Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13th, 2015 Too Late For My Own Good

April 13th, 2015 Too Late For My Own Good

I have so much to write about this week! The topic I mentioned in yesterday's post and my response to an article written for CBS News about the underlying biological issues of obesity. I can't wait to dig into these topics. I will later this week. 

Once again, I find it way too late for my own good. It was a busy day, a good one, and I hit my marks--except with water. I'm not sure what my deal is with water consumption the past couple of days. I'll adjust and be well.

This is a good night to let the Tweets tell the story of today. I must drop in bed!  

My Tweets Today:

(You can't edit tweets for grammar? **...but the machine and I felt it was time) :)

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. I'm loving pears at the moment - but isn't it spring where you are?

    1. It is spring here. The produce departments in America do "out of season" sourcing from countries with warmer climates. Out of season might mean paying a little extra, but whatever you're looking for always seems to be available from somewhere in the world. I'm looking forward to watermelon and cantaloupe season around here--lots of locally grown produce will become available over the next couple of months...tomatoes-- fresh, straight from the garden tomatoes are amazing...and squash...Mmmmm... Pears are probably my favorite fruit, as long as they're ripe and juicy!

  2. My 2 cents... I love my ice cold water with lemon...lovely treat and makes me drink more. Have a great day!

    1. A, thank you for the reminder. This is an idea for me. It might just make a difference. I'm putting lemon juice on my grocery list.

  3. At least the machine didn't say "me and the machine" - :)
    Can't wait to hear what you have to say about the underlying biological issues for obesity.

    1. LOL, right, Nancy! I can't wait to write about it! Likely Wednesday night's edition.

  4. water is my constant battle too! I can have days where I don't drink a drop. Just completely forget! I even go through whole gym workouts without realising I have no water until I see someone else drink! Not sure of the answer there.

    1. It's certainly not my preference. I know some people who love it--and can't get enough, easily drinking enough and more than enough each day. Different than us, FFF! I'm going to try the natural flavoring option with lemon juice and maybe some lime juice as well--as suggested by anonymous in the above comment.


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