Great Reader Question and Sean—Shut Up and Workout Already, Geez!
I was up at 4am, showered, dressed, drinking coffee, and cooking an amazing egg white/mushroom/mozzarella breakfast wrap for 230 calories. I love these things and the high fiber content of the whole-wheat flat bread wrap is a wonderful bonus. I grabbed a banana and an apple for later on the way out the door shortly after 4:30am. It was an early start with plenty to do today. It was easy really, because I’ve been getting to bed relatively early considering my history as a night owl. Getting more sleep has been a wonderful thing lately. I really am trying to get my sleep schedule in order because I realize how important it is for overall health and well-being.
Occasionally I like to share e-mails I receive from readers. Understand, I would never share anything too personal from an e-mail, but a topic like this is wonderful to write about---and sharing the e-mail exchange is convenient for me. I received a very nice e-mail from a new reader, Amy H from the weight loss blog “No To The Deuce.” She's doing fantastic, check her out!
Amy had a wonderful question: I'm a relatively new reader to your blog (only about 2 months or so). I understand you keep your calories within a certain limit, but I wonder if you worry about the content of your calories. I only ask because it is something that I struggle with. I, too, keep track of my calories (loosely) and have been having success on the weight loss front (my blog is No to the Deuce). I sometimes think I'm not getting enough fruits and veggies everyday and wonder if just keeping track of calories without paying attention to what's in those calories is wise. Do you try to get a certain amount of fruits and veggies in your diet, or do you only watch your total calorie intake? Just curious. Really enjoy your blog, Amy H.
My reply: Great question. One of the reasons my journey has been so successful is because I've kept it very simple. Especially in the beginning, anything went---it didn't matter---if I wanted to eat 1500 calories worth of lasagna, I would---and did one day! It didn't matter to me what I enjoyed, as long as I didn't exceed 1500.
What happens is this: We gradually evolve in our choices. It's a very natural way to change. In the beginning, I might eat a 110 calorie pack of Funyuns as a snack mid-morning. Now, 9 times out of 10, that snack is fresh fruit---either an apple or banana, sometimes both. But this was a very natural evolution of my habits---fueled by my desire to get the best "calorie value" for my calorie "buck."
Too many times in the past I would immediately try to implement these changes from Day 1---and it wasn't natural, so I failed horribly. This is why I believe eating "whatever you want" is imperative to success. It's too easy to get caught up in fat grams, fiber grams, how many ounces of water I should drink, the sodium, the cholesterol, anti-oxidants, good fat vs. bad fat, and a bunch of other variables along this road. People that make it complicated like this, usually fail. I speak from experience. If someone/anyone can let go and uncomplicate things...and just eat whatever in limited amounts (1500 calories a day)---and let their journey and growth happen naturally instead of forced---then success comes easily.
Already today I've had fresh mushrooms (in my amazing egg white breakfast burrito), a banana, and an apple.
It is important to eventually work more and more fruits and veggies into our day to day lives, but it's not imperative for consistent weight loss. I've certainly proven that. It is incredibly healthy to do it, yes, and my eating habits are slowly evolving into a much healthier pattern...but again, naturally and easily. I hope that answers your question,
My best always, Sean
Wednesday is weigh day and I’m really regretting not having a more disciplined workout plan in place. I’ve proven to myself that a limited number of calories alone can give me positive results on the scale, but I certainly understand the importance of consistent exercise. Consistent exercise is what has made me so successful so quickly. And I’m sure you must be tired of hearing me complain about my struggle to return into that workout groove, but I’m just being honest. I’m still struggling. It was worth it though, changing up my schedule, the late hours, it was all totally worth it. The schedule I’ve kept for the last couple of months has been absolutely nuts and the workout schedule has suffered greatly. My average weight loss per day has declined, but is still steady, which is surprising and kind of lucky I think. And that continued success has contributed to my lack of discipline in returning to a consistent workout schedule---because, hey---I’m still losing, I’ll get back in there, be cool. But it’s not cool at all. I’m actually very upset with myself for this discrepancy in my performance and consistency. I’ll get it back, I will…and we’ll get to where we’re headed in grand fashion as always.
