Sunday, September 30, 2018

September 30th, 2018 Sipping

September 30th, 2018 Sipping

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I'm a big ole wimp, I'll admit it-- there, just did. Or--hey, wait for a second!!! Maybe I'm getting older and that's why I felt like yesterday was partly a recovery day from Friday. "Partly" because it was still a work day--and it started super early like a weekday. I did grab a Saturday afternoon nap before my location broadcast last night at the Eli Young Band concert. I didn't stay for the show. Instead, I returned home, enjoyed a dinner date--then pretty much called it a night! I slept over nine hours last night!

I have some things to get done at the studio this afternoon before picking up mom for a Sunday evening outing. I also have some work to do on my own personal goal/action plan development process. Plus--oh my-- I don't even want to mention it...okay, I won't--but I will say, I have a personal project that is (long overdue) in need of my attention!

I'm sipping my coffee and I'm about to prepare a good breakfast.

This daily practice isn't a diet. It's a practice of intentional actions and clear boundaries specifically fashioned for me. Maintaining the practice helps keep me sane with food. If I'm honoring my daily practice, a measure of calm and stability is created.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, September 29, 2018

September 29th, 2018 Ability To Adjust

September 29th, 2018 Ability To Adjust

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Yesterday was one of those busier than expected days. My plan waking up yesterday morning was very different than what ended up happening--a 17-hour workday. Days like that are very rare for me. Important for me is the ability to adjust, pivoting as needed to navigate the challenge. It's interesting that I was just writing about accepting and embracing challenges--and then, bam, super-challenging day.

The original plan called for a mid-afternoon nap before a dj/emcee thing at a local elementary PTA event. Instead, it was straight from work to pick up equipment, home for a very quick refresher shower and change and straight to the event. The original plan called for a 1pm client recording session but that was changed to 10pm. At this point, all I could do was smile and be grateful that I was able to do it while keeping within the boundaries of the plan that helps keep me well.

I put on a smile and gave the event my all last night. It was good. This is about the 9th or 10th year I've done this annual event.

I couldn't sleep in this morning. I was up super-early to run sound for the TallGrass Tour--then made it to the station for some work, and now--finally back home and about to grab a nap!

I have a broadcast from the big Eli Young Band concert tonight. I don't think I'll be sticking around for the concert, unfortunately-- I think my best move is to head home as soon as my broadcast is over.

I guess what yesterday and the first part of today taught me was how I can adjust when the schedule presses. It pressed! I suppose that's life. A big part of staying well for me requires me to meet life on life's terms without sacrificing the integrity of the boundaries in my daily practice. It's not always easy. In fact, some days it feels almost impossible--but it isn't as long as I maintain proper perspective. The day can get really unbalanced if it wants--I've got to be willing to do the intentional actions needed to help me stay balanced regardless.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, September 28, 2018

September 28th, 2018 Along This Road

September 28th, 2018 Along This Road

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Yesterday was a challenge, schedule-wise, but it worked well. A weekday mid-day location broadcast is rare for me. A two-station dual broadcast is even rarer. One thing I've noticed is how when the challenge is big, my attitude and perspective plays a major role in determining how it goes. Do I accept and embrace? Yes. Of course, you know me--I'm taking the experience and finding the parallels between it and everything else along this road many of us are traveling.

Acceptance of and embracing a challenge changes everything. The challenge might take me out of my comfort zone. The challenge might require me to stretch and try new things. The challenge might take me into uncharted waters--and in that direction, a "place" where there's less certainty--but if I accept and embrace, remind myself what I can do, learn from others that have gone before me--and change the attitude and perspective of my approach, suddenly---I'm ready to experience growth. The experience; the chance for growth is stunted if I'm constantly kicking and screaming.

This is where I am. Of course, this isn't about a broadcast schedule for me, it's about many bigger things. What challenges before me would be immediately transformed if I changed my attitude and perspective to one of acceptance and embrace? 

I kicked butt yesterday. The broadcast was a success in many ways. And I know it would have been very different had I brought a different attitude and perspective into the day.  Also, a different perspective and attitude allows me to find gratitude for things I might have missed otherwise.

It's just an example for me--something to think about as I evolve along this road.

Yesterday's Featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 27th, 2018 The Evolving Part

September 27th, 2018 The Evolving Part

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

It was bound to happen at some point-- a couple of half-asleep snooze bar touches and just like that, I've overslept! But not too much! I'll still make it to work on time for a good day. I have a big two-station dual location broadcast from 10-2 today--then it's back to the studio for a little while. I don't expect to get home until much later than normal. Part of my "getting ready" is making sure I have what I need to get me through this long day. Maybe I needed the extra 35 minutes of sleep this morning!

The following is a republish from the archives... 

The most interesting elements along this road to me, are the psychological/mental/emotional parts. These have the ability to swing in both directions depending on how they're used. It makes the difference between consistency and chaos. The food and exercise plans are fundamentals for success, but in my opinion aren't necessarily the most critical elements.

Make no mistake, learning the importance of your personal food boundaries (like my abstinence from sugar) quickly become monumental difference makers.

However, In my opinion, the parts between our ears determine our trajectory, every time. This is why many of us can experience incredible success doing different plans, or 'what works for us,' and still find so much in common along the way.

The greatest challenge is a matter of faith. Believing in yourself enough to ignite that certain something within you that says, "I'm doing this. I don't have all the answers, I don't know how necessarily, but I'm doing it and I'll figure out what works for me along the way." That takes big faith and courage.

This is especially difficult for anyone who must have all the answers before they start. Some of the smartest people I know have the hardest time getting started. I personally know of a doctor who is well over 400 pounds. A doctor! I use this, not in a judgmental way, but simply as an example to illustrate how it's not about intelligence. It's about simplifying your elements, your fundamentals--setting up some kind of support and accountability system and most importantly, keeping an open mind along the way. 

Incredibly intelligent people sometimes have a hard time simplifying. If you're struggling, is it a compliment to your intelligence?

It could be! Keep it simple, my friend.

Simple allows room for growth--it's that evolution of good choices we've discussed many times. Be careful though, something simple can easily be used to describe a means to an end. Like Paul Poundsoff's Aunt Mona, who lost 80 pounds eating cabbage soup or Paul's boiled egg and hot dog diet. Sounds simple enough. Easy grocery shopping! But is it something sustainable indefinitely? This question gives you the answer for any particular plan: Is what I'm doing or about to do, in order to lose weight, something I can slightly adjust into maintenance mode and continue doing for the rest of my life?

