Foreign Behaviors and Four People—One Pizza
Amber and her boyfriend KL came in unexpectedly last night. It’s always a pleasure to see them and it’s especially incredible to see how they’re supporting each others efforts in losing weight and working out. I had planned on a lunch date with the two of them, but we quickly changed the plans to dinnertime because of my crazy busy Friday. I’ll have more on that refreshingly different dinner in a few minutes.
It’s really something special when you realize that old behaviors are now so foreign. The past two days have been ripe with unmentionable drama and personal stress that easily would have steamrolled me in the past. I’m strong now, at a place where everything else can crumble, but my resolve and new behaviors with food never change. That’s simply magical to me. My importance level for this transformation is set on the highest level possible and nothing can break that stride. It never took much to break me in the past; if someone cut me off in traffic I’d find refuge in the nearest fast food drive-thru. Venting my frustrations, insecurities, and emotions without the aid of hundreds, often times thousands of calories, is so incredibly liberating. I credit this part of my transformation to these writings. This daily blog has been such amazing therapy for me. I know I must sound like a broken record, but really, sorting out my emotions and behaviors that put me over 500 pounds---like pieces to a puzzle, has helped me put it all together. I don’t claim to know everything and I’m far from perfect. But the epiphanies I’ve experienced and shared over the last 418 days have been completely life changing.
It really is happening, this transformation. And it’s happening because I’ve approached it in the simplest of terms. It’s been a real exploration of what didn’t work and why, along with a complete understanding of what really honestly works in a very natural and effective way. Communicating those epiphanies, philosophies, and techniques I’ve developed along the way is my passion for life. You don’t have to be trapped by morbid obesity any longer. Isn’t that refreshing to hear? It’s even better to experience.
The Corvette cruise yesterday didn’t necessarily make me want a Corvette, couldn’t afford one even if it did, but it did make me want a smaller vehicle. I look forward to retiring the mini-van. It’s big, so big that I fit just fine at 505. It’s too big really. I will eventually work my way into a small car, maybe a two-seater, we’ll see what the future brings. I think it would be wonderful to drive a Mini-Cooper. Gary and Janet (the Corvette owners) lived in England in the 70’s and 80’s, and she told me they’re just called “Minis” over there. At least they were back then. Mini-Coopers have been around forever in England apparently. I did not know that. Or maybe a I could eventually buy a Mazda Miata. There’s a reason for that thought. I use to do a stand-up bit about shopping for and buying a Mazda Miata when I weighed 500 pounds. The bit was all about how I would custom order the thing: Instead of cup holders, I would insist on a “Bucket of Chicken” holder. Instead of a change tray, I wanted a “ketchup reservoir.” And I would talk about driving it around while sitting on top of the trunk, you know, like I was in a parade. Not so funny on the screen here, but put the old 500 pound Sean on a stage in front of an audience and I would get animated, making it “spit your drink out of your nose” funny. (hopefully you were drinking during my stand-up) It was all at the expense of my size. I became such a bully of myself back then. Crazy really.
Today was a twelve-hour radio day. I arrived at the studio this morning before 5am and wrapped my special remote broadcast at 5pm. It was a long day that I’m ashamed to report---included me going without something to eat for more than five hours. That’s just not good for the metabolism. Again, my poor planning is to blame. I almost broke down and invested a dollar and 280 calories in a candy bar during the afternoon broadcast, after all, Snickers Satisfies right? But I didn’t because I knew that I was meeting my daughters at Pizza Hut for dinner at 5:30pm.
Tonight’s dinner wasn’t the typical Anderson family trip out for pizza. All of us are very calorie conscious and it shows in our ordering, our consumption, and the restaurant bill. Amber, KL, Courtney, and me all shared one pizza. It had eight slices, we each were allowed two, and I was the only one who did. The other three took their extra piece home for later. I was ready and willing to invest 500 calories in two slices, so I did. Three of us ordered water, the other a diet soda, and I requested plenty of fresh lemon wedges and Splenda for my “homemade” lemonade. We had a wonderful conversation, a great meal, and the entire thing cost thirteen bucks total, for four people! It was a wonderful display of control and responsible dining while staying true to our calorie budgets. It was so wonderful to witness KL right there with us on this mission. He’s starting to drop weight and is feeling just amazing.
In last night’s (Thursday night) blog I mentioned trying to find time for a nap today. Nope, didn’t happen. So after watching a movie with Amber and KL (the early eighties George C. Scott, Tom Cruise, Timothy Hutton, and Sean Penn movie “Taps”)---I went to bed. I didn’t work out tonight. I hate to admit it. I was just beaten dead tired. I needed sleep and I took it. But my workouts have been wonderful lately, so I will not be too hard on me for an exhausting Friday. At the risk of sounding like I’m rationalizing a bad choice--- Getting enough sleep is just as important for our overall health as a good workout. Oooh, that made me feel better---just like a good rationalization. I’m so bad sometimes. Hmmmm. ;)
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend. Goodnight and…
Good Choices,
An old “Before” picture
Old “Before” picture---So silly!
You really are very funny and very real and motivational. I like to read the stories and see that yes I can do it also. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteOMG!! Sean!! ♫you're too sexy for this blog♫ LOL!
ReplyDeleteI love the new profile pic - you look FABULOUS!! The pout is just killing me!! LOL!!
Seriously, great work with your transformation!! Totally inspiring!!
oh and awesome job to the entire fam on the pizza dinner!! It can be done!! :)
ReplyDeleteI think it is so wonderful that the changes you have made have affected your whole family. What a happy Dad you must be!
Wow...I didn't know 2 pcs of Pizza Hut pizza was only 500 calories....interesting. I'm going to have to find out what kind of toppings you had on that, lol. Glad you had a great night out with your girls...and yes, sleep is just as important as the exercise...very true. :)
ReplyDeleteHey sean, you look really good.
ReplyDeleteThat old pic at the top, you looked sick.
I am glad you are getting healthier.
Keep up the good work.
I've said it before and i'll say it again you and your family are amazing and such inspirations :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for these great posts!!
Your smile is gorgeous - you have beautiful teeth :) Your new FB pic...very hot :) and you deserve to pose a little...whats the point of looking great if you can't show off a little!
ReplyDeleteI'll admit it... I had to google "Right Said Fred." Now I get Jonia's comment!
ReplyDeleteYour eyes look very sad in the first "before" picture even though you're smiling. In your "after" picture, you're not smiling but your eyes don't look sad to me. Go figure.