Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 582 Challenging A Lifetime of Weight Loss Study and A Little Test Ride

Day 582

Challenging A Lifetime of Weight Loss Study and A Little Test Ride

Mom decided against being a guest on my show this morning. She sounds so good on the air, but really---she's very shy, and I understand. I'll have her on another time, you know Mothers Day is coming up soon---hint-hint...mom, you reading? It was probably best this morning, I had a very busy Monday and mom needed to rest.

Mom really enjoys dining out, and we have---but today for lunch, I planned on cooking at home. I had a little extra time for lunch, so I hurried home and prepared a wonderful whole wheat spaghetti marinara with mushrooms and ripe olives and I topped it with slices of grilled chicken breast. I threw some 150 calorie slices of garlic toast in the oven to compliment our dish---and lunch was served. With the bread and everything, it was a 500 calorie lunch. A little heavier lunch than I usually enjoy, but this was a special mom and me lunch.

Mom decided to accompany me back to the studio for my afternoon production work. She sat in the conference room and read her magazine and my “Food Rules” book while I worked late.
Every now and then, mom seems so unsure about what she's doing and how she's doing it. It's like she has a hard time believing it can be so simple. But it can be. It doesn't have to be complicated. You see, mom has read many books on the subject of weight loss---filling her brain with different plans, philosophies, and science. Her son coming along and saying---”Mom---let's simplify this---just stick to that calorie budget, eat what you like, and exercise. Your choices will naturally improve, your endurance will steadily increase, and the weight will drop. Focus more on the mental gymnastics that'll keep you consistent---and learn about yourself along the way.” I was challenging a lifetime of weight loss study. The difference? I have tremendous success on my side. It's a nice visual aid to accompany my philosophy. She's making tremendous strides along this road. She's embracing this and the weight is dropping. She's down sixty pounds from her heaviest, and I'm so proud of her. It just gets better mom---keep up the amazing progress! I love you!

While I visited the YMCA this afternoon for spinning and weight training, mom decided on walking Wal-Mart. Our Wal-Mart is a big Super Center—and mom was there for a couple of hours while I worked out...she was getting her workout too.

The 5:30 spinning class was directed by a different instructor this time. I've experienced Frank and MariBeth---but today it was Mary Beth, the other Mary Beth...anyway. This change kind of made me nervous. I know the class can be more or less challenging depending on the instructor---and I didn't know what to expect here. But I was fine---and Mary Beth was good. I pushed harder today than I have in the previous three spinning classes. It wasn't that the routine was harder---I just pushed harder—getting my rpm's up to 130 on the sprints and trying to stay at or at least near 100 rpm's most of the time. When the gears get higher, it's very tough---and when we stand or when we hover, my rpm's drop dramatically. Mary Beth made it very clear---the very thing that a regular reader and spinning instructor was saying the other day in a comment---I'm only to use my arms for balance, not leaning. It was an amazing 45 minute workout.

I rested for a few minutes and then hit the weight machines for a nice upper body workout. I'm really starting to enjoy the consistency in my weight training. And it may be pre-mature, but I think I can actually see and feel a difference physically, or maybe it's my imagination...but there's no mistaking the difference mentally. I'm pumped.

I picked mom up from Wal-Mart and she had bought me a wall clock. I have several clocks throughout the apartment...on the microwave, coffee maker, computer, my phone, alarm clock---but no wall clock. And mom was tired of asking me what time it was! Very nice momma! Thank you. We hurried back to the apartment, my bike was being delivered by Lindel---and I didn't want to miss him.

I hopped on the bike this evening and rode around the parking lot just a little. This wouldn't be the big bike ride that's coming this week---the one I'm looking forward to doing---but it was a little test ride. Yes, I remembered how to do it! I didn't crash, yay! I just rode around the parking lot for a few minutes, but I could seriously tell---this bike riding stuff is going to become very important to me. How exciting is that? Me? On a bike? For real? Yes, for real. Let the fun begin!

Before I took mom back home to Stillwater this evening, we stopped at a local nursing home and visited our Aunt Maxine. I need to visit her more often. She's so sweet---and our visit put a big smile on her face. She told me that if I hadn't been with mom, she wouldn't have known it was me. It's been a while. We visited for a good half-hour before hitting the road South.