I enjoy what I eat. That's an important element for me. If I didn't, this would get real bad, quickly.

I tried a popular 'Nutritional System' over twenty years ago. I remember filling out this long questionnaire about my preferences before my in-office counselor filled a bag with my pre-boxed and dehydrated food supply. It was determined I had what they called a "high flavor set-point." I'm not sure if I know what that means, other than, I like my food rich, tasty and delicious. But doesn't everybody?

In hindsight, it seems a little crazy to make this "high flavor set-point" determination and then hand me a bag of what I considered barely edible items. Was it doable? Yes. Edible? Of course--I ate it all. But was it truly enjoyable? Not even close. It was a means to an end. In the portions handed me, I could absolutely lose weight. However, I wasn't learning anything about how to handle real world-real food situations.

When we fully understand and embrace not needing to "figure it all out" first and we simply start doing actions, what we need along the way, comes. We always reserve the right to adjust our approach to better suit our needs, of course--but that's the evolving part.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September 26th, 2018 That Groove

September 26th, 2018 That Groove

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I was up super-early yesterday. I'm glad I made it to bed early enough to be rested for the day. I did lean on a short nap in the afternoon--and good thing, it was perfect--just enough to have a productive late-afternoon/evening.

I'm really getting into the groove of this morning blog writing schedule. It helps wake me up! I remember trying to adjust my blog schedule one other time--if memory serves, the idea then was to write it in the afternoon. Making it a part of my morning routine works much better.

It's such a blessing for me to be closely connected to others who are making their way along this road. When you witness another's willingness for and commitment to their daily practice and all that it brings for them, it's simply the best. When you watch people struggle but not give up, it's one of the most inspiring things. And then, when they find that gear--that groove where their plan and practice starts to fit and work well for them, it's one of the greatest things.

I prepared a wonderful dinner last night. I normally don't buy beef filet--it's just too expensive, and besides--I prefer the calorie count of lean sirloin, but when you find it marked down more than 50%, well then-- kind of hard to pass up!

Putting together a good on-plan meal helps me feel more connected to my plan. The weighing/measuring, logging, and cooking--the process of it all, requires me to slow down some and connect with myself while I honor my plan. In the times when I was wildly off-plan or years ago, prior to 2008, I would rarely devote the time and attention to a meal like tonights. I was almost always in too much of a hurry while getting or eating the food. More, faster, now was the order of those days back when I would eat as if I had only minutes. Occasionally, I'll catch myself eating too fast, and when I do, I intentionally slow down and remember how it once was... and how it could be again if I ever lose my daily practice. I certainly don't plan on it-- but it's a day by day thing and truly, never something to take for granted. 

How will I honor my plan today? How will I take care of me? What will I make "non-negotiable" important? Those are some of the questions I must ask myself each morning.

Today's Featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September 25th, 2018 Shopping Style

September 25th, 2018 Shopping Style

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, I enjoyed a wonderful workout, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I like to grocery shop in small trips. I made a store run yesterday afternoon for a few things--and as I was shopping, I was thinking-- how could my shopping be more efficient? I quickly dismissed the idea of changing my grocery shopping style after considering five different reasons.

#1- I'm a bargain shopper. I might need to visit a couple or three stores to get the best deals. I usually don't make those trips all at once, just as long as it's during a particular sales week. #2- I live alone, so there isn't a need to be stocked up for anyone else. #3- My food plan works well by having a few choices available, then preparing what I'm in the mood for on a particular day. #4- If I have too much, I usually let some things go bad--and I hate throwing away unused groceries. #5- I live literally two minutes from the stores I frequent. All things considered, I believe my shopping style works for me at this time.

Glad to clear that one up in my own mind. Well, here's the thing--finding ways to work more efficiently has been on my mind a lot lately. This is part of the process.

I'm up early today in order to drive a colleague to the airport then get back in time for my morning radio show.

My food for breakfast and lunch is in place and ready--I'm ready and about to launch into this Tuesday!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24th, 2018 Difference Maker

September 24th, 2018 Difference Maker

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I took mom out for her weekly dinner and shopping trip last night. She overcame her fear of the motorized cart at Walmart--tried it out and did well. We only knocked over one display, so it was a win! My phone had died and was back at my apartment on the charger or I would have grabbed a video of the experience.

I had some time to reflect over the weekend on last week's goal intensive workshop. What's interesting to me is how I've applied the same techniques to certain things in my life over the last ten years, accomplishing big things, yet, I allow obstacles to keep me in other areas. What's the difference? The good news is that I'm giving the difference the time and attention it needs.

I've often mentioned how I can compartmentalize things into categories of "non-negotiable" and at the same time, other very important things don't seem to reach that status very often, or ever. I will not sacrifice my abstinence from refined sugar--that's a non-negotiable for me, yet, I don't apply the same status to accomplish three or four workouts per week. The challenge for me is to expand my focus-- that reads like an oxymoron (you're welcome Michael in Vegas). Isn't focus supposed to be dialed in? This applies to expanding the list of things I get "dialed in" about.

Maybe this dynamic exists because certain goals certainly require more energy than others. Our daily source of energy is finite. So maybe-- the answer starts with evaluating energy usage. Where am I "leaking" energy? I mean, really--we all get the same amount of time, right? 

"I wish I had more time!" I've said that many times. If I think about this very common, stand-by phrase, and evaluate it closely, I can see where it is a victim minded thing to say-and in that, I'm relieved of responsibility to do anything toward changing certain things because, "hey, I just don't have the time right now."

When I look at the things I've accomplished over the last decade, I realize how I made room--I realize how I immediately changed the priority list to accommodate these new and important things. The difference starts there, I believe. Energy usage-- and how can I make the most efficient use of my time in order to break down obstacles and move toward goals that, until now, have been shelved?

I'm starting my Monday with a decent night's sleep. Talk about a difference maker, right? Maybe that's where it all starts? It's like we work our way backward in order to effectively move forward.

I'm learning. The learning along this road never stops, thank goodness! 

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September 23rd, 2018 Rooney

September 23rd, 2018 Rooney

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Finally, I made time for a haircut yesterday. My eyebrows... oh wait, have I shared about my eyebrows? My eyebrows need their own blog. Anyway-- they received their quarterly trim, too. It might seem small and insignificant, but doing things for ourselves, like the salon trip yesterday, feels wonderful and has a bigger impact than just looking human again. When I feel good about me, I'm much more likely to do well in other areas of my continued care and wellness. The eyebrows... oh my, we need another paragraph...

