Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 30th, 2017 It's My Brain

April 30th, 2017 It's My Brain

I haven't felt the best today. Mom hasn't either. In fact, her nurse called me today to inform me of her condition. It's nothing serious, but certainly, includes unfavorable symptoms. I'll spare you the graphic details. I haven't had the same extreme symptoms she's had, but I've felt not well. I slept well last night and I've made rest a priority today. I'm over 400 calories short of my maintenance calorie budget and I'm going to let that be okay for today. An occasional day below budget isn't a bad thing. Besides, since I'm about to retire for the night, I'll have been up less than 12 hours--so actually, it seems reasonable.

I need the rest tonight. Tomorrow is a heavily involved day from start to finish.

I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish this weekend. I did maintain the integrity of the plan that keeps me well. And that is a wonderful thing to me.

I had fun with dinner tonight. I made pita pizzas. Let me be clear--pizza, like the kind from a pizza place, is certainly on my list of trigger foods. I do not, under any circumstances, eat take-out pizza, not because there's something wrong with it--rather, it's my brain--If I eat a slice, my brain wants 8 more. That's how I'm wired. It just is. And that's precisely why I must make my plan important each day--otherwise, I know what happens--I've lived what happens when I don't make a daily plan important.

Is it the refined sugar in the crust and sauce? Is it the prominence of take-out pizza in hundreds of binges from my past? Maybe all of those combined. Pizza from a "pizza place" isn't my food and it will not be my food for as long as I live with continued recovery. That's just me. Maybe you can do it and be perfectly fine. I know myself well enough to know, I can't.

But for whatever reason, when I take the time, consideration, and care in making certain all ingredients are refined sugar-free, and I take the time to meticulously chop and weigh, to the gram and ounce, each ingredient, then I log it all in MyFitnessPal--it changes it for me. Now, instead of my brain categorizing it as an "indulgence," it's simply categorized as an on-plan dinner--weighed, measured, logged, refined sugar-free--and enjoyed.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget (as in 'didn't exceed'-I was over 400 calories short), I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I really hope and pray mom is feeling better tomorrow. I hope to feel better too. I stopped by for a fast visit this evening. The anti-nausea medication had rendered her absolutely out of her head. She was in a zombie state and wasn't making any sense with her speech and thoughts. I'm grateful that she's in a place where she's getting the immediate medical attention she needs at any given time.

I'm grateful for many things, actually.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, April 29, 2017

April 29th, 2017 In Defense

April 29th, 2017 In Defense

Today started at 2am when the weather radio sounded the alarm. I was just getting some solid sleep and suddenly it was time for weather coverage. This happens. And I must remind myself--it's the season, it's not this way year round (thank goodness). What made this exceptionally challenging was the location broadcast scheduled for 10am. Today required some careful navigation and consideration. I was able to get more sleep this afternoon into the evening, but of course, now, it's made it very difficult to be tired at an appropriate time. The rest of the weekend is affected when things get tilted like this.

Maintaining the boundaries of my food plan is something I take very seriously. When the schedule gets tilted, I find myself leaning on the pillars of my plan--more support communications, and basically, a more mindful approach. When things aren't on a consistent schedule, it's like juggling flaming torches. The goal becomes--don't get burned!!

I didn't get burned today. I had a good food day. I had to hurry this morning in order to make breakfast, but I made it and it was good.

The non-negotiable elements of logging everything and no refined sugar are two things I embrace regardless of circumstance. If I allowed these to be compromised every time the schedule is compromised, I'd quickly be 500 pounds again. The imagery I use is of a boulder in a stream of water. Sometimes the water gently flows around it--sometimes it rushes around it, crashes into it--and turns into ferocious whitewater rapids--but the boulder stands. It's much easier when the water gently flows. When it doesn't, in terms of my daily plan-- it requires me to strengthen certain elements in defense. I reach for support contacts more, I get more spiritual, and I focus on getting what I need--what I really need (like today's afternoon nap).

