Goooaaaaallllll!!!!!!! 275 Pounds Lost in Two Years, Two Months, and A Day
From Day 2--A comment from my daughter Amber: "Not only does this motivate me, but I sense a little humor in there too. I seriously love reading this ... keep it up Daddy! I can't even tell you how proud I am of you. You will do this. We all will."
From Day 3--A comment from my daughter Courtney: "Daddy, your blogs are amazing! You have such a talent to write, I really hope this blog does motivate you in every way possible ... I'm very proud of you daddy, I know we've been saying we need to lose weight for quite sometime, but this time it's just different. All together as a family, we will lose weight. No doubt about it. Keep up the good work Daddy. I love you with all my heart."
Courtney couldn't have been more right with her words, "this time it's just different." She could tell on Day 3. She knew that this day was coming.
Today--789 days along Transformation Road--and 275 pounds lighter...I hit goal. I stepped onto the same scale where more than a dozen of my past weight loss attempts started--the same scale that weighed me 505 on Day 2. Now it shows me 230.4 OK--If you know me from these writings--you know that the .4 is messing with me!!! But I've always rounded up or down. Had it been .5---I would be at 231. I feel like I've lost a good four or five since last time, judging by how my clothes and body I'm not sure how to accept a two pound loss. That sounds so silly to say--and crazy to write, given the monumental weigh-in it was---so I'll stop that line of thinking and celebrate. The bottom line is simple: I'm 230 pounds. I did it.
Happy tears are so beautiful and cleansing. They felt good on my face--and I couldn't help it, I'm so happy and emotional. It's just a number that I picked out of the blue when I started, but it's turned out to be a pretty good guess.
Amber left a comment tonight on my facebook status update--and I immediately called her, I needed to hear her voice. She writes:
"I LOVE YOU DADDY! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! Your amazing. I'm so proud of you. You are such an inspiration to me and so many other people. I don't think I ever told you this...but I always use to worry about you not being here anymore...about... you passing away...and you missing out on so many things me and sissy graduating, getting married...grand kids....and have no idea how much your journey means to me. I love you so much...and I always knew you could and would do it. I know now that you will be here...cheering me on in the stands as I walk on graduation will be there to walk me down the aisle when I get married...and you will see my kids one day. And now I'm crying...but it is good tears daddy...good tears. I love you so much. I'm so happy for you daddy! You are wonderful....the best daddy in the world."
This is what it's all about: Family---and Living, loving, laughing, caring, and sharing.
My favorite post isn't Day 327, or Day 1---those are big ones to me, no doubt. But Day 135 is a way of thinking I'll never forget. It's a great thing I was morbidly obese for all of those years. I was lucky and blessed that it didn't kill me when it had the chance--And I was also blessed, because it made me the person I am today.
From Day 135--Here's my "Thank You Letter To Morbid Obesity:" (note--I've re-formatted the letter for easier reading--the content is identical to Day 135)
Every now and then I challenge myself to really think on a deep level. I strive for a better understanding of behavior. I try to dissect things on a psychological level, and since I have no formal education in psychology, I can come to some pretty far out reasoning. It doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong because these are studies within myself. Today I started thinking about how it's good to find the positive side of all things. Even things that can't possibly have a good side, if you look hard enough, maybe it does. I hit a wall when I thought about applying this positive philosophy to being morbidly obese. By the way, I use the term “morbidly obese” because I hate that term. I don't like the way it sounds at all, and the first time a doctor used that term I thought he was making fun of me! To me, it was the same as him saying I was “disgustingly obese,” and when the term used is “grotesquely obese,” well that's even worse. If the doctor would have said “Sean, you are “making me want to throw up obese” it would have felt the same. Isn't “gross” short for grotesque? I've had both terms used on me by medical professionals and they were perfectly in line with medical terms. How could I find the good in my life long career of being “morbidly grotesque?” Ooh, combining the two is even worse. Anyway, I thought long and hard and finally came up with this: My “thank you” letter to “morbid obesity.”