Do you remember the late, great Andy Rooney's eyebrows? He became attached to them--these giant out of control eyebrows became a trademark for Rooney. I don't know if that's the perspective he held, but I do know that CBS and 60 Minutes certainly had a hair and makeup department--and they never touched his eyebrows. Or so it seemed. Maybe they did and his were actually much worse!! Anyway, I write all of this with much respect and love for Andy Rooney. Also, I write this to say, in twenty-years, my eyebrows just might make it into the Rooney league. 

My youngest daughter lucked out--she got her mom's eyebrows. My oldest, uh--got mine. Sorry Amber! I somehow feel like I should pitch in for her eyebrow waxing, trimming, and shaping appointments.

No more rogue eyebrows poking me in the eye. That's happened. At least, not for another few months when I'll need to do this dance again.

I'm eating breakfast as I compose this post. How did it take me years and years before discovering the magic of avocado toast. I read somewhere, someone referring to it as a "millennial" thing. Really? Wrong!! I'm certainly not a millennial. I just love the combination of textures-the crunch of the Ezekiel toast, the creaminess of the avocado--the salt and pepper... I just love these things. But what's interesting to me is, how I can be all about these but at the same time, not feel compelled to compulsively overeat on 'em. It's not a trigger food for me. Good thing, because if it were it would have to go on my trigger list. And that would be a very sad day. Apples, too--never binged my face off on apples, or eggs...or anything currently on my plate.

I enjoyed a nice date night last night. The next few Saturday's include work stuff, mainly independent of the radio station, so I made sure to make time for last night. It was a good experience!

I'm planning on a doing some personal work on my goals this afternoon. The workshop with Gerri included worksheets Gerri put together for us. I plan on working the worksheets later this afternoon.

Mom's looking forward to getting out this evening for dinner and a shopping trip. The changing season and temps have her in "must get cold weather clothing" mode. I guess we'll do a little shopping for her.

I hope your Sunday is an amazing one!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, September 22, 2018

September 22nd, 2018 A Few Notches Above

September 22nd, 2018 A Few Notches Above

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I slept in very well this morning. It felt amazing. It's kind of put me in a rush to get to the studio for a few things and then to a hair appointment, but I don't care. That deep-restorative rest was worth every extra minute.

The week behind me was an absolute gift. I'm so grateful for Life Coach Gerri Helms and everyone who came along for the 4-day/4-hour goal workshop. I love being a part of something special. When I get to work with people who are making their way through and discovering their pathways through and around long-standing obstacles, it is incredibly fulfilling--"special" isn't even the word, it's a few notches above.

I'm looking forward to a great day today. The sun is shining and I have an opportunity to give myself some time I need to explore my goals and action plan.

I hope your Saturday is full of sunshine too--actual sunshine or at least the "sunshine" you create--or better, a combination of the two!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Friday, September 21, 2018

September 21st, 2018 Chipping Away

September 21st, 2018 Chipping Away

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

One thing I've learned over the years is how most things don't change completely overnight. Some things do--but those things are usually the ones beyond our control. The things we work on--the intentional focus and attention toward better things take time to get firm; to develop and evolve, and that requires patience. My schedule and making sure I'm rested and ready for any particular day is one of the foundational things I'm working toward because it supports everything else.

I'm stubborn though--so breaking through to better habits and behaviors takes time! Writing this blog in the morning instead of at night was one move that'll help. Now--I must install some others!

I was doing some chores way too late last night--the laundry and such, also a store trip for some items I desperately needed (apples!) As I'm shopping, I'm thinking--on a work night when the alarm is set for 4:15am, I have zero business shopping anywhere around 10pm!! But there I was. It's okay for right now and today, but at least I'm looking at things instead of denying things. And truly, I'm chipping away at denial--and that means getting an unobstructed, or at least a better view of the truth. That right there is a big part of making changes.

Yesterday's Featured Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 20th, 2018 Fortifies

September 20th, 2018 Fortifies

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

When I write, "I stayed well connected with exceptional support," it means I'm communicating with people each day--some who have much more experience than me, some who are just getting started, and some who are close family and friends. I learn from each person. If I'm seeking support or giving support, the bottom line effect is often the same, it strengthens my day--it fortifies my daily practice.

The times of greatest struggle are the times when I decide to "go it alone." That natural inclination is interesting when I think about it, born from the "I got this" mindset--or a combination of that and the "they wouldn't understand or relate," mindset. Both of those mindsets aren't true. I don't "got this" and people do understand and relate. Isn't it amazing the stories we're capable of creating, believing, and living?

Today will be rather challenging-- I didn't sleep the best or long enough last night, but still--this work day demands my attention. Part of my self-care will be a refresher nap this afternoon. While I'm making this transition to a better schedule, I've had to reframe my head chatter about the occasional naps in the afternoon. Some days it's absolutely necessary. Could I survive without? Yes, certainly. I could make it through. But again, self-care--very important.

Tonight is the action plan portion of the 4-day, 4-hour goal intensive workshop I'm co-facilitating with Life Coach Gerri. It's really helping me identify some key things that will help me as I move toward the goals I visualize accomplishing. A part of that is crafting a better schedule to go along with this daily practice. Writing in the morning instead of at night is just one action in this process.

Have an amazing day!!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September 19th, 2018 One Of Those Days

September 19th, 2018 One Of Those Days

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Last night was all about obstacles in the special workshop I'm co-facilitating with Life Coach Gerri. It felt nice to share about mine--past and present. I didn't sleep very well last night and considering the schedule I've created this week, that's not a good thing! This is one of those days when an afternoon nap will be a critically important element of my plan.

I'm keeping today's edition--at least what I'm writing this morning, short-- opting to post a couple of excerpts. This first excerpt comes from February 2009. I totally forgot about The Great Escape. The second excerpt comes from November 2017.

From February 20th, 2009: The Great Escape-
For too many years I felt imprisoned by my obesity. I guess I always realized that there was a way to escape, but the escape plan seemed too unlikely. Maybe impossible is the word. Maybe not impossible, I mean, really I knew it was possible, but escaping was just something I dreamed about and talked about when no one was looking or listening.

Like a prisoner behind bars, I just accepted that there were things I couldn't do as a 500-pound man, things I probably never would do, or so I thought.