My brain always says excess food is the answer. That's how I'm wired.

The actions I put first either support the truth: Excess food isn't the answer. Or enable the illusion. Staying connected physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, is key for me.  

Challenging day!

I visited with mom this evening and enjoyed dinner and conversation with my oldest daughter.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, April 28, 2017

April 28th, 2017 A Win

April 28th, 2017 A Win

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with super support. That's a win!

A midday location broadcast until 1pm made for a late lunch--and I wasn't prepared. I normally keep a package of almonds or an apple handy, but not today. It wasn't a big deal, but it was a small circumstance when I started feeling hungry and the offers of free food keep coming. I picked up my phone and shared the circumstance with support contacts, reminded myself that lunch wasn't too far away, and I headed straight to my "plan approved" favorite Mexican restaurant immediately after the broadcast.

I didn't feel too much at risk because the items being offered would have required a complete jump off the wagon, over the cliff, and onto the canyon floor below. But with that written, I do know for a fact if the right combination of elements came together, I'd make that leap. Being prepared with a plan was/is/always will be my greatest defense. I can limp forward with a couple of out of sync plan elements, like a delayed lunch, but Lord have mercy if I ever assemble the "right" combination. 

I visited with mom a little while before going back to work tonight to wrap up some production I wasn't able to finish earlier today. I'm hoping we dodge the weather we're expecting overnight.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, April 27, 2017

April 27th, 2017 Only Fair

April 27th, 2017 Only Fair

Dinner out with mom was part of the plan today. She fully expected another trip to the Mexican restaurant a couple blocks from my apartment--the one I never really get tired of--the one I eat from at least once a week, the one where they know me so very well--they simply ask, "beef or chicken this time? Do you want cheese with your order?" We didn't eat there tonight. Instead, we dined at mom's favorite place. It's only fair, I suppose! It did give me the opportunity to eat a couple things I rarely eat, but enjoy, because I don't keep them at home--cottage cheese and okra. It simply took a few questions answered by our server for me to order with confidence. "How many ounces on the grilled cod?" "What kind of seasoning do you use on the cod--and can you simply use salt and pepper?" "Can you do me a favor and please check the cottage cheese container for milk-fat percentage?" Questions they probably don't get very often. But important enough for me to ask.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I stayed well connected with support contacts, and I completed a good cardio session at the YMCA.

Tweets take us the rest of the way...

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April 26th, 2017 The Importance of Acting

April 26th, 2017 The Importance of Acting

It's good to be here. I had a nice long gratitude session today, where I really thought about all of the things I consider blessings in my life. This blog is on that list. This week marks three years of daily postings and this daily commitment has no doubt, played a big role in keeping my awareness level, support connections, and daily plan in focus.

It certainly doesn't mean it's easy. The challenges of late have been large. Mental, emotional, and circumstantial challenges have tried me. I try to remind myself, each day, the importance of acting instead of reacting. The deeply ingrained reactions to compulsively eat instead of face whatever it is in front of me, don't just disappear. It doesn't matter how long I've maintained this healthy body weight, if I stop acting--and revert to reacting, I'll quickly lose peace and stability with food. That peace and stability is on loan and the payment required of me involves actions.

Acting involves a lot of things--the fundamental elements of the daily plan, of course. But the biggest action is always reaching for support. It's one of the toughest things to embrace, and one of the most important, in my opinion.

I took a 1/2 sick day today. I didn't sleep well last night and I had a dentist appointment this afternoon, so the 1/2 day was a good move. It allowed me to get a little more rest before the extractions.

I've rescheduled this appointment twice because of my schedule and also because I've been dreading it so much. I was relieved to get this part of the process behind me.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I thought I might feel well enough tonight for a gym trip--but honestly, I don't. I'm dropping in bed.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 25th, 2017 Once Again

April 25th, 2017 Once Again

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

Looking forward to writing more tomorrow night. Until then, I'm out of time. Once again, letting the Tweets handle tonight's edition.

