Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25th, 2018 The S-Word

April 25th, 2018 The S-Word

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with good support.

It was a busy day--I say that a lot, I suppose, and not every day qualifies for the label, but today did. Thank you for everyone extended warm thoughts and prayers for mom's continued recovery. I'm intentionally being slightly vague about her condition because it probably isn't completely considerate of me to share every detail of her medical challenges. The good news is she's on the right medication and she's in good spirits. With good care, it's a minor and temporary thing.

I just finished a fabulous dinner with Cindy--and now, time to blog and get more sleep than last night!

But before I go, I wanted to share something...

So much of this journey we're all on requires a willingness to embrace different perspectives. The act of taking something we've always known- patterns and practices we've done, and changing our approach and the way we look at them...changes things. This taking what we've known and flipping it on its side or turning it upside down can be super challenging. In this challenge, we often run straight into "The S Word."

Not that S word. :)

I'm talking about Struggle.

Struggle isn't a moral issue, that's important because it isn't. The mental and emotional effects of struggle will try to convince us it is some kind of failure- a flaw within us... how many of us have thrown our hands up and said, "why can't I just get this right?"

I encourage you in those moments to be patient and I challenge you to change what struggle means to you. If we can change the way we look at struggle, and how we react to it, it can change everything.

Struggle is a key component in our success when we use its information to create a positive action plan.

If we didn't have struggle, we wouldn't evolve.  Struggle becomes an opportunity.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

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