I tried to escape several times, but I allowed my emotions, my fears, and my habits to drag me back like guard dogs at the gate. And just as an escapee gets extra time, I'd get extra pounds after every unsuccessful attempt.

Escaping from the prison of obesity forever isn't something that can be done without careful planning, understanding, and opening your mind to learn. Writing about my feelings and experiences every day and trying to grasp a thorough understanding of what hasn't worked and why, and what can work and why, is like studying the blueprints and guard assignments of the prison.

As I go from 505 pounds to a healthy weight, I'm breaking down every obstacle that stands in the way. What's amazing is, some of those obstacles, the psychological hang-ups--have lost their power over me like a guard giving a prisoner a wink and looking the other way.

And when I tell people “you can do this too,” it's like we're a group of prisoners planning our great escape. The teamwork and accountability to each other is a key element in seeing daylight here.

Unfortunately, not everyone will make it out this time. Some will get caught by emotions, stress, and a deep seeded belief that escaping is nearly impossible. But for those of us who do, our letters and stories of hope from the outside can serve to inspire the imprisoned and help them understand the blueprints and guard assignments a little better for future attempts.

I've been the one caught by the guards so many times. And when I would settle back in my cell, I'd just accept it for a little while, forgetting about the freedom others speak of, not wanting to hear about what was possible...just focusing on what I perceived as nearly impossible.

I was waiting for the right time to make my run.

Then one day I realized that I had to escape now or else die too young within those stone walls. I didn't have time to wait for “the right time” to magically happen. My time had to be now regardless of the emotional and psychological hurdles that stood in the way.

I'm navigating this escape plan with guidance from those that have gone before me. I'm always studying past escape attempts and analyzing where and why they failed. I can see daylight from here my friend, and it looks so good it makes me want to cry tears of joy.

Let's go for it!

November 10th, 2017: Bigger Points
This blog means so much to me and I'm so grateful for what it's brought me over the years. I guess I'm feeling a little nostalgic tonight. It's been an amazing 9 years. It's become a big part of my daily "rails of support" even on days when I don't have much to say--no weight loss philosophy or personal epiphanies to share--there's plenty of that stuff in the archives, and I'm certainly not done sharing in these pages--but, even on a day like today, to simply give thanks for this day--and for all I've been given--and just be-- just be okay--is a blessing to me.

I could write details about the maneuvering I've done and the choices made to keep the plan intact--but those things aren't the biggest points. I could share about the obstacles and challenges--and that old pull to dive into the food in pursuit of something it doesn't contain...oh yes--I could write 50,000 words on that topic... but not tonight--because it isn't the point.

Acceptance, embrace, peace, and calm. Those are the bigger points.

I wish those things for anyone and everyone as they work toward finding their own unique "You Plan." It's a fragile thing, those things because they require daily practice--and they do because they're not an automatic-guaranteed type deal. Anyway-- I said no philosophy or epiphanies tonight, so I'll stop now.

This is a diary--and I can share whatever I desire--whatever I need to share. I don't know. 

Maybe I'm missing my little brother tonight. Perhaps I'm thinking about my dad, whom I haven't spoken to in some time-- or maybe the sadness on mom's face as she kissed her sister goodbye-- a sadness she carried back to her room when I took her back tonight-- I don't know. 

Maybe nostalgic wasn't the right word. I don't know. For whatever reason, just feeling emotional tonight. I'm feeling it. I'm not eating it. And considering my years of experience with the fruitless pursuit of emotional eating, that's one thing I'll consider a miracle.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 18th, 2018 Don't Know

September 18th, 2018 Don't Know

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Good morning! I woke with a grateful and optimistic attitude. I've discovered how, when I practice visiting my gratitude list, things go better--I feel better.

Creating my vision board for the goal intensive workshop I'm doing with Life Coach Gerri has been a really good thing for me to see. It's more than a "dream board," it's a positive reminder of the goals I'm very capable of accomplishing with a committed action plan, an action plan that's broken down into doable steps and actions each day, an open mind for learning, and patience for the process.

When I'm trying something new--anything really, my brain will often try to hijack the actions needed, replacing them with doubt or alternative ways of creating the outcome I desire. I guess it does that as a"I know what to do" type of response. But honestly, when it comes to growth, accomplishing certain goals on my list, and any kind of change required to move in that direction, I clearly don't know, or I would have already done it. An open mind to new-to-me techniques and being okay with not needing to know "the how," is critically important. If I do the actions, the how reveals itself along the way.

The first night of the goal intensive went really well. Tonight it's all about obstacles! Oh my, it's going to be a good night.

Work has been intense lately for various reasons. I'm practicing a diligence at the studio--a focus that's on a level I haven't had in some time because right now is a critical time. It's important for me to compartmentalize my energy each day. When I'm "on the clock," I must be productive and time managed. This tighter focus has helped me see where I can apply this practice in other areas of my life.

Anyway-- I better get going. Another day is in front of me!!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, September 17, 2018

September 17th, 2018 Productive

September 17th, 2018 Productive

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Gerri and I had a very productive work session yesterday as we continue to prepare for this week's goal intensive teleconference line workshop. There's still room for you! Email me right away if you want details on how to join us! It's simple.

Gerri coached me years ago through the process of writing my book, Transformation Road, and also at several points along the way over the last ten years. I'm very grateful she's coming out of retirement for this special event! It's fast-- 4-days and 4-hours, but it will be powerful!

I spent some time last evening with mom and Noah. Mom and I made the trip to pick up little man for dinner and a store trip. It wasn't a long outing but it was quality time together. Quality over quantity! He's growing up incredibly fast. Every time we get together with him we notice signs of his continued learning. 

We dined at a Mexican place--and for me and my food plan, it works very well. I prepare chicken fajita and sour cream crunchy tacos--oh my, always satisfying, delicious, and easy to log into MyFitnessPal! 

Today will be an involved workday at the studio before tonight's workshop. I have a couple of special projects to complete plus a midday taping of the cable access TV show I host for the school district. Staying on point with my schedule will be today's challenge with appointments at 11am, noon, and 2pm. My big goal today will be an exercise session this afternoon after work and before tonight's workshop.

My food plan is set, my morning foundational routine is complete, and I'm ready to make this day work well.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16th, 2018 Things Change

September 16th, 2018 Things Change

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

On September 15th, 2008, the same day I started this blog, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt. It was the financial crash of 2008. I discovered this yesterday and found this shared date rather interesting. That day was a pivotal day for many people.

