Day To Day Is Different, Micro-Blogging on Facebook, and Reviews Are In!!!
Every now and then I flashback to how it once was for me. The food addiction, the compulsive/emotional eating binges---and the thoughts and dynamics I allowed. It's just a distant, somewhat foreign thought process now, yet extremely familiar. It's always out there, reminding me, keeping me grounded, making sure I never forget from where I came and serving as a constant reminder of dynamics and choices that kept me there for so many years.
My day to day life is very different in regard to my behaviors with food and exercise. I never skip breakfast and I'm naturally aware of calorie values of everything I consume. My choices reflect the last three years of being "calorie aware." This training, so to speak, has become a very natural guardian of my weight loss.
Is it always a breeze? NO! Do I still have moments of weakness, where the best choice isn't made--OF Course. I've never been perfect and I'll never be. I'm not an expert on anything, except me--I am an expert on Sean, absolutely. Just as you're an expert on you.
My exercise routine these days is challenging and at the end of the day, rewarding. I attend spinning class for one hour on Monday's and for forty-five minutes on Wednesday's. I attend a bootcamp workout on Tuesday and Thursday's. The weekend finds me occasionally walking in the park or doing the weight machines at the YMCA.
Many of my blogging friends have expressed concern over my lack of posting---and have even called me on my own words from the last two post, where I proclaim: "I'm going to write this blog more often!" Thank you, my friends---and yes--My intention is to return to a more normal posting schedule sooner rather than later.
I've finally finished the manuscript for my book. It's done, finally!! "Transformation Road--My Trip To Over 500 Pounds and Back" will be released in the fall. I'll post some early reviews below, plus an excerpt of the foreword by Ralph Marston. I'm so excited that Ralph has written the foreword. If you know this blog---and how much I admire the writings of Mr. Marston, you can imagine my excitement over his contribution.
As I've taken a break from writing the blog--I'm comforted by the whole--and not the latest post. The twenty-two months straight of daily writing was an almost insane commitment--but it has proven to be worth every hour invested. I may not have realized what I was doing at the time---but as the blog proceeded and the weight dropped, I was learning all kinds of invaluable information about me. I hope you're friends with me on Facebook---and if not, I hope you'll add me.
I don't have a "fan page" you can "like." I just maintain a personal facebook account---and I welcome you to become my friend. Just as I've slowed my contributions to this blog, I've increased my activity on facebook. Let's call it, "Micro-Blogging." Not every post on facebook is a micro-blog---sometimes it's just a "good morning---and this is what I'm enjoying for breakfast"--type status update. But other times---a very nice dialogue develops on my facebook wall---where we discuss all elements of weight loss and transformation.
Here's a sampling of recent micro-blog post on my facebook page:
"My transformation has taught me about truth. It can hurt to accept because it threatens our comfort zone, everything we believe about ourselves, but as the truth reveals the sometimes painful pitfalls of our past, it shines on the road ahead—giving us clarity in its embrace. Truth is the instruction manual for the tools we already own and have always possessed. Truth is the key to freedom."
"When you start adding up all of the incredible benefits of weight loss success, you began to realize something vitally important: The physical transformation is one of the least. The transformation inside touches every fiber of who you are and what you do, say, and feel. That's real, my friend."
"Managing calories like cash shifts the focus to where it must be the strongest. Our energy to stay consistently within budget, naturally promotes better choices, or "investment decisions.""
"An "Iron-Clad" decision is non-negotiable. The commitment and consistency needed for success is protected by our "Steel Curtain Zone." Iron and steel, nearly impossible to break.'s everything."
"Time keeps on moving regardless of what we do. A year from now, you could look back on the biggest transformation of your life and realize, you no longer have "calendar regret." Because this time will be different in every way. This time, is THE time. Grab it, own it, and decide to be ahead of your time."
"Emotional eating was a major contributor to my morbid obesity. A vicious cycle was born, when seeking comfort in food resulted in more weight, and more weight created the need for more comfort. Breaking the bondage of this dynamic meant facing issues instead of running for shelter under the umbrella of all things tasty and good."
