Today was a beast of a day. I'm not sure I've ever referred to a day as a "beast," but today I will. Keep in mind, I have zero complaints. I'm blessed and I know it well. At the same time, I can recognize when a day stretches me to my limits. And of course for me, that means being extra aware of how I'm doing in the food department.
My schedule was: Morning show from 6am-8:45am (had to sign off early for location broadcasts), location broadcasts from four different client locations 9am-2pm, return station vehicle to storage area--get back to studio, prepare a late lunch--eat, then get into production room for commercial production, recording of financial markets and the weather update. It was almost 5pm before I called it a day. A day like today is rare and that's a good thing.
Being prepared food wise is imperative for me on a day like this. I brought my breakfast fixings with me to the studio this morning, like I do every morning--but I grabbed the wrong avocado. It wasn't ripe enough. I tried to use it, took a couple of bites and decided I'd rather not. My taste buds prefer ripe avocados. I certainly wasn't going to spend calories on a foul tasting anything.
Then--I took off for my location broadcasts without the fruit snacks I planned to use to help me get through until I could eat a late lunch at 2:30pm. Two of the clients were offering free food--but as you know, I'm fairly particular. The hamburgers at one and hot dogs at another looked great, and I could have had a hamburger patty or a dog and counted the calories--but I decided to drink water instead and make it until I could put together something else at the studio.
Headed home, I picked up some steak and zucchini for my taco dinner. The little Mexican place close to my apartment charges me next to nothing for this custom order--and it's so good and incredibly convenient, especially on a day like today. I arrived home, refrigerated my dinner for later and hit the pillow for a good nap. It was necessary. I was scheduled to take over emcee duties at a huge outdoor event downtown tonight at 8pm. If that was going to happen, I needed a refreshing nap. I woke up, enjoyed a cup of coffee--then dinner, then a to-go coffee--and I was out the door for the emcee gig.
I left the event at almost 11pm and headed to the store for some Kiku Kiku apples. I ended up with several things and then waited in line to pay for the longest time. Our big Walmart Supercenter had one checker on duty and the lines at self-checkout were 10-12 deep. The wait to check out was almost 30 minutes for me--it was long enough for some to actually abandon their carts and leave the store. I passed the time by checking emails and twitter and reading the tabloid headlines for amusement.
I've experienced more "wow" reactions in the last few weeks than the previous few months combined. Several came tonight. One after another. I replied the same way after each compliment, "thank you, I feel great." To simply say, "thank you," instead of trying to talk them out of their compliment, is a big sign of growth within me. I can't count all the times in the past when I would reply with something along the lines of, "Oh well, I'm getting there" or "I've got a ways to go yet" or "it's this outfit, really--I'm working on it though." Now, when someone offers a compliment, I've learned to graciously accept by saying thank you, usually followed by a description of how I feel. It's short and sweet and it feels much better than basically disagreeing with their compliment.
A big rumor was started around here a couple of days ago. The rumor was that Johnny Depp was in town. Suddenly Johnny Depp sightings flooded facebook. The original thought was that Johnny was connected to the E.W. Marland biopic and was in town scoping out the location and history. This area is rich in Native American history and culture--and Johnny Depp has a deep interest in these things--so it apparently was enough for this entire area of Oklahoma to go Johnny Depp crazy. Everybody had a story of why he was in town...including my employer:
The radio station I work for got in on the fun with this picture and caption on the KPNC Facebook page:

Johnny Depp sightings in Ponca City swirled throughout Facebook today. Finally it's revealed why he was here. Rumor has it that Johnny is slated to portray our own Sean In The Morning in the big screen adaption of Sean's book Transformation Road. Filming is slated to begin in 2019 as soon as Johnny gains 300 pounds for the role.
Obviously photo-shopped, right? Yeah. Some people believed it. OMGoodness. A retraction of sorts was published this afternoon clearing up the whole thing. This rumor coincided with an annual event called "Crazy Days," in fact, it was the big outdoor event I helped emcee tonight. It was Crazy alright. It was fun, for sure. And based on some of the reactions, very interesting.
Considering yesterday was a rest day from exercise, I honestly didn't want to take another today--but quickly, as described above, the day turned into a very active one (Fitbit activity calorie adjustment in excess of 430 calories) where I was perfectly okay without an intentional workout. I have four more hours of Crazy Days location broadcasts tomorrow starting at 9am. If I run into Mr. Depp, I'll try to get a picture.
My Tweets Today:
Happy Friday morning! Dark roast w/2 tblspns half & half X 2 cups. Really good coffee this morning! 80 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
Didn't eat 3/4 of avocado. Not ripe enough. 3 whts/1 whl w/1 slice provolone. 125g strawberries, 192g apple. 367 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
2 cups water. #wateraccountability
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
2 cups. Last bottle lasted about 40 seconds. :) Lunch plans delayed until about 2:30pm. Forgot my holdover snacks.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
2 cups water with lunch. #watertracking
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
FF/SF bean (130g) & provolone (2 