I thought about the choices and behaviors creating 505 pound Sean and how on September 15th, 2008, it all arrived at a pivotal moment. Lehman Brothers, I'm sure, gave much more thought to their choices and behaviors leading up to that day. The road to recovery for me (and the economy) hasn't been a straight line but the trends in the charts and graphs look very promising ten years later!

I guess it's all an example of how there's hope for better days. No matter how deep, no matter how lost, no matter how disconnected we feel, there's hope.

Things change. The truth asserts itself until change happens with or without our intent or action. Usually, if the change occurs without our intent or action, it isn't pleasant or even the least bit desirable. This is where my mantra, slogan, or whatever you want to call it, came from: "I'm Choosing Change Before Change Chooses Me."  Because let's be honest, change is constant--it's coming one way or the other, right?

I sincerely enjoyed every single congratulation and word of support I received about yesterday's 10th Anniversary, or, uh-"blogiversary," as it's called in the blogging world. Thank you!! I'm grateful, humble, and I appreciate your kindness!

I'm working on the goal intensive workshop today with Life Coach Gerri. I'm so excited about her coming out of retirement to work with me again. She's one of the best and that's what makes this workshop extra-special. I'm co-facilitating and co-presenting, however, I'm also a student of this workshop. I'll be working on my goals right alongside you.  If you're interested in this four day-four hour goal intensive workshop, let me know as soon as possible so we can get you registered and ready for tomorrow evenings first session!
The 1-hour workshop sessions start on a secure conference call line at 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific each night this week, Monday, Tuesday, skip Wednesday, then again Thursday, and Friday.
Here's a promotional video!

If you're ready to once and for all take action toward smashing obstacles and accomplishing goals, I want you in this 4-day/4-hour workshop!
Text/call with questions: 580-491-2228 Or email me:

Okay! I'm ready for a good Sunday. I plan on doing a little bit of work at the studio--then working a good amount of time with Gerri on the workshop, and then, I'll be spending some time with mom this evening for dinner and a store trip.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, September 15, 2018

September 15th, 2018 10th Anniversary

September 15th, 2018 10th Anniversary

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Today is a special day for me. It was ten years ago today, at 505 pounds, when I sat down to write my Day 1 post. The final sentences of that first post highlighted the goal of this project: "I look forward to this blog. I believe it will help me stay on track and maybe along the way it will inspire someone else to stay on track." After ten years, I believe it has and continues to support this goal.

I'm full of gratitude, grateful for the detours along the way--I'm very grateful for the lessons and experiences I had to live in order to learn. What was and remains critical in order to understand the process, dynamics, and deeper things, is an open mind, a humble heart, and a deep respect for the fragile nature of it all. I don't "got this."

There are some things in my life where I can say, "I got this," I mean, hand me a microphone, show me a studio or a stage, and trust, "I got this," but this continued recovery is NOT one of the things "I got." 

All I have is what I choose to do today. By the grace of God, I embrace an imperfect daily practice that helps keep me well. Can it be better? Oh my, yes, without a doubt. Better than better, in my opinion, is the pursuit remaining consistent. If I remain consistently calm, humble, and open to learning new things along the way, I have the best chance for another day. Another ten years? Who knows? That will depend on my willingness. Today, I'm willing. And that's all we have, right?

I was driving back from my location broadcast at the county fair the other night, especially paying attention to my speed--making sure I wasn't going too fast. I was going too fast two nights before when a trooper flashed his blue and red at me as an unspoken/unwritten warning to slow down. This warning kept me at a safe speed Thursday evening on my return trip. It likely saved my life, you see...

As I approached a hill on the highway, a pickup truck--like a blur, topped the hill in my lane. This reckless driver was passing on a hill in an obvious no-passing zone. The driver was essentially playing with his life and the lives of others. I didn't have time to react. We barely escaped the head-on collision by a fraction of a second. Had I not been flashed by that trooper on Tuesday evening, I might have been traveling an extra 5 mph, and likely, it would have been a very different consequence.

My heart was racing and I was immediately out of breath as I slowed to well below the speed limit as if I couldn't process what had just happened unless I slowed down. If I hadn't been scheduled to make opening announcements for a special arts and humanities concert fifteen minutes later, I would have pulled over completely. My first thought was, what if? What if I would have been traveling just a touch faster?? Who would the trooper contact first? What impact would it have made on the people I love and the ones that love me? I was shaken, stirred into a swirling of thoughts the likes of which I hadn't given the time of day for a very long time. Was this God getting my attention? Mysterious ways, right?

Was this it? Was it all over? And if so, could I be proud of what I left behind? In those thoughts, I also thought about all of the dreams and goals that almost died right along with me on that busy stretch of Oklahoma two-lane highway.

All we have is today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. We know this to be true. Today's practice is all I got. Sometimes we pick up yesterday like it's a club used to beat ourselves--and that focus takes us out of today, and that fact dramatically decreases our chance for a better tomorrow. Still...

I believe in hope for the future, I believe in dreams coming true, I believe in obstacles as big as boulders in front of long-time goals, being crushed into dust and blown away with the winds of change.

That near-collision the other night and this ten year blog anniversary today have got me thinking about important things. What do I want to do? What goals do I want to accomplish? How can I move forward in positive ways while keeping an embrace on the ever-evolving daily practice that helps keep me well? These are important questions.

You know, I was wondering how I could put together today's blog post--and I thought about a million pictures from over the years, but nah-- those dramatic "before and now" pictures don't tell the complete story. Besides, those pictures are all throughout the archives of this ten-year-old blog. Reducing the last ten years to a simple "before and now" shot would only serve to cheapen the deeper experience because...

The physical transformation is great but it isn't the best and it doesn't "fix" everything. The biggest transformations along this road are harder to see--they run deeper. The evidence of their existence is found in the daily actions/practice we choose to make important.

As I stepped onto the platform of that thrill ride last night, some old thoughts started playing in my brain. The seats are small. Would I fit? In many ways, my brain still registers a much larger person. But that's okay because my brain knows that in many ways, I'm still the same Sean I was ten years ago today, at 505 pounds, so I can see how it might get confused.

The click. Hearing the harness click in place and sitting in that small contoured seat quite comfortably was a nice reminder of how far I've come over the years but also of the diligence I must practice each day to keep me well.

