Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What's Going On With Me?

What's Going On With Me?

Several friends have expressed concern for me lately and I sincerely appreciate their inquires. I thought it best to update anyone else who might be concerned: After two sleep labs and a new cpap machine, my body is still rejecting the therapy. This constant state of exhaustion has taken its toll on me in several ways. It's affected my job, my weight loss, my attitude and emotional well being—basically, it's wreaked havoc. 

It's now affecting my voice, and for someone like me who makes a living by speaking—that's pretty scary. 

I've done okay with food because I know eating more isn't the solution to the issue, even when you're too tired to care most of the time. As far as exercise goes, I haven't lately. Why? Aside from the obvious exhaustion, the lack of rest has had an effect, as if I were staying on my feet constantly, causing extreme swelling to my right leg with lymphatic issues (something that, thanks to weight loss, hasn't been an issue in over 4 years). This effect has left me very cautious about putting too much pressure on it for fear of skin breakage. That hasn't happened and I'm doing whatever I need to do to keep it from happening. 

I received a facebook message from a reader who asked, “You're obviously struggling because you're not posting regularly, so how can you “coach” others in your group with Gerri?” Great question, a fair question indeed. First of all, Gerri is the certified life coach in our group. I am a “coach” too, based exclusively on my personal experiences along this road and my ability to communicate and effectively encourage and offer support, as I've done with hundreds of people over the last five years. My struggles with this medical issue hasn't affected my ability to relate to group members, offer suggestions, inspire and motivate in my unique way. The group helps me too, especially with the support and guidance of group members—and of course Gerri Helms, one of the best life coaches in the business. 

 My goals and plans are wonderful and they're still valid, waiting, if you will, while I attend to my immediate health concerns. I'm taking care of me and doing it the best I can with self- compassion and a realistic approach. I'm scheduled to see a specialist tomorrow afternoon and I'm looking forward to finding solutions to my health concerns.

Thank you for reading and for caring,



  1. Sean....We are all life coaches in my book...if we have lived it we can coach it. Who better then someone who has been on both sides! YOU! I am praying for you to get the help you need to get your health under control! Please stay in touch with us. We all care about you and are here to support you!! BIG HUGS!!

  2. So glad you checked in Sean. I was thinking about you yesterday and was worried that you were struggling. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending energy and healing.

  3. Sean,
    You are and always will be my motivation. Things happen and you need to take care of yourself first. I know first hand how not sleeping and being exhausted is on the body. I am finally resting at night and my weight loss in back on track. So you take care of you and keep posting when you can.

  4. Wow Sean. I'm sorry your going through all this. I was hoping, as I'm sure you were, that a new settings on the c-pap would be your answer. It is horrible to be exhausted all the time. Thanks again for opening your life to us all. We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. How tacky of that person to imply that you can't coach or to imply that you are struggling (I mean, they don't know that!). Sorry people are so rude and sorry your health isn't cooperating. I hope the specialist can help. Sending good thoughts!

  6. Although my numbers are the same as yours, I have gone through the same roller coaster ride you are on. Some people will tell you to stop that, but it isn't a conscious decision I make, and one I am sure you dont choose either. Emotions and life's hard balls thrown at our heads play a lot into it also. You will be ok. If you have any doubt, you need to ask for help. The way you would want someone to ask you, if a friend of yours was in the same 'trouble' or situation you are in. Remember. You are not alone
    :-) <3

  7. Sean, my wife has had similar struggles with her CPAP therapy and exhaustion. Our doctor recommended Nuvigil and it has helped her greatly. If you haven't already, you might check with your doctor about medications that can assist with the daytime somnolence.

  8. Every leader struggles--that's just a given of life. I guess it's all about how we proceed with our struggle that is the distinguishing factor. :-)

  9. Hey Sean ..sending you good thoughts and hope everything goes well with you. Started wrapping legs for the lymphadema and it has really helped. I went to physical therapy with a lymphadema specialist and learned that even when I loose the weight I will still need to deal with my lymphadema.

  10. Sean, I know it's rough, but hang in there, please. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  11. I'm so glad you haven't given up! These health problems sound super frustrating, but if anyone can get past them, it's you. Take care of yourself and hang in there!

  12. I hope you get some answers from your specialist, Sean. And I think it's wise of you to listen to your body regarding not pushing the exercise.
    I had to chuckle over the idea that because you are navigating bumps in the road, that should somehow disqualify you from encouraging others! You've gone through so much, learned so much, and are still being teachable and learning. So Yay you for sharing those experiences with others!

  13. Sean, I cannot tolerate the c-pap machine. I found a dentist who specializes in a dental appliance called Somnomed for the treatment of sleep apnea. It has been a life saver for me, and I am still making adjustments to it meaning it can only get better. It's pricey ($3,000) but lasts for 10 years or more; but the best thing is that it least for me it has. Google Somnomed and you can find a dentist in your area. Might be worth looking into! Best wishes. Sue

  14. for those reading this blog, the combination of skills and experience that Sean and I bring to our groups has been working so well for those who've participated. Sean may not have formal coach training, but he brings insight and life-knowledge to the table.

    To the person who saw fit to throw stones, shame on you. Sean has never hidden his personal 'Transformation Road'. In fact, he's still on it and I'm proud of how he has shares, not only his success but also his struggles. Not everyone has a straight path. After years of yo-yo dieting, I was able to catch my winning formula in 1993 and my path has been fairly straight ever since. I've had a few health challenges that caused fluctuations but like Sean, stay the course and that makes both of us winners.

    While Sean seeks to balance life, health, sleep and food, he continues to show up for those in his life and who read his blogs. I for one, am very grateful for his 'story'.

  15. Take care Sean. Sending you lots of positive and healing energy all the way from Australia. Get well soon. Life is beautiful. This too shall pass. Bhavani.

  16. Sorry your still struggling with the sleep issues, I feel for you. Hope you get it all sorted out soon. Hang in there, you're a fighter so I'm sure you'll get through it. Thanks for checking in always good to hear from you.

  17. I also hope you get some good answers and help from the specialist. How very frustrating to have to deal with these problems and then have a reader try to pull you further down. Sometimes I marvel at how lacking in compassion people can be. Hang in there and update us as you are able. God bless. :)

  18. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. You continue to help others with an honesty few possess because you sincerely care about people. You provide an open forum which allows someone to ask the hard questions, such as your qualifications. We support you, as always. Keep up the good work and remember to rest when you can. Gail

  19. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers that this gets resolved for you and you'll back tip top in no time. Thank you for sharing your story, always an inspiration Sean!

  20. There are ups and downs along any journey. I appreciate the honesty and hope that you will find answers to your health issues very soon!

  21. Hey Sean - I too am sorry you are struggling with the sleep issue :( Sometimes (as you know I have done) its time to step back and just focus on ourselves...hope things improve! :)

  22. If you are living it you can coach it. I'd hate to be coached by someone who hasn't had personal experience with struggle. One day at a time, one step at a time.

  23. dude. Hang in there...I understand.

  24. Sean, you have always been my hero and you still are. You are human, compassionate, honest and true. I pray your health problems will be sorted soon. Much love from across the pond. Hugs Galore too. Sheilagh xxx


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The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.