Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23rd, 2015 For Good Measure

July 23rd, 2015 For Good Measure

I wrote, voiced and produced a radio commercial for Daylight Donuts today. If you're thinking, Sean--really? How could you relate since you're refined sugar free? Well, it's my job, first of all. And secondly--I've consumed enough Daylight Donuts in my lifetime to accurately convey the experience without actually experiencing it again. I remember the taste very well. Excellent donuts!

I was honored when I received the invite a while back to an exclusive lunch meeting with the directors of a local bank. I put it in my calendar and even set reminders. Still, for whatever reason, the event caught me off guard and without a plan. Lunch would be provided--but I hadn't a clue what it might involve.

I was prepared to maintain the integrity of my plan at all costs, even if it meant a polite, "I'm so sorry, but I'm passing on lunch and opting to feast on the good conversation," or something like that--perhaps something less corny sounding.

I discovered the meal was catered by Zino's, a local authentic Italian restaurant where they make everything from scratch. I've inquired about their marinara ingredients on a previous occasion--so I knew it was sugar free--just tomatoes and spices. What I didn't know was the amounts of ricotta & mozzarella used and the fat percentage in the beef used for the filling. Those three things make a big difference in the calorie count.

I took my photo, enjoyed the dish--passed on the salad, the veggies with the lasagna and the big piece of chocolate cake for dessert. The server set the cake in front of me and I politely declined. As she was taking it away, one of the guests familiar with what I'm all about, chuckled--because they knew it was coming!

I called the owner of the restaurant (also the one with the recipes!) shortly after 1pm and inquired about the unknowns of my lunch lasagna. She was incredibly helpful. Within minutes I had a fairly accurate count based on the ingredients. 721 calories! Oooh. Yes--it was that good. A little higher count than I like to spend at any one meal, but at least it was sugar free. I confirmed the sugar free status again, too--just for good measure.

I take my food sobriety very seriously! I was honored to be invited and the conversation and laughs we all shared were fantastic. It was a good experience. And it was something different for lunch other than tostadas! I rarely get tired of the tostadas--but still, it's good to change it up occasionally.

I picked up Noah this evening from his Aunt Amber's place and took him to the Y with me. He played in the supervised Kids Zone day care while I did my thing. We made a grocery store run before returning home for dinner and another overnight stay.

Once the little guy fell asleep, I did some body weight strength training exercises. Same as before, rail pushups, wall sits and squats. A reader known as "B" left a wonderful link to 50 body weight exercises on last night's post (check it out!). I'm looking forward to digging into these over the next few days.

My Tweets Today:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,


  1. Weight Watchers is great! The turning point for me was when I decided to find the answer to this question: What would happen if I treated my recovery with the same reverence, the same non-negotiable importance level, as someone in long term successful recovery from other things, like drugs and alcohol? This approach isn't new, OA is built on it-- but I never before have it this level of care and attention.
    My relapse/regain period showed me just how quickly and how severely I was capable of going the other way-- and it proved to me that this approach I've taken in the last 16 months of my turnaround, is truly what I needed. It's super important to me, on the highest level.
    Niecy, you have it in you to make this time a time like no other. You can do it. I say that, because I'm doing it and I know how deeply horrible it became while gaining back all I did--and to be here, is something unimaginable to me back then... You can do it!! I'm excited for you!

  2. Hi Sean and Niecy - Sean I'm a new reader of yours just a few weeks and I love reading about your determination and stick-to-it attitude. I too am a WW -- and because there is a lot of gray in the plan I find I'm on a wheel like a gerbil. I'm in a good frame of mind right now - have lost the last few weeks - and I've been walking and walking - I try to do 2-4 miles a day depending on the day so I think that helps a lot.

    Have a great weekend!

    -Beth in Chicago

    1. Beth, thank you for reading! The walking is a BIG deal, keep it up !! Congrats on the last few weeks!

  3. Chuckle. Yes... Ate the lasagna, but passed on those veggies and salad. Makes me laugh. Tho, I'm sure you had some "I don't know the ingredients, so can't guess the calorie count" jazz going on. And skipping the lasagna for veggies would have probably felt like a deprivation... Makes me chuckle, tho.

    1. You know me, Deb--I eat what I like and nothing I don't! I would never force myself to eat something I can't stand. Had I consumed the veggies and the salad--and not the lasagna, it would have been completely against my natural inclinations. It was good lasagna! For 721 calories, it should be!

  4. Good for you sticking to your plan as best you can! It's those unplanned meals that are hardest to navigate. Way to go!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! Yes--it was unplanned--unknown going in--- and I felt good about the outcome. I'm so glad it was Zino's!

  5. It's pure gold when you can work with a local chef, know the ingredients and not get triggered by sugar (for me gluten). So good. LOL on the doughnut commercial. Funny. Glad you are taking the extra time to sort out your food template. Very, very worth it. Karen P.

    1. It is golden when that can happen. I totally agree, Karen--worth it times 100! :)


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The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.