Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22nd, 2017 Communicator

April 22nd, 2017 Communicator

I'm a communicator. That's what I do every single day. My goal is to communicate information, perspectives, hope, inspiration, and sometimes, simply--a laugh or two.
Doing stand-up comedy. Opening for Ronnie Milsap.

When I'm on the air, I'm communicating in service of the area I call home. Local information, great music, fun contests, a laugh or two in the mornings, and when the need arises, I get serious for severe weather coverage.
Those are not duck lips. I promise.

I'm a communicator. And the things I'm most passionate about communicating aren't about the latest number one country song, or a well-written and delivered punch line. The things I'm most passionate about communicating involve personal transformation. The perspectives for sustainable weight loss are the things I'm most passionate about communicating each and every day.
At a transformation speaking event last year
Speaking at the Mid-States Conference for YMCA-USA--Kansas City
I love communicating about transformation. And I do it from a place of personal experience. I'm not perfect, ever--far from it in fact... and the learning process is a never ending thing for me as I practice my maintenance plan every single day. 

Logging my food each day became one of the non-negotiable elements of my plan when
I started the turnaround from a monumental relapse/regain.
I'm proud of the communicating I do and others do on my podcast Transformation Planet. I know, I know--I'm severely behind on releasing the next episode--it is coming, I assure you!!! If you get a chance, check out season one's first 14 episodes. It's available for free in iTunes, on Google Play, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts.
I never know what to do with my hands. Ricky-Bobby and I have this in common.
Regardless of the images projected--aside from the assumed confidence--behind the message--and at the end of the day, I'm still me. I'm still as stable as my next choice. I'm still fallible, I'm still imperfect (and always will be), I'm still learning. I'm never immune from relapse/regain--I'm working my plan each and every day, just like you--just like my co-facilitators in the weight loss accountability and support groups I co-founded with Life Coach Gerri years and years ago. The heart and soul, the compassion, the empathy--the desire to communicate effectively...the willingness to be vulnerable--and all of the personality traits, good and not so good, still live within me---I'm still me. If you're in the struggles of obesity, I get it--I understand. I've lived it. Our personal and unique situations and circumstances might be drastically different--but the common denominators and contributing factors of our obesity are often strikingly similar. 
Old stand-up head shot at over 500 pounds
Well over 500 pounds-Likely my heaviest
With friend and former colleague Ryan Diamond at the Oklahoma Association of
Broadcasters Awards Banquet-500+ pounds. And a nice mullet.

I partner with two people who are just as passionate about their own plans and also about helping communicate messages of hope, inspiration, and perspectives for sustainable weight loss through strong accountability and support. Life Coach Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess join me in offering memberships to our small, exclusive, and powerful weight loss support groups. We have some openings and we'd love you to join our team. 
Update: Monday night primary group is full. Monday night one on one premium group has
two positions available. Tuesday Lunch With Kathy group and the Tuesday Night
Early Bird and the original Primary group still have a few positions remaining. 
If you're interested in trying something different, join us. For more information, rates, discount codes, and more click on this link It'll take you to the blog post all about the next 8-week session starting Monday and Tuesday the 24th and 25th of April.

We coach/mentor from a place of experience. We're communicators.
That was a fun blog post to assemble! I'm really serious about getting the next episode of Transformation Planet released VERY soon. If you're a subscriber, thank you for your incredible patience!!

From the mailbag:
Congrats on the new grandson, first of all.  I know he and Noah must be keeping you busy.  But I miss you, Sean.  Your podcast is my favorite, and there hasn’t been a new one in over a month.  I hope you are doing well and will put out a new podcast soon.  You keep me honest, and I follow you on MFP. Your fans also want to know how Nathaniel is doing.  --Thanks, Sherry

Sherry, thank you so much. Episode 15 featuring Half-Size Me's Heather Robertson is coming--I promise! I think you'll really enjoy her story! As for the new grandson--oh my, he's amazing. Mom and I visited with Oliver and Noah this evening--and it's almost impossible to accurately articulate the level of love and joy when those two are in the same room.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support. I'll do my best to repeat these things tomorrow!

Today's Accountability Tweets:
Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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