I thank God for his grace and guidance even when my ego and pride try to get in the way and take credit. Because trust me, my friend, it isn't "all me." 

Thank you for your incredible support over the years. None of us do it alone. I'm not alone and you're not alone.

Those Day 1 words mean a lot to me, "...and maybe along the way it will inspire someone...," I hope this blog in some way, at some point, has inspired you.

You have inspired me.

With sincere gratitude and a humble heart and mind,
Thank you,

Friday, September 14, 2018

September 14th, 2018 Good Change

September 14th, 2018 Good Change

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Making the transition from night writing to early morning writing might seem like a canceling trade-off if I'm only considering time. I believe it will ultimately be better for me for more reasons than just the time factor. I'm exploring this idea from a deeper perspective. I'm most inspired in the early mornings, instead of exhausted from a super long day. Yesterday was a prime example. I left my apartment before 6am and didn't get home until 9:30pm. Sitting down to write this blog after a long and tiring day changes my perspective and pursuit. In that tired state, I'm looking for the quickest and easiest way to complete a task. This blog, especially considering the powerful impact it's made on my life, deserves better than that. I deserve better than that. How will this new writing schedule affect this blog's content? Good question! I'm willing to find out by consistently giving it a go! If after a few weeks it's just not working out--then okay, I gave it a try. I have a feeling it's going to be a good change.

I've completed my morning foundational routine and I'm feeling very positive. I have a late afternoon broadcast from the largest county fair in the state of Oklahoma. As an on-air stunt, I've volunteered (I'm nuts) to ride "The Freak Out" while broadcasting the entire experience start to finish. Will I cry like a baby? Will I scream? Will I get sick? Will I confidently and calmly describe the thrill ride experience with the kind of unbound enthusiasm that will inspire more ticket sales?? Uh-- we'll find out. Get the KPNC listening app if you want to hear it LIVE at around 5:50pm central/6:50pm eastern/3:50pm pacific.

My food is planned for today. I have the "three W's" covered--What I need, Where I need, When I need... It's set. I have some flexibility in there in case I find some on-plan options at the fair tonight. I plan on having my grandson for a little while after this afternoon's broadcast. I'll take him around the fair--and we might eat there. Living life on life's terms, right? Oh yeah.

We're just days away from the start of the four-day/four-hour workshop intensive with Life Coach Gerri. It starts this Monday, September 17th at 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific and continues at the same time on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday next week. It's called, "So, Now What?" This workshop is about identifying a goal you really desire and once and for all, breaking it down and making it happen. Life Coach Gerri and I will present this special intensive. It's going to be a powerful experience. When you're talking about overcoming obstacles that have kept us from living the goals and dreams we desire--it gets very real, very fast. Request your sign-up registration directly from me, today! Email me: or call/text: 580-491-2228. You can also call or text Gerri with questions: 407-274-0519 Click the workshop flyer below to enlarge the image.

Click image to enlarge


Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

September 12th, 2018 An Action Step

September 12th, 2018 An Action Step

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

A very important change is coming to this blog starting Friday morning. I've accepted some golden advice on how to better structure my time. I believe this change will also shift the perspective of this blog from a "looking back" on the day perspective to a "looking forward" to the day perspective.

Starting Friday morning, this blog will be written as part of my morning routine instead of one of the last things I do before bed. Creating space at night in order to focus on key improvements for my time management and sleep schedule is the goal. This change is an action step!

I'm excited about it! I'll still recap events and happenings in a "bookend" followup type way, but the main thrust will be on the daily practice, plan, and of course, sharing my thoughts, struggles, philosophies, tips, and tricks along the way.

You'll likely see and hear a bunch from me over the course of the next four days as Life Coach Gerri and I promote the 4-Day/4-Hour smart-goal setting and action plan creating workshop intensive. It is NOT limited to weight loss goals--oh no, it's about you and whatever you're dreaming of accomplishing. This workshop can help you turn the dream into reality. If your goal is achieving a healthy body weight, that's fine too, but it can be whatever it needs to be for you.

Life Coach Gerri is coming out of retirement for this event. It's something incredibly special! I've mentioned it a bunch lately--and if you're even slightly intrigued, I urge you to give this gift to yourself. I feel very strongly that you'll be glad you did. We're making this event super-impactful!

Have questions? Text or call: 580-491-2228 or email

Today's Featured Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 11th, 2018 Like Any Tool

September 11th, 2018 Like Any Tool

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Today was rare. Two location broadcasts back to back, both from fairs. First a job fair, then the fair, fair-- with the rides and fair food and attractions. Getting done with the broadcast day after 8pm makes for a late night. But I'm doing my best to not make it too late. I must get some rest! I decided a quick dinner out was my best option instead of cooking a late dinner. I also made it to the store in time to stock up on apples!! Galas were on sale for 99 cents a pound and today was the last day!!! I'm passionate about good apples. And these are the best Galas I've experienced.

Tomorrow is the first day of the new 8-week session of my support group. Two spots remain.

It's not a weight loss plan. It's not a diet. It's a tool to help you identify, create, strengthen, and practice a sustainable plan for you. Like any tool, the more you pick it up and use it, the more it helps. This group is all about support and accountability--and those two things have been absolute non-negotiable elements of success in my almost ten-year experience along this road.

Current members range from just getting started with more than 100 pounds to lose to maintenance mode and everywhere in between. It's truly a diverse group--and what's amazing is: We can all relate to one another. The mental/emotional dynamics of transformation and the power of good accountability and support is universal. This group makes a difference.

Sign-Ups for this are running concurrently with sign-ups for the exclusive four-day intensive I'm co-facilitating with Life Coach Gerri Helms. If you sign up for both, I'll give you a special discount on the 8-week support group session! Okay-- the session...

The support group uses one "secret" Facebook page with two different weekly support group call options on Wednesday nights at 7pm Central/8pm Eastern or 8:15pm central/9:15pm Eastern. The accountability and support of the group are ongoing daily within the group page--the group calls via conference line are weekly. Again, two spaces left--one in each time slot.

If you're ready to discover the difference solid accountability and support can make for you, I highly recommend joining us for this next session! Questions? Email me:
You can also call or text 580-491-2228. Whatever way you contact me, I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, September 10, 2018

September 10th, 2018 But First

September 10th, 2018 But First

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Click Image to enlarge!

Doing a fast blog post tonight! I've kept myself busy this evening and time got away from me. Hitting the pillow soon. But first...