Dear Morbid Obesity,
You suck. Sorry about that, it just popped out. Let me start again.
Dear Morbid Obesity,
Thank you for teaching me how to be compassionate toward others. By making me different and the subject of so much weight related bullying as a kid, you taught me to always care about other peoples feelings.
Thank you for making me unique in an age when I was often the only fat kid in class, because it gave me added attention that I may have felt was lacking in other parts of my life.
Thank you for giving me a very strong opinion against discrimination in all it's forms. By showing me the pain of being discriminated against based solely on my looks, you taught me to never judge a person based on appearance.
Thank you for giving me the defense mechanism of a good sense of humor. Although it was sometimes masking emotional pain, laughter and making others laugh has always carried me through.
Thank you for protecting me from every dangerous thing I would have tried had I been able to fit on that ride, or into that harness, or on that horse, or in that sports car, or whatever the dangerous situation could have been, you were there keeping me safe inside your embrace.
Thank you for giving me a fashion sense born from complete insecurity. I know you don't give this fashion sense to every morbidly obese person, but it kept me from further ridicule because I never wore things too small, ever. You saved me from the spandex revolution, how can I properly thank you for that? To make me want to wear a big jacket when it was ninety degrees outside just to cover my boy boobs, well I have no choice but to conclude that you must love me more than other fat people, because if I had a dollar for every morbidly obese person I've witnessed in spandex and a shirt three sizes too small, I'd be wealthy.
Thank you for giving me the ability to spot shallowness in others. I'll never forget the first time I was completely rejected by a girl who said out loud, in class “eeewwww, I would never go out with you.” She didn't take the time to see the good guy I was inside, to look into my heart and see the eighth grader that would have cherished her and respected her in a most grateful 8th grader way. She was shallow and without you I may not of recognized that side of humanity for many years.
Without this “shallowness radar,” I may never have recognized the pure spirit in the eyes and heart of Irene Brake, my high school sweetheart and wife of nearly twenty years.
Most of all, thank you for my life. Without you I don't know if my path would have been the same. Would I have my family that I hold so dear? Would I have found a career that felt so perfect for me, a career that allowed me to hide behind a microphone and communicate with people without them being able to see me?
Without you, maybe, just maybe I would have become a complete jerk.
Thank you for bringing me to this point in my life and keeping me in one piece along the way. But despite the flood of gratitude in this letter, you know your days are numbered here. We can't continue our relationship. Morbid obesity, I'm slowly shrinking out of you. I'm moving on to a life free of all the dangerous effects of our relationship. But I'll never forget all of the wonderful things you taught me, and for that I thank you from the bottom of my overworked heart.
Thank you so much for reading. I had planned on writing more about my trip to Alabama on this post, but hitting goal took over. I will say this: Getting to know my family in Alabama has been good for my soul. It was a very positive experience in many ways and I look forward to many more wonderful times with my 'Bama family in the future. Below, you'll see a picture of me with my grandpa Haynes at his 88th birthday party. I absolutely cherish that picture.
On the way home from Alabama, I stopped and met Shane Griffin. His incredible success is wonderful to witness. See our picture below! In fact--we have a bunch of pictures and memories to look back on...
Again, thank you for reading and cheering, and for just---all of your support. I wish I knew the words to say that would properly express my gratitude. I don't. But I'm forever grateful. Goodnight and...
Good Choices,

The scale today.
Before pictures--all over 500 pounds:

Pictures from along the way:

And there's hundreds more...
Here and now:

With Shane Griffin from

With my Grandpa Haynes--Celebrating his 88th birthday!!!

Recent--with my two beautiful, smart, mature beyond their years, talented, compassionate, creative, and amazing daughters---Amber and Courtney. Love you girls!!
Oh, Sean! "Congratulations" doesn't even seem like strong enough of a word. I'm so very happy for you!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful accomplishment! I am very happy for you and I hope your life keeps blooming!
ReplyDeleteoh sean! I wondered why Jo was crying and it has to be you!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so great, I am crying too! lol.
I am so proud of you and I aint even related.