In my daily travels to the year prior, I found this from April 19th, 2009:

Our food selection and food priorities were very different. First of all, before any hotel stay in the past, we always had to go to a store to stock up on “goodies” for the room. It was a completely normal thing to spend twenty bucks on junk to keep in the room. Our selections always included chips, dip, Nutty Bars, bagels, cream cheese, and of course plenty of sugary soft drinks. We didn't do that at all, didn't even desire to do that. We had bottled water, some flavoring packets, sugar free gum, and the complimentary coffee. There wasn't a need for a “fourth meal” at 1am like so many hotel stays before. We didn't order pizza to the room either, or run to a fast food place late. At dinner last night, we both watched our portions and left the restaurant feeling satisfied instead of stuffed. Out of habit we actually packed some Zantac antacid pills, but neither one of us needed them and they remained unopened. It's amazing how we always viewed our old habits and behaviors as normal, when they were anything but normal. The trade off of a much healthier existence and transformed body feels much better than any in room snack buffet. We took advantage of the complimentary breakfast this morning and again our selections were vastly different. We enjoyed fresh fruit, some cereal, and a cup of coffee. I grabbed an apple to have later and we were good to go!

Fitting in a booth that at 505 pounds would have been impossible was a tremendous feeling. I never thought I would say this, but I love booths! We always had to select restaurants based on seating arrangement, but not anymore, not at all. I don't think there's a booth out there that I couldn't fit in now. Not having that often times embarrassing problem is an amazing freedom.

I'm looking forward to getting below 350 and in not long breaking into the 200's. That will be very strange and wonderful! My mom recently recalled the day she realized that I was 300 pounds. I was just 16 years old and my weight was scaring her to death. She told me that day that I just couldn't get any bigger. I did get much bigger. But the gain was slow and steady, the kind that sneaks up on you and then slaps you in the face with a shocking number when you finally check. I'll never forget the first time I weighed in at over 500 pounds, it sent me into panic mode. Not enough to focus on any real changes, just enough to stress me out, and of course that always would lead straight to more food. It was certainly a vicious cycle all those years.

OK, back to present day:

No nap today---and I survived...hmmm, what does this tell me? I do like my naps, I don't think a well planned nap is a bad thing, I just have to get better at limiting my naps in length. Too much nap can completely throw off the schedule---but just a little nap, can energize for a good evening. Without my usual nap, I was toast when I pulled back into Ponca City after 10pm. I was up a little while before crashing hard with the alarm set for 4am. Tuesday is waiting, I better run!

Thank you for reading. Goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. great diary.. i will follow ur diary to motivated me..

  2. dude post a pic of you on your bike...it'll be cool!!

  3. I know, I didn't think it could be simple either.
    that is why I kept trying 'diets'.
    I am so glad this is working for your mom and your aunt.
    It must feel so good to know you are helping the people you love get better.
    There's brownie points in heaven for that bud.
    Good post.
    Have fun with the bike.

  4. Hey, its the spin teacher here who made the comment. Just wanted to let you know that you should keep up the cycling classes! They made a huge difference for me, helping me build muscle and lose fat. You will perfect the technique as you learn! Keep up the good work!

  5. Oh yeah... I wanna see the bike!!


  6. I think the napping is a great idea, as long as you can figure out the timing that works for YOU.

    For instance, the researchers suggest that while some people can feel revived with just a 5 minute catnap, most do great on a 20 minute or less nap. Too much longer, and you get into deep stages of sleep, which will make it harder to get going again, and interfere with night sleep.

    Here's one very interesting link:

    Some famous people took naps! Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, John D Rockefeller, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein... and more.

    And now we can add Sean Anderson to the list.


  7. Looking forward to seeing a pic of you on your new bike!

    Your mom is so sweet!!!

  8. Yay you got you some wheels!!!!!!!!!!! I love riding a bike, it fills me with such joy! It's just incredible that I can do this. Every time I go on a ride I am smiling like an idiot and I ring my bell at animals in the road and to scare birds and I sing with my ipod and let me tell you, this is the life. My husband is now taking a bike ride in the evening and joining him is the perfect end to a wonderful day. Everyday just keeps getting better and better. I am so very happy for you Sean. And I'm not surprised you're getting attention. Incredibly enough, so am I. I had forgotten what a big flirt I was when I was younger... Hugs!!!

  9. Can I come be a guest on your show??? I've always wanted to go on air! LOL

  10. You look fantastic and your positive writing is an inspiration. Keep blogging


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The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.