Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18th, 2018 Don't Know

September 18th, 2018 Don't Know

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Good morning! I woke with a grateful and optimistic attitude. I've discovered how, when I practice visiting my gratitude list, things go better--I feel better.

Creating my vision board for the goal intensive workshop I'm doing with Life Coach Gerri has been a really good thing for me to see. It's more than a "dream board," it's a positive reminder of the goals I'm very capable of accomplishing with a committed action plan, an action plan that's broken down into doable steps and actions each day, an open mind for learning, and patience for the process.

When I'm trying something new--anything really, my brain will often try to hijack the actions needed, replacing them with doubt or alternative ways of creating the outcome I desire. I guess it does that as a"I know what to do" type of response. But honestly, when it comes to growth, accomplishing certain goals on my list, and any kind of change required to move in that direction, I clearly don't know, or I would have already done it. An open mind to new-to-me techniques and being okay with not needing to know "the how," is critically important. If I do the actions, the how reveals itself along the way.

The first night of the goal intensive went really well. Tonight it's all about obstacles! Oh my, it's going to be a good night.

Work has been intense lately for various reasons. I'm practicing a diligence at the studio--a focus that's on a level I haven't had in some time because right now is a critical time. It's important for me to compartmentalize my energy each day. When I'm "on the clock," I must be productive and time managed. This tighter focus has helped me see where I can apply this practice in other areas of my life.

Anyway-- I better get going. Another day is in front of me!!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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