"Food, unlike most other addictions, can be enjoyed in normal-healthy portions. For me, an occasional treat is imperative, but a binge is unacceptable. Exercise can physically repair the damage of excess, but psychologically, the damage is often overwhelming, as it discounts our pursuit, suggesting our life changing choices are temporary at best. And “temporary” isn't good enough for us."
"If Day 1 is one of the hardest, then why did I make so many “Day 1's?” Getting Day 1 behind—and moving consistently forward to Day 21, 60, 100, and 365 is the goal. It becomes easier, the results thrill and naturally propel you to new levels of motivation, inspiration, and excitement. You're really doing it this time, like no other."
"“Someday” can't be found on a calendar. When we release the excuses and rationalizations keeping us where we are, we immediately start making “someday,” today. “I'm doing it” and “I did it” feels a million times better than “I will...someday.”"
"The Yo-Yo goes down, then up...down again, then up. The Yo-Yo is under our control and direction. When we sharpen the tools of self-honesty, responsibility, and consistency—and we diligently protect the integrity of our journey from emotional and circumstantial influences, we're finally able to break free and...cut the string."
"I was shopping Brace Books over the weekend, when they informed me someone had already reserved a copy of "Transformation Road." Without a set release date or price--didn't matter, they wanted a copy reserved! That's cool...very."
You'll find some interesting and powerfully insightful reader comments on some of the above "micro-blogs," and all can be found on my facebook page.
I've learned so much from so many wonderful people---and I'll never stop learning. This mutually benefiting relationship with family, friends, blog readers, other weight loss bloggers, and many people whom I've never met face to face---has been one of the most unexpected blessings of the past three years.
The early reviews for "Transformation Road" have been flowing in from those that have read the raw unedited manuscript. I'm excited to share some here:
Dave May has acted as an invaluable consultant in the final stages of putting the manuscript together. Before any changes were made, Dave read the entire book and offered the following:
"Don't think of this as a weight loss book. This book is for anyone who has ever battled themselves, in other words, it's for all of us. I believe we are all born broken and the only thing separating us is the individual routes we take away from, or toward wholeness. Sean's journey is laid out for you here with all of it's twists, turns, false starts, dead ends, and breakthroughs. Although the paths you and I travel may be different, I am certain that you, like me, will recognize many of the stops and ultimately gain insight into yourself through Sean's journey. I enthusiastically recommend this book, not for Sean's miraculous outer changes, but for his ability to take you on the inside, where real transformation must always happen."
Dave May
Director Poncan Theatre
"Mayday In The Morning"-KLOR Radio
Dr. Amy Cox also reviewed the book---and before she officially finished the review, she sent me a wonderful email: "I started reading the manuscript this morning...I hoped to get it read by the weekend. I just finished - I literally couldn't stop! It is AWESOME!"
This was followed by an awesome review:
"Sean Anderson provides a strong dose of hope in recounting his captivating journey to self-acceptance and health. His road to transformation was not easy, but few things in life are that are worth it. Sean reminds us that your biggest bully is often yourself and that you can change your “mix tape in your head” by becoming your own “captain”. This book demonstrates that the only thing that can make us feel good about ourselves is to realize our own self-worth, and to finally love ourselves. I constantly see patients struggling to make the mental shift required to commit to change and make good choices for their health. Whether you are struggling with weight loss, addiction, and self-acceptance or whether you are just looking to be inspired to finally commit to change and making good choices – this is the book for you."
Yours In Health,
Amy Cox, DC
The Ranch Chiropractic Wellness Center
Mary Anne Waymire offered her review:
"The Book is wonderful … I felt like I knew you after reading the book (even if I had never met you). The expression of your various feelings and the tug overweight people (like myself) have was awesome. I was a very skinny child and did not start having my weight problems until I was an adult. Children can be awfully mean spirited and I certainly hope I never was that way to anyone. You are a wonderful person, shining example of downright decency in a human being and just all around great guy! I predict this book will be an inspiration to many people as it is to me."
Mary Anne Waymire
And Gerri Helms---Author and Life Coach offered this very nice paragraph:
"With Transformation Road, Sean Anderson delivers a riveting story of a man who faced death and won. Amazingly, this isn't your typical murder mystery - it's Sean's true battle against a lethal killer - morbid obesity. For the millions who have lost faith in ever beating their own war with food, Transformation Road offers hope and inspiration."
Gerri Helms, MCC, CSC
Author, Trust God and Buy Broccoli, a Spiritual Approach to Weight Loss
Sending the raw manuscript to some of my writing heroes was tough. What if they didn't like it? I mean, really--seriously---if they don't, then OK---it would be a very tough thing to accept. I was so relieved when Ralph Marston finished the manuscript and replied with this wonderful message:
"I loved the book! It's an amazing story that's very well told."
That's a relief--because I had asked Ralph to write the foreword--and he did, brilliantly!!! Below is a small excerpt of his foreword:
"...Sean’s life up to this point has been an amazing journey, and he has now created an even brighter future for himself by virtue of the choices he has made. In recounting this story, he very generously and openly acknowledges a long list of shortcomings and insecurities, some of them quite intimate. That makes it all the more powerful and inspiring. After all, we each have worries, doubts and vulnerabilities that we often try to hide even from ourselves. And just as with most political scandals, the cover-up does more damage than the underlying issue. It’s wonderfully refreshing and inspiring to see what can happen when someone steps away from the excuses, lets go of the rationalizations, stops choosing to be a victim, and makes the commitment to make a positive difference.
Truth is powerful. The more you seek to hide from it, the more forcefully it asserts itself, until you eventually cannot deny it. The moment you put truth on your side, all sorts of positive possibilities open up to you. That’s what Sean Anderson chose to do, and it’s a choice that has turned his life around in a dramatic and inspiring way."
Ralph Marston
The Daily Motivator
Ralph has a truly timeless way with words--speaking such recognizable, I'm so thrilled and honored to have him provide the foreword!! Thank you Mr. Marston!
I'm moving forward with a confident spring in my step. I will contribute on a more regular basis to this blog---I know I've said it before, but seriously---You'll see.
I'm looking forward to the development of my website It will be a destination featuring many others---not just me---but YOU. I look forward to featuring so many wonderful people who have transformed so wonderfully. I'm excited about providing audio/video content and so much more. It will be the home of many more things--not just the book!
I'm posting some photos from the last couple of months---plus, as I like to do--a couple of before pictures!!
Thank you for reading. Goodnight and...
Good Choices,
A scary post-boot camp workout pic I look dangerously unstable in this one!!!
Smiling always makes it better!! Boot camp is BRUTAL!!! ;) But soooo Good!!!
On May 20th--My youngest, Courtney--graduated from Ponca City High School! I'm so proud of her!!! She'll be attending Oklahoma State in the fall--in a month!!! Oh my---that's quick!
With Courtney and Amber at the after-graduation party!
They're such wonderful sisters!!! They love each other so much!
My Aunt Kelli snapped this photo from across the arena at the graduation. It's a perspective I rarely get to see---and a wonderful reminder: I'm not the 500 pound man anymore.
With Courtney recently
At a birthday party/stand-up gig with singer Wade Tower. I was opening for Wade! I rarely do stand-up anymore---but this was a blast. It really was nice.
From the stage--performing stand-up.
A recent lunch. I have discovered many new foods I would have never given the time of day before---Squash and Zucchini--I love it!!! Who would have ever imagined??
Sometimes---Actually, most of the time, My calorie budget decisions are based on what I'm planning on later in the day or evening. This super-low cal breakfast checked in at 150--But I knew I was having a slightly bigger lunch not long after---and a dinner party in the evening. I adjust accordingly!
I cringe every time I see this picture.
With Courtney--a "before" for both of us! ;)
Big before. Wow...
So happy to see your post and can't wait for your book to come out! Glad to see you are still living the good life and eating consciously.
ReplyDeleteSean, so glad to see you... I just started a newsletter and you made the first edition for Missing in Action... Your ears must have been ringing! I knew you were doing fine but sure miss your words of encouragement... I'm having a magnificent journey myself. Please stop by. I've missed you. Mary (formerly 411 gurl)
ReplyDeleteSean, I've checked often. Your honest sharing of your life during the journey was more than we really deserved to know, yet it was also addictive. Even though you have earned, and DESERVE your privacy as well as your time, I think there are a number of us who miss the daily blogs. The mini-blogs on FaceBook are great. It helps to "know" a real person who has achieved what so many of us keep telling ourselves we can do too. Thanks for this blog and for all of the others. And even though I miss the blogs, go ahead and take your life back. :)
ReplyDeleteGod bless!
Mary--Thank you!! I made the newsletter!!! Uh, wait---maybe not the section I should be thrilled to make!! ;) Mary--it is a wonderfully magnificent journey---isn't it??!!? Congrats my friend!! Amy--Thank you so much. I really became addicted to my blog for some time--with good and bad consequences. Recognizing the obsession---sifting the good benefits from the bad---has been a major adjustment for me--but very much needed. I take enormous pride in this blog, obviously--and I do look forward to posting more often---this is a major part of my life--but it's certainly not the only thing that keeps me going strong!! You're one of the best, Amy, thank you!!
ReplyDeleteLosing it in Vegas---It is so refreshing to see you back online!!! Thank you for what you do!!
ReplyDeleteLooking great man! I miss your everyday blogs but understand that life gets in the way and I simply can't be done everyday.
ReplyDeleteI seriously can't wait for your book to come out! It sounds like it will be one a start to finish book without putting it down.
Great to hear that you are doing so well, Sean. I'm doing fine as well...still on the journey, but following your calorie-bank strategy.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the book.
Wow! So glad everything is going so well for your book. congrats on your daughter graduating. We haven't chatted in a while. I chose WLS after losing 50 pounds on my own and just reached 100 lost. My surgery has no food restrictions (VSG) so you still have to make good choices everyday. I think your book will be good for people like me too because so often people think surgery fixes everything.
ReplyDelete- Lisa
hey sean! saw this post but didn't have time to comment. I can't wait to see what you do with what's about to happen...what you were shooting for with stand's like that, but at a whole nother level. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteHow great to hear from you. And excited to find out when the book will be available. That is so cool that Mr Marston is doing the forward for your book. I remember you writing about much he impacted you.
ReplyDeleteI loved all those little snippets from Facebook! Guess I'll have to remember to go there and see what you're up to!
Glad to see you're steaming ahead. I think people worry just because if a weight-loss blogger vanishes, it's easy to think omghegaineditallback! Nice to see things are still moving head, and congrats on the book thingy. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi, Sean! Congrats on the progress with the book, and the wonderful reviews. Ralph's review in particular did a good job of capturing what I have loved most about your blog-- your honesty and openness. I want to add to what Amy said above, though. This blog was begun by you as a way to document your journey to a normal weight, to aid your progress. Now that you have achieved your goal and made the change to an entirely new lifestyle, which you have sustained for quite awhile now, don't allow anyone to make you feel pressured to continue it if it feels more like something that represents an earlier time in your life. You can cherish it and look back on it, but you're in a different place now. It doesn't mean you've gotten a big head or anything, it just means that you're moving on. Life is all about change, and the changes you've made are cause for celebration! You no longer have to let yourself be defined by food and weight issues. How freeing that must be! Hope you are happy and that all is well in your world! Thanks again for sharing your journey, it continues to inspire, and I'll look for you on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteSean, I have followed your blog for a while now and I can confess I was a little disappointed in not reading your post everyday, but I am so looking forward to reading the book coming out in the fall. I hope you will be doing a book signing and hit Alabama with it, so many of us would love to meet you. All the best....Tracy
ReplyDeleteWow, loved all the comments from those who reviewed your book Sean. Each had something unique to contribute. Your radio interview was awesome. You are going places, and making a difference in so many people's lives along the way. You have in mine.
ReplyDeleteTake care and God Bless,