedule surrounding Oliver's arrival into this world. I know Courtney's exhausted and several others, too. For me, it adds the challenge of giving a hoot about my maintenance plan when all I can think about is getting more sleep. And giving a hoot means I must be willing to act, not react. If I react, I'll dive into the food. If I act, I'll recognize the dynamics in play--acknowledge what's really needed (sleep-not food), and if that isn't enough of a deterrent, I must be willing to defend the integrity of my plan by picking up the phone and calling in support. If I can't muster the energy needed to give a hoot, I have support friends who can remind me how much I really do give a hoot.

I did make it home for a nap this afternoon after a quick stop at the hospital to see Courtney and Oliver. They were in the process of being discharged, so it was a short visit.

One of my goals today was to make time for my workout without making the workout the last thing on my list. The further down the list it goes, the less likely I'll do it. I was successful by inserting the workout time right before dinner preparation.

I enjoyed a short visit with mom this evening. She's doing well and looking forward to seeing little Oliver again.

Noah's adjusting to having a baby brother. I was told he's already asked Oliver to "stop making noise." 

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I made time for a great workout at the Y, and I stayed well connected with solid support.

Have you signed up for the accountability and support groups I co-facilitate with Life Coach Kathleen and Jordan Burgess? Our next 8-week session starts Monday and Tuesday with five different membership options. Our groups include a weekly teleconference group coaching/mentoring call, a secret Facebook group page where we interact with all fellow group members privately on a daily basis, and text/call spot support--plus, the opportunity to build accountability and solid support connections with fellow members. We're a team. And we would love for you to join us!

Have a question? Please email me right away:

For complete group descriptions, details, fees, discount codes, and sign-up links click HERE.

Our newest offerings include a Tuesday midday group at 1pm Eastern/Noon Central/10am Pacific and an early Tuesday evening group starting at 6:50pm Eastern/5:50 Central/3:50 Pacific.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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