Great job...whatever I say is piss in the wind because you must be feeling so much right now it isn't even funny. your comments are going to be out the wazoo and I just am glad I am right up there at the beginning to say congratulations.
So excited will be mumbling for hours after...
*walks away mumbling.
Sean, I am so, so, so, so happy for you! When I read this on FB, I cried for 15 minutes. (Yes, I'm an emotional person.)
Wow. That's a helluva lot of weight your sloughed off. Amazing transformation. You're so hot!!! Congrats. A bloggy happy dance for you!
ReplyDeleteNitey, slim!
ReplyDeleteWay to go Sean just bloody amazing. good for you. I am proud of you. You did this. Wow your daughters words were just beautiful
ReplyDeleteYou Fabulous Man, so very happy for you. There was no doubt you were going to do it. You have inspired thousands of of us following your journey. You will continue to inspire as you embark on your career as a motivational speaker.
ReplyDeleteJust make sure I get a front row seat when you come this side of the pond!!!
So proud of you Sean, enjoy every moment of the life you saved.
Big Hugs
I have been 'silently' following you, but just had to post today! You are such an amazing inspiration for the power to change what seems unchangable. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS! I've followed your story for a while now. Well done and what a great accomplishment. You are an inspiration to many.
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Sean
Congratulations! What a amazing journey and a wonderful result! You are a true inspiration.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Sean! I am so thriled & happy for you!
ReplyDeleteDude I freakin love you and this is the first time reading your blog...
ReplyDeleteI've got a lot of catching up to do!
Nothing can take this away from you. Ever! So awesome!
Congratulations, Sean!! I couldn't be happier for you, and couldn't be happier for me because you started me on the road to life. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I will live a longer and healthier life because of you and I am beyond grateful.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Sean! You've worked so hard ... and it shows! I'm getting ready to drop from Morbid Obesity to mere "Severe" Obesity, hopefully by year's end. With 65 lbs gone already, I hope I'll be writing my own MO letter. It is encouraging to see the success of others. Enjoy 230!
ReplyDeleteI just realized you are 9 days younger than my baby brother. For some reason I had it in my head you were older than me.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you..Congratulations. A true inspiration.
Sean, that is sooo great. I'm so happy for you and your daughters. I've been reading from almost the beginning so I remember when you first took those mid-way pictures.
ReplyDeleteYou know, you have to be careful, you'll be listed as one of Poncan City's most eligible bachelors soon. :) You'll need a bat to keep those ladies away.
Sean, Bravo! I applaud your stick to it ness* and know how hard the road was and is as I walk it with you. The thing in this post that says it all for me is "This is what it's all about: Family---and Living, loving, laughing, caring, and sharing" I share this view with you and am happy for you to know that you reached your goals, I am truly truly happy for you.
ReplyDeleteAs Ever
Congrats Sean on hitting your goal and meeting your dad's family.
ReplyDeleteSean, I only found your blog a few days ago and have been spending every spare minute reading your past posts and getting to know you. You are so inspiring and motivating and it is a pleasure to be here to celebrate this amazing accomplishment with you!! Congratulations on reaching your goal and may God bless you with a long and abundant life! You seem to have a wonderful family and your love for them and theirs for you just shines through! What a marvelous thing you have done for yourself & your family by getting healthy! I absolutely love this post...the words from your amazing daughters, the letter, the pictures...what a story they all tell!! Again, congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteI found your blog over a year ago when I wasn't ready to make the commitment to lose weight. I placed it on my favorites so that I could continue to read and be reminded of a real life person who was doing it. Every couple of weeks, I would spend a Saturday morning reading your blog and thinking to myself, "he can do it - so can I."
ReplyDeleteFinally this past August, I just decided it was time. 4 months and 69 lbs later, I can completely link your determination and inspiration as a major reason I am sitting here finding my own success.
You're amazing and wonderful and full of hope. Today you reached your goal, and today I honor you with my happy tears knowing that this will someday be me because of you.
Thank you, Sean. You deserve all the best.
