Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July 31st, 2018 A Little Patience

July 31st, 2018 A Little Patience

Today: I maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

There's a list of things populating my mind every morning. Deciding what's important, what's urgent, and what isn't, is a process. What needs to be done immediately? What needs a little patience and time? What needs cut from the list altogether? I mean, really--we only have so much energy each day, right? I guess it's about prioritizing. I calmly put together my list in its proper order this morning and I ended up having a much better day. Where can I create positive momentum and by doing so, create a measure of certainty for some things?

As I study the work of Dr. Marty Lerner, the practice of putting behavior and actions before feelings is one that really resonates deeply within me. If we put feelings first, they often (almost always) determine the actions that follow. You know what I mean? In the feelings before actions/behavior model: If we're feeling great we often do great (doesn't mean perfect-just better). If we're feeling horrible we often don't do as well.

Something wonderful happens when we practice putting behaviors and actions before feelings: Just as feelings often determine actions, actions often help shape feelings. If we can find a set of daily actions-- a pattern involving some non-negotiable elements that come first, then we're setting ourselves up to have a more solid foundation for dealing with the feelings.

The positive consequences of our intentional actions will no doubt offer a compounded effect--because number one: We're not beating ourselves up over inaction and number two: We're actually allowing ourselves to feel those feelings without a huge portion of self-loathing.

I enjoyed a busy day at work. Yes, I said enjoyed. I'm grateful. I made time for a good workout at the Y, a nice visit with mom, a quick trip to the store, and I prepared one of my favorite dinners at home.

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