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, April 24, 2017

April 24th, 2017 Tweets Only

April 24th, 2017 Tweets Only

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Super late, Tweets-only post tonight.


Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, April 23, 2017

April 23rd, 2017 Fully Charged

April 23rd, 2017 Fully Charged

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, I stayed well connected with excellent support, and I made time for a great workout at the YMCA while listening to some of my favorite soft rock 70's and early 80's music. I've decided--learning how to play the piano is on my bucket list.

I'm keeping it short tonight. I need to be fully charged tomorrow!

Tomorrow kicks off the next 8-week session of the weight loss accountability and support groups I co-facilitate with Life Coach Kathleen and Jordan Burgess. Just a quick update: We have one spot remaining for our premium one-on-one package, spaces available in our Tuesday 1pm Eastern group, and spaces available in our early 6:50pm Eastern Tuesday group.

You still have time to join us!
Monday primary group is full, One-On-One premium has 1 spot remaining, Tuesday Lunch with Kathy has space available as does the early bird 6:50pm Eastern Tuesday group. Click the links below to register!

The 8-week Monday Night Premium One-On-One Group has one spot remaining.
Fee: $200 Sign-Up link:

The 8-week Tuesday Lunch With Kathy Group has four spots available.
Fee: $120 Sign-Up link:

The 8-week Tuesday Early Bird Group is a brand new offering! We have seven spaces available!
Fee: $120 Sign-Up link:

If you have any questions--please email me directly:

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, April 22, 2017

April 22nd, 2017 Communicator

April 22nd, 2017 Communicator

I'm a communicator. That's what I do every single day. My goal is to communicate information, perspectives, hope, inspiration, and sometimes, simply--a laugh or two.
Doing stand-up comedy. Opening for Ronnie Milsap.

When I'm on the air, I'm communicating in service of the area I call home. Local information, great music, fun contests, a laugh or two in the mornings, and when the need arises, I get serious for severe weather coverage.
Those are not duck lips. I promise.

I'm a communicator. And the things I'm most passionate about communicating aren't about the latest number one country song, or a well-written and delivered punch line. The things I'm most passionate about communicating involve personal transformation. The perspectives for sustainable weight loss are the things I'm most passionate about communicating each and every day.
At a transformation speaking event last year
Speaking at the Mid-States Conference for YMCA-USA--Kansas City
I love communicating about transformation. And I do it from a place of personal experience. I'm not perfect, ever--far from it in fact... and the learning process is a never ending thing for me as I practice my maintenance plan every single day. 

Logging my food each day became one of the non-negotiable elements of my plan when
I started the turnaround from a monumental relapse/regain.
I'm proud of the communicating I do and others do on my podcast Transformation Planet. I know, I know--I'm severely behind on releasing the next episode--it is coming, I assure you!!! If you get a chance, check out season one's first 14 episodes. It's available for free in iTunes, on Google Play, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts.
I never know what to do with my hands. Ricky-Bobby and I have this in common.
Regardless of the images projected--aside from the assumed confidence--behind the message--and at the end of the day, I'm still me. I'm still as stable as my next choice. I'm still fallible, I'm still imperfect (and always will be), I'm still learning. I'm never immune from relapse/regain--I'm working my plan each and every day, just like you--just like my co-facilitators in the weight loss accountability and support groups I co-founded with Life Coach Gerri years and years ago. The heart and soul, the compassion, the empathy--the desire to communicate effectively...the willingness to be vulnerable--and all of the personality traits, good and not so good, still live within me---I'm still me. If you're in the struggles of obesity, I get it--I understand. I've lived it. Our personal and unique situations and circumstances might be drastically different--but the common denominators and contributing factors of our obesity are often strikingly similar. 
Old stand-up head shot at over 500 pounds
Well over 500 pounds-Likely my heaviest
With friend and former colleague Ryan Diamond at the Oklahoma Association of
Broadcasters Awards Banquet-500+ pounds. And a nice mullet.