BIG BIG Standing O! Way to go! And its just the beginning!
ReplyDeleteSean, my very sincerest congratulations. I'll never forget that it happened at Thanksgiving. An additional reason to celebrate the holiday. Thank you for your story.....Catherine
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible journey. Congratulations on meeting your goal. Thank you for sharing your story. You inspire so many, and you are amazing!
ReplyDeleteIncredible! I'm only sorry that I just found your blog now! Good for you!!
ReplyDeleteBig big Congrats Sean!!! You've just done amazing and I'm so proud to know you. Things that you have said have really stuck with me, thanks.
ReplyDeleteHuge congratulations! You did it :) "hugs"
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for a few months now, but haven't commented. I just want to say how proud of you I am. You have come a long way, and I have no doubt you'll keep going. Your daughters are very blessed to have a father like you, and even more blessed that they'll be able to keep you around for even longer because you're a much healthier person now.
And that letter? I could've written the same thing even if the most overweight I've ever been is about 120 pounds overweight. I'm currently about 70-90 (depends on who you ask) overweight, but your efforts and outcomes encourage me to keep striving.
God bless and congratulations!
COngratulations!! What an amazing journey! You are a true inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI've never been here Sean but your story is beyond inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant effort sean . congrats! You truely are an inspiration and I am so proud of you from faraway:) Well done - Wohoo!x
ReplyDeleteOh Sean! You did it... I knew you would, no doubt. I'm so happy for you. It's all been said by everyone else.. so I'll just say a huge DITTO!!!
ReplyDeleteMy sincerest congratulations,
Triple Congratulations Sean!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your amazing accomplishment. For the help and hope you give so many of us. You clearly were chosen to bring this powerful object lesson of life, hope and inspiration to many, and you answered the call. I'm listening to the radio show Roni posted right now where you overviewed your story and weight loss philosophy. And I've just opened my own Calorie Bank and Savings. I've been struggling mightily over the last few months and am just starting to get my head above water. Listening to you today strengthens my rise from the darkness.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first ever comment on your blog.
So very well done, Sean. And those drivers license pictures are awesome!
ReplyDeleteKeep on... :)
Wow. I can't even offer enough congratulations. Look at you! Great job.
ReplyDeletePolar's Mom
Congratulations Sean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood Choices and Great Results!!!!!!!!!
Just found your blog today. Congrats on your AMAZING success. Looks like you have a wonderfully supportive family. Keep up the great work!
ReplyDeletenice job! you are a true success.
ReplyDeleteBeyond proud! Great job staying on point for the last couple of years!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Sean!! Love the driver's license shows the evolution of hotness :) You rock! :)
ReplyDeleteSean: you don't know me and I don't know you, except for following your life on your are an amazing person. You've reached your goal...Congratulations! I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel...congratualations is such a little word for what you have accomplished. I am so happy for you. Connie in California
ReplyDeleteAmazing!! Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you! I posted a quote tonight I found from a friend, and after reading your letter to "Dear Morbid Obesity" I want to share it...
Lisa Love: "Don't miss out on a blessing, just because it is not packaged the way you expect." ~Unknown
Ann Marie Emmons: wow, good one!
Lisa Love: Thanks Ann Marie, I borrowed this from a friend. I can only imagine how many blessings we miss out on because we consider only the outside appearance...sigh.
The 8th grade girl who openly rejected you missed out! And karma will bite her in the butt, if it hasn't already.
You said...
"This is what it's all about: Family---and Living, loving, laughing, caring, and sharing."
I say...
"And I think to myself, what a wonderful world."
Congratulations again Sean. Love you with all my heart!:)
Take Care and God Bless Friend!
My hero!!! You inspired me to blog :) don't go away we still need you in blog land!!
ReplyDeleteTruly an inspiration! Congratulations on your amazing transformation! Us Okies are strong and determined people...I only live an hour from you!!! And my entire family is from right around Birmingham! Fun coincidence!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! SO INSPIRING!
