There's a lot to cover in tonight's edition of the DDWL!
The Sean & Kathleen Support Group's December Speaker Series is fast approaching! Have you signed up? Join us every Wednesday night in December for powerful perspectives!! (All calls are via teleconference line--and recorded for playback by members in case you miss it LIVE!)
If you're ready to choose change before change chooses you--this speaker series might just provide the spark you've been hoping to find.
December 7th- Dr. Marty Lerner Ph.D is a world-renowned clinical psychologist who specializes in eating disorders and recovery. Dr. Lerner is published in several professional publications. He's been featured in The New York Times, USA Today, on ABC's 20/20, NPR and many more media outlets.
December 14th- Winifred Morice is a nutritionist, writer, and actor. She spent many years working alongside Richard Simmons in the development of Deal-A-Meal. She's co-authored cookbooks with Richard and served as a food and nutrition consultant.
December 21st- Life Coach Gerri Helms is a Certified Master Spiritual Life Coach. She's the author of Trust God Buy Broccoli, is an accomplished international speaker and has lost over 100 pounds, maintaining her weight loss for twenty-three years.
December 28th- Cindyellen Robinson is a retired nutritional counselor. She has twenty years experience in treating eating disorders and addictions.
Fee- $60 Includes membership in the exclusive Speaker Series Private Facebook Group where members will have the opportunity to submit questions for our experts, interact with other members in special discussions, enjoy Facebook LIVE presentations with Sean and Kathleen and more!
Sign-Up Here:
Facebook has this memory thing where it brings up--yeah yeah--you know what I'm talking about, right? I wake up today and found one that I really liked. Many of these memories--especially if it's something written in a way I'd likely modify in today's version, I just pass. But this one still applies.
Thanks for the memories, Facebook! Regardless of what I've experienced in the last five years, this "micro-blog" status update holds true. Choose Change before change chooses you, but remember, none of us do it alone! Don't forget to build your "rails" of support!
From five years ago:
"The greatest gift you can give yourself is an unbreakable commitment to positive change. This passionate pursuit of yours will attract plenty of positive support and some negative reactions. You know what's right and good, stay the course. You're setting your importance level to its highest setting. And come what may, this time, you're doing it, for real. Did you often believe you would never reach this point? Yeah, me too. Isn't it refreshing to discover the power you hold, the power to choose change before change chooses you?"
Throwback Thursday Photo
Blurry shot during a stand-up performance. This serves as a reminder to me: Book more stand-up dates!! Even one a month--one night a month!!! Okay-- I must do that. It brings me so much joy. I will make time for that important element of me!
Today was a solid day in a lot of ways. My food was fantastic. Oh--and by the way, if you're missing the Tweets on this blog (and really, maybe you're glad they're gone!!), you can always see the Live-Tweet stream at even if you don't have a Twitter account. The accountability Tweets continue like always--they're just not posted on each night's blog.
Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget. I remained abstinent from refined sugar. I exceeded my daily water goal. I stayed very well connected with great support. And I had a wonderful workout this evening at the YMCA.
Oh--something I didn't mention in last night's edition-- I donated blood yesterday during my afternoon broadcast--from a blood drive. Aside from the wonderful reasons to donate--you also receive a mini-health screening. It was this health screening that repeatedly rejected me back in my 500 pound days. Now--I get it and I love the numbers I'm seeing. My blood pressure was fantastic (one twenty-something over seventy-two) and my pulse was 55.
Maybe a cardiologist could offer some insight here--but my theory is this: Now that my heart doesn't need to work so hard to pump blood through my body, it simply takes it easy. It's a muscle, right? It worked out for many many years. Today's 204 isn't a challenge like yesteryear's 505. My heart is like, "this all you got?- easy!"
Thank you for reading and your continued support,
You're exactly right. A lower heart rate is a sign of a healthier heart. It is working efficiently enough that it doesn't take as many beats per minute to push blood completely through the body!