Certainly, need to mention the 4-day intensive conference call workshop coming up with Life Coach Gerri starting the 17th. I also need to mention the next 8-week session for the conference call mentoring support group I facilitate starts in two days!! Wednesday evening is our week 1 call. I literally have two spots remaining for the group. It's an amazing team of people. If you want an accountability and support team, there's none better, I assure you! Contact me right away if you're interested in either of these options. If you sign up for both, you'll receive a considerable discount on the combo. For questions, text or call 580-491-2228 or email:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 9th, 2018 Not A Fan

September 9th, 2018 Not A Fan

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I spent some time with Noah today. He's not a fan of bowling. He accidentally crossed the line into the lane and slipped and fell. He was done. We were three frames into our first game. I hope this experience doesn't ruin him for bowling for the rest of his life. I imagine him as an adult someday recounting the story. "My PoPo took me bowling when I was 5. He failed to warn me about the slippery bowling lane. It made perfect sense for me to get as close to the pins as possible, unfortunately, I slipped and fell as soon as I crossed the line. Then PoPo was like, oh yeah--it's real slippery past that line, buddy. Thanks a lot, old man, a touch too late!" I should have warned him of the slipperiness past the line!!
The Final Approach. The "incident" happened one second later.

I've never been a fan of bowling either. I'll never forget flunking the bowling scoring test in PE class. It turned me off on bowling. Any sport that required complicated mathematical formulas wasn't for me. If only Mrs. Brown wouldn't have made it a super important and hard test! If only she would have known that someday a computer would handle this complicated task, maybe I'd be on a bowling team today. Nah, probably not. I don't like the shoes. I think about that test and wonder if it was ever a topic of discussion during a parent-teacher conference? "Mrs. Anderson, Sean doesn't know what to do in the event of a spare or strike despite our best efforts to explain how it works. Maybe you could work on bowling score flashcards at home. He's going to need this skill someday because somebody must keep score."

I think next time we'll try playing catch and maybe some batting cages. I must remember to first explain the importance of keeping your eye on the ball.

We ate lunch at a nice Mexican place. I ordered my usual fajita chicken crispy tacos. They were the best I've had in a long time. Noah consumed literally two chips and three bites of beans and cheese before he was asking, "can we go?" He eats well if he's truly hungry, but doesn't give two hoots about food if he isn't. I'm so happy to see that in him. That was sooooo not me at that age. My questions were different, "can I have more? Do I have to order from the kids menu? Are you gonna eat that? We're not going bowling after this, are we?" 

I also had a good work session with Life Coach Gerri Helms today. We're getting ready for the 4-day/4-hour intensive starting the 17th. It's all about goals, identifying potential obstacles or ones that have long hampered progress, creating an action plan in support of the goal, and living it with a daily practice that includes strong accountability, support, and a realistic time frame. Gerri and I will work together to help you through this transformative four-hour intensive workshop. here's the information:
Click Image To Enlarge

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 8th, 2018 Feed That Voice

September 8th, 2018 Feed That Voice

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

It was a long and emotional Saturday. So many people were hurting at the funeral of my son-in-law's father. Their sadness; their pain was the energy- but also, their memories, stories, and laughter were like little rainbows sprinkled throughout occasional showers on an overcast day. Their joy in recalling favorite memories were promises of better days to come.

I couldn't help but feel emotionally vulnerable too- I'm human- and I have a heart and care about people, so it's hard to not be "in it" with them. I wasn't as close to Kenny as others in attendance today, but my goodness, after experiencing the profound impact of his love, I wish I would have made the time to visit a little longer with him throughout the years.

I was there in support of my daughter and her husband on this difficult day. I brought with me the love and support from those here who couldn't make it on this day. Kenny was an amazing man. He was full of love for people. His kind, caring, and peaceful spirit always seemed to have a calm grasp on what was truly important. The rest? Well, in his words, "don't care." I admired that about him.
I love this picture of Kenny and my daughter Amber

I was impressed by how the church prepared a dinner featuring ham glazed with brown sugar and one without. Surely a consideration for the diabetics in attendance- of course, they didn't know about my sensitivity, but it was perfect for me too.

On the way home, I had food thoughts. Not good ones.

My brain was saying, "Whoa, Sean, buddy- what a day, huh? Feelings overload, am I right? Man... hey, what do you say we take a break from feeling and binge out? Come on man... you're not a machine!! You need this, dude... come on...follow me."

I'm no stranger to these occasional thoughts. I know them well. I also know that it doesn't stop for me- and it doesn't stop if I "feed" that voice.

One of the many valuable things I've learned from my friend and mentor Gerri Helms is how to pause and "threaten" to tell on that voice if the harassment continues. It's crazy-amazing how that works.

I didn't binge on the way home. When I stopped for gas and water, I responded to a couple of support text reach outs to me--and that always helps me too. If I can help someone else--it immediately takes me out of myself, to a place where I can think much clearer. That powerful truth is something else Gerri has taught me over the years.

I also texted a couple of people and spent the rest of the time listening to inspirational podcasts from Ted Radio Hour, NPR's Fresh Air, Heather Robertson's podcast Half-Size-Me, and my Transformation Planet podcast interview with Jordan Burgess.

I could have reached out more to people. Instead, I offered my support in response to others and became immersed in positive listening while I made the 3-hour drive home.

By the time I made it back, I was exhausted. I didn't care that it was late, I knew- I was getting at least an hour nap as a refresher. That turned into a three-hour snooze fest.

It's late and who knows how long it'll take me to go back to bed. But I'll get there.

I prepared some avocado topped Ezekiel toast and I'm enjoying these while I write this post. This seemed like a better option for me instead of preparing a full-blown dinner at this hour.

My calories are on the low end for today (1,698), but all things considered, I'm more than okay with this tonight.

I've mentioned Gerri Helms a couple of times in this post. And here's one more-- Gerri has offered to come out of retirement to help me create and present a very powerful 4-day/4-hour intensive workshop. Will you join us? If you have questions, please email me right away: or you can text or call the Transformation Planet hotline at 580-491-2228. Gerri is also available to answer your questions. You can text or call Gerri at 407-274-0519. Here's the promotional one-sheet describing this powerful and rare opportunity:
Click Image To Enlarge

The incredible love and support I receive each day is something for which I'm deeply grateful. Thank you for reading this daily diary and as always, thank you for your continued support.