I partner with two people who are just as passionate about their own plans and also about helping communicate messages of hope, inspiration, and perspectives for sustainable weight loss through strong accountability and support. Life Coach Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess join me in offering memberships to our small, exclusive, and powerful weight loss support groups. We have some openings and we'd love you to join our team. 
Update: Monday night primary group is full. Monday night one on one premium group has
two positions available. Tuesday Lunch With Kathy group and the Tuesday Night
Early Bird and the original Primary group still have a few positions remaining. 
If you're interested in trying something different, join us. For more information, rates, discount codes, and more click on this link It'll take you to the blog post all about the next 8-week session starting Monday and Tuesday the 24th and 25th of April.

We coach/mentor from a place of experience. We're communicators.
That was a fun blog post to assemble! I'm really serious about getting the next episode of Transformation Planet released VERY soon. If you're a subscriber, thank you for your incredible patience!!

From the mailbag:
Congrats on the new grandson, first of all.  I know he and Noah must be keeping you busy.  But I miss you, Sean.  Your podcast is my favorite, and there hasn’t been a new one in over a month.  I hope you are doing well and will put out a new podcast soon.  You keep me honest, and I follow you on MFP. Your fans also want to know how Nathaniel is doing.  --Thanks, Sherry

Sherry, thank you so much. Episode 15 featuring Half-Size Me's Heather Robertson is coming--I promise! I think you'll really enjoy her story! As for the new grandson--oh my, he's amazing. Mom and I visited with Oliver and Noah this evening--and it's almost impossible to accurately articulate the level of love and joy when those two are in the same room.

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support. I'll do my best to repeat these things tomorrow!

Today's Accountability Tweets:
Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, April 21, 2017

April 21st, 2017 This Blog Isn't One Of Those Things

April 21st, 2017 This Blog Isn't One Of Those Things

It wasn't long after last night's post when the need for on-air weather coverage sounded the alarm. Mother Nature doesn't plan on my schedule. I thought it might be mild enough to be simple, perhaps some prerecorded "these storms aren't severe" type messages would suffice, but no. As soon as those were produced, actually five minutes later, storms intensified and different coverage was required.

It's important for me to clarify, I'm not complaining. I'm very fortunate and grateful to be able to do what I do for a living. The point is how the challenges of the job require unique maneuvering of my day to day plan. It was a short night and a long work day. And those two are not a good combo. When I'm pushing through a schedule like that, it requires an awareness level set to high-I'm on guard. By the time I arrived back home this evening, I was laser focused on a few things: Preparing an on-plan dinner, honoring two one-on-one mentoring session commitments and relaxing--maybe even taking a short nap to recharge enough to write this blog post. I might be wildly inconsistent with several things--but this blog isn't one of those things. 

You up for a time travel? Let's go back almost three years ago to a post written at the very beginning of my turnaround from a 164-pound relapse/regain. As you'll read, as far as the schedule goes--the craziness is nothing new for me. What I've discovered though--is it isn't necessarily about me trying to "tame the beast" of a schedule--it's about making sure I do the things securing my plan come what may.

I'll bold some things that stick out to me along this time travel. We're going back to April 27th, 2014--over eleven hundred individual blog postings ago, where we find some familiar themes...  

April 26th and 27th, 2014 Riding My Wild Schedule

I've never been the best planner or the best routine/schedule keeper. My schedule often takes on the personality of a bull or wild bucking horse with me holding on for dear life. Taking better control over my schedule, or at least taming the beast enough for a smoother ride is something in need of my focus.

This time of year is wild for my professional schedule. With warmer weather comes more remote broadcasts on the weekends and of course, we're diving into severe weather season when our broadcast schedule is affected by the natural whims of Mother Nature. Both of these elements factored into my Saturday ride.