ReplyDeleteYou are an amazing inspiration to ALL... fat, skinny and in between! What I find even more amazing than your 230 goal is your heart, who you are inside. It's just beautiful.
ReplyDeleteLove all the pictures, especially the one with you and your Grandfather.... precious.
May God continue to grant you health, love and many more blessings.
Thanks for reaching goal when you did. I know it seems silly to thank you for the timing, but I've been struggling through a "blah" period, and seeing everyone around the blogosphere writing congratulations posts to you gave me another wind. I would never dream of stopping my journey, but it's nice to have that little push. So, congratulations to you and thank you.
ReplyDeleteSo happy for you Sean, moved to tears. Well done, and thank you for sharing your journey. You totally amaze me with your observations and positive voice.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! The pictures say it all. You can just see the joy on your face. Thanks for being an inspiration to us all.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your journey with us, you are truly an inspiration.
Congratulations -- you have truly earned every accolade. I've said it before, but you're an outgoing, nice-looking guy with great speaking skills and a powerful message to send. You WILL be famous beyond this blog someday, and motivating others to improve their lives, and it will be a great thing. I've never struggled with my weight, and even I find a lot of inspiration and practical application to my own life in what you achieved: do the work and no shortcuts, make small changes consistently, and play-now-pay-now. Those lessons can be applied to almost all challenges in life. You're a real champ, dude.
ReplyDeleteBTW -- OMFG I LOVE that driver's license montage. When you do your book, that needs to be on the cover someplace.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen your blog before, but it seems this post has "gone viral" as they say. Wanted to say I love your driver's licence pictures, and the red heels photo. And also want to agree with your daughters that you are a uniquely talented writer, reading this post was a true pleasure. Have you really been posting every single day? That's amazing. You are admirable. Please don't stop now that you've hit your goal weight. What are some new goals? Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSome people say that the hardest part has just begun -- not letting go of the dream once it has been reached. But I have confidence that you have cared too much to ever relinquish the dream that is your new reality.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the journey. Please keep on sharing. My mind agrees with you, but somehow I still hold back on total commitment. I think that your good sense and incredible example will help my mind win over my weakness.
As always, Thank you, Sean.
Wow of all days to stumble upon your blog. Congratulations. You are an inspiration to so many!! I am going to post a link on my site to this monumental day. I am hoping to reach my goal by June 1, 2011.
ReplyDeleteI am going to curl up on my couch on Saturday with my laptop and starting reading your blog from the beginning.
Best of luck.
Brett from http:/
Congrats! You are so amazing!
ReplyDeleteMy heart swelled when I heard. Congrats to you mister..and best of luck on the new part of your journey.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Thanks for showing us how to do it, too! Your blog is a manual of how to's. Enjoy each and every moment of the next few days while GOAL really sinks in. Happy Thanksgiving! Michele K
Sean - CONGRATULATIONS! What a brilliant achievement.
ReplyDeleteYou have made a middle aged woman in the UK cry..but with happiness for you. Your weight-loss blog has to be one of the most readable and inspirational ones of all time. You write with such conviction and sense, but with humility too, and it's been a pleasure to peep into your life and read about your successes. It's also been a joy to read about your lovely family and to see their pictures. Your warmth and love for each other shines through.
They are obviously very proud of you. Keep writing Sean. You may be a slim man now, but your heart is still as big and you have a lot to offer the world. 'Well done' just doesn't cover all you've achieved :)I am so happy for you.
I've LOVED reading/lurking about in your blog for months now.
ReplyDeleteYour smile, compassion and enthusiasm are contagious and a gift to all that come here.
Thank you. You're quite a guy!
Sean, Congrats! Can't tell you how much your blog has helped me as I embark on my own journey to lose 60 lbs. Days that I feel like giving up I just read your blog and I feel much more motivated. Much thanks!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! How amazing! There are so many things I would love to say. I really want to have a similar story to tell in a few years, you are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I am the same age as you and I have a family I adore. What your daughter said really touched me. I have a lot of weight to lose, you have shown me that it IS doable and that your quality of life is so much better after. Thank you!