I feel so wonderful these days. Despite the previous paragraph, I’m feeling on top of the world physically. This is what I’ve dreamed of, and it’s happening, it’s really me I see in the mirror. I sometimes can’t believe what I’ve done. And I’m most proud of how it’s affected the ones I love. After hating the way I looked and felt my entire life, I’m finally experiencing the magic of loving ones self. It’s a beautiful thing. Thank you for reading. Goodnight and…
Good Choices,

My grandpa is on the far right. This picture was taken during the end of World War 2. Perhaps celebrating victory? Who knows, whatever the's a treasured family picture recently discovered by my Aunt Jean at grandmas house. Today would have been my grandpas birthday. We all miss him dearly. I really wish he could have witnessed my transformation. It's a form of "calendar regret." Had I only done this sooner. You can't go back and change the past, but you can move forward changing the habits and behaviors of the past. My grandpa would be so proud. And really, I know he is proud of me. I loved that man so much. Happy Birthday Grandpa!
mmmmmmmmmmmm....funyons. I do the same thing. Most days I eat healthy...but if I just wanted say some haribo peach gummies (best thing in the world short of popcorn) I eat six of them for 150 calories. I could concievably eat 1600 calories worth, but boy would I feel sick. I think its funny that I eat more calories than you do. I would rather work out like a maniac and eat more I
ReplyDeletewell, glad all is well in your world.
I think one of the biggest differences to me on this diet has been the consistency of my workouts, but then my life isn't quite as hectic as yours! I am sure if it was, something would have to give.
ReplyDeleteAbove all though, exercise makes me feel so happy about my body and so much more in control - I never want to stop doing it!
What a great photo of your gramps - a lovely find.
Good luck for your weigh-in tomorrow, I am sure it will be better than you think.
Sean, As your friend...stop sayung you will...and just do it! You know you want to, hit the trail and get your butt in gear! How was that for tough love ;)
ReplyDeleteWhit(your 5am reader)
saying**, it's 5am give me a break!!
Thanks for the shout out, Sean!
ReplyDeleteI have taken what I read here and try to do it in my everyday life because I know that watching everyone else eat something good and me eating veggies just wont happen. I need to learn that I can eat what everyone else is just less and maybe find a filler food with less calories if I am still hungry. Thanks again for your weight loss wisdom!!
ReplyDeleteDude, get a copy of that picture of grandpa..that is way cool
ReplyDeleteIm glad she asked that question in such a nice way because I have been thinking the same thing, but didnt want to seem like I was being mean because you have done an awesome job. I have worried that your diet doesnt seem very healthy. If the journey is about getting healthy then time to get rid of the junk and eating whatever you want mentality. What about fat content, cholesterol, sodium? If It's been a long and great journey eating whatever you want and probably time to start incorporating healthier things...less cheese and more veggies. Then you will REALLY feel better. Also now that you are so much lighter your workouts can be so much more intense than just walking and the pounds will FALL OFF with the combo of healthier food and more vigorous exercise. Great job and I love your blog. Always motivating.
ReplyDeleteI too was concerned. Thanks for the clarification.
ReplyDeleteJust had a similar discussion with a group at work this morning. We all agree that as we feel better, we want to eat a bit healthier. For the most part, plenty of fruits and veggies, less candy and cheese but mind you, one of my snacks yesterday was 67 calories worth of Raisinets (a "fun" size pack). Yes, I could have eaten an apple but it wasn't what I was craving - chocolate! Today, I could care less about candy and have already had an apple and a banana this morning.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a lot of us have been questioning the "healthy" factor in your journey, lol. I'm glad Amy H. emailed you....I've been following her from Day One and she's just an awesome girl. Thanks for sharing the email Sean...that was very cool. And I just LOVE old glad this one was found....such a treasure of the heart. :)
ReplyDeleteI miss your Grandpa too. I thought about him yesterday on his birthday and called your Grandma to say hi to everyone, but they were gone, so I left a message. That's a terrific picture! I have quit weighing at home since I joined Curves. You weigh and get measured once a month there. I'm anxious to see my results in a couple of weeks. Good luck on the weigh-in tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteLovely photo - very nostalgic. :)
ReplyDeleteAs a veggie, I always thought I was destined to be a high-carb, low-protein kind of girl, but I've recently discovered egg white omelettes and I'm LOVING them! To the extent I'm now trying to make my meals as high-protein as possible - I'm no longer hungry half an hour after eating as I was when I ate lots of pasta or potatoes!
I have onion and chili flakes in my omelettes and they give them a real kick!
Good luck with your weigh-in. :)
Hello Son, Your grandpa looks like he is the cut-up or jokester of the group. Thank you for shareing it. love ya
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the evolution of choices. Eventually it just becomes automatic! Which is pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteThat's an awesome photo.