Writing and sharing about how I felt out in public after gaining weight was a great idea because it attracted exactly the kind of support I needed, encouraging me to shift my perspective and hold my head a little higher. The stories I create in my head during these public situations are just that, stories. And they're not accurate, serving absolutely no positive purpose.

I started my Saturday with a good breakfast and a 9am broadcast start at the YMCA. There was one person in particular whom I haven't seen in a long time and who I look up to immensely—and because my first interview choice wasn't immediately available, I interviewed him. He's the nicest guy you'll ever meet. As the director of the local YMCA, he's witnessed my weight loss attempt in 2004 and of course my Transformation Road starting in 2008. I look up to him because physically, he's what I desire for me. I don't know him well enough to say whether or not he battles weight issues—or more specifically, food addiction, but my best guess is he doesn't. But again, I have no business committing that guess to fact. Even still, he's so incredibly compassionate and welcoming—encouraging and positive—not a negative vibe from him at all, and he conveys all of that with a simple smile and warm greeting. I was at ease. I did my best to quiet the voices inside my brain telling me how disappointed he must have been to notice my obvious weight gain. I had to deliberately remind myself that I'm on the right track and I'm okay. I'm fine. No, really—I'm okay, I'm pointed in the right direction and that's a comforting fact. Besides, I haven't any business deciding what other people are thinking about me. And honestly—what many have pointed out, and it's so true: People aren't as focused on us as our brains would have us believe—they're mostly focused on themselves...and that's good.

My next stop was a museum and that was easy. The next three remotes scheduled all revolved around food: A smoked turkey leg fundraiser, The Big Battle of The Burger Cook-Off at Lake Ponca benefiting the Mission and a Dutch Oven Gathering of World Champion dutch oven cooks raising money for the Red Cross. I declined to be the talent for all three, passing them off to a co-worker and opting for the final broadcast of the day at a casino grand prize giveaway.

The time off between broadcasts gave me time to grocery shop, prepare a nice lunch at home and grab a nap before the final broadcast of the day.

The threat of severe weather was looming and looking likely after midnight and when severe weather threatens our broadcast area, I go to the studio to report the information. Instead of heading to the trail for exercise and sitting down to write this post, I headed to bed for a nap in order to be prepared for the overnight storm threat. And we did have some storms. By 1:30am, I was on my way to the studio.

Good thing this isn't a typical day's schedule. It's very important for me to do three things each day: Maintain the integrity of my calorie budget, complete some form of exercise and write in this blog. Those three things are of utmost importance. When I consistently journal in this blog, I become much more consistent with everything else.

My Sunday was interrupted by my Saturday schedule, simply because I didn't get to bed until morning and I slept until almost 1pm. It was mid afternoon before I had my first bite of anything.

A friend suggested a late lunch out at a restaurant. I've often taken great pride in my ability to navigate pretty much any menu of any restaurant and do okay. But right now, as I am today—no. I'm too fragile and I must stick with what's safe. I declined the suggested restaurant.

I planned on spending some time at Irene's house this evening with both of my daughters and my grandson Noah. They were planning a meal that sounded delicious but again—it wasn't what I wanted or needed right now. So I packed my own dinner and took it over! It worked out great!

That's just how important this is to me. I'm planning to win.

Back to the future...

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with excellent support.

A major part of planning to win, for me, and countless others--has been and continues to involve securing excellent accountability and support. I'm proud of the accountability and support groups I co-facilitate with Kathleen Miles and Jordan Burgess--and we're just a few days away from our next 8-week session! If you're interested in joining our support team, click HERE for the blog post with all the details, fees, discount codes, and sign-up links. And if you have any questions, please email me!

Okay--back to bed for me. My schedule this weekend is mostly clear with a good chance of rest and relaxation. I'll be sleeping in tomorrow (Saturday) morning!

Today's Accountability Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,