Friday, September 7, 2018

September 7th, 2018 Really Cared

September 7th, 2018 Really Cared

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

My son-in-law's father passed away a couple days ago. It's a devastating loss for KL, his mom, his brother, Amber, and everyone who loved him so much. He was only 58. That's way too young. My original plan was to head down to the small town of Thomas tonight for tomorrow morning's funeral service, but after a long day here, I've decided to get up very early and make the drive. I think that's much safer than making a late night drive tonight.

Little Raegan grabbing her Po Po's hat. I instantly liked Kenny from the first time I met him--it was also the first day I met who would eventually become my son-in-law-- the long-haired bass player hard-rocker looking dude who would eventually marry my little girl. In fact, Amber and KL also met one another face to face for the first time that day. Before that day, theirs was an online acquaintance, or eh...romance. Kenny had an attitude and easiness that was a real pleasure to be around. I occasionally do an impression of him saying one of his favorite expressions, "don't care," because it was delivered with such peace and calm and an irresistible likeability. It was one of his favorite phrases and often it was opposite his actions, the ones that showed he really cared, and cared a lot. Rest in peace, Kenny.

I was once again invited to serve on an annual curriculum advisory committee for an area college's mass communications department. The meeting was last night. It was truly an honor to be invited--felt good, really did. The meeting started with a meal, a trip through the college's cafeteria line. After surveying the options, I decided on somewhat of a holdover until a later dinner. It was the best choice for me and my plan in that circumstance.

I was happy to serve by offering my opinions and advice on how broadcasting/journalism students can be better prepared upon exiting college and entering the industry. If I'm being totally honest, and I am--being invited also served a need in me-- a validation type thing. I've had a consistent thirty-year career in this business yet, I never attended college and here I am being asked for my input from an institution of higher education. Just a little interesting to me. I started at sixteen years old and "self-educated" was the path I took. And although I'm confident in my talents, abilities, and intelligence, a part of me holds onto negative thoughts when I think about my lack of higher education. It's silly maybe, but normal, I believe. Anyway-- that was some raw and real...okay, moving on... 

I took the morning off today and slept in very well before reporting to work in order to get things done that had to be done today. My washer and dryer decided to stop working, so a trip to the laundromat was also on the agenda late afternoon. Lunch today was during a client recording session at a local restaurant. I'm very familiar with the menu and it was very easy to navigate within the boundaries of my food plan.

I visited with mom some tonight, taking her a few things she wanted--then made it home to prepare a good dinner.

I'm hitting the pillow early for a Friday night considering the 4am alarm.

I'll not promote the upcoming 4-day/4-hour intensive with Life Coach Gerri and me too heavily tonight-- or the upcoming 8-week support group session that starts Wednesday, but I will say: If you have questions and want to learn more about either of these opportunities, contact me directly via text or call at 580-491-2228 or send an email to me:

Today's Featured Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Thursday, September 6, 2018

September 6th, 2018 Essentials

September 6th, 2018 Essentials

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Just the essentials tonight!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

September 5th, 2018 How That Feeling Looks

September 5th, 2018 How That Feeling Looks

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

It was a great day. This stand-up performance picture best represents how that feeling looks. It's like, "yeah!!"

Wednesdays are my long days especially when work at the studio goes long. But it was good work--and doing good work feels great.

Mom had family come up from our hometown today. They took her to lunch. I dropped by midday for a quick visit with Aunt Connie, Aunt Margaret, and mom--it was very nice! Seeing her out and about with family was great!

I received my oximeter sleep testing results back today. The doctor determined I'm getting plenty of good oxygen during sleep. That was great.

I took care of some things I needed to take care of and I accomplished some things I'd been avoiding. Those were both great things.

Wednesday night is group conference call night, too--and oh my goodness, that was a great experience. It was our last call of this 8-week session. The next session starts in one week. Do you want to join us? Call or text the Transformation Planet hotline with questions and/or to request a registration! 580-491-2228

Space is extremely limited. We have two spots for sure--maybe three... don't wait, if you're interested, contact me! You can also email questions:

I'm grateful.

Today's Featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 4th, 2018 It Helps

September 4th, 2018 It Helps

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Something that's near and dear to me are the support groups I host. It's not a weight loss plan. It's not a diet. It's a tool to help you identify, create, strengthen, and practice a sustainable plan for you. Like any tool, the more you pick it up and use it, the more it helps. This group is all about support and accountability--and those two things have been absolute non-negotiable elements of success in my almost ten-year experience along this road.

Current members range from just getting started with more than 100 pounds to lose to maintenance mode and everywhere in between. It's truly a diverse group--and what's amazing is: We can all relate to one another. The mental/emotional dynamics of transformation and the power of good accountability and support is universal. This group makes a difference.

The mission statement for the group is prominently placed at the top of our secret Facebook page:

Sign-Ups for this are running concurrently with sign-ups for the exclusive four-day intensive I'm co-facilitating with Life Coach Gerri Helms. I'll include the poster for that, below. If you sign up for both, I'll give you a special discount on the 8-week support group session! Okay-- the session...

I currently have literally a few openings for our next session starting September 12th and running through the end of October. The group uses one "secret" and secure Facebook page with two different weekly support group call options on Wednesday nights. The accountability and support of the group are ongoing daily within the group page--the group calls via conference line are weekly.

If you're ready to discover the difference solid accountability and support can make for you, I highly recommend joining us for this next session! Questions? Email me:
You can also call or text 580-491-2228. Whatever way you contact me, I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

The special four-day/Four-hour intensive featuring Life Coach Gerri starts on the 17th!

Click image to enlarge!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Monday, September 3, 2018

September 3rd, 2018 Workday

September 3rd, 2018 Workday

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

It was a workday on this Labor Day. Our radio station had a big broadcast event from a furniture store's Labor Day sale. It worked very well. We were on our game! I made my way to the studio for production work after the event--then home for lunch. It feels good to do a job well done and I feel like our team did that today.

Life Coach Gerri Helms and I really would love you to join us for our four-day goal setting, action planning, and doing, intensive workshop! People are signing up and there's room for you too! The intensive is one hour each night on a conference call line starting September 17th at 7pm, then continuing at 7pm the 18th, 20th, and 21st. If you're ready to identify your truest goals and desires and create an action plan that supports consistent positive progress, this workshop could be the start of something wonderful for you! Email me with questions or a registration request!

Click image to enlarge!

Today's Featured Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

Copyright © 2008-2020 Sean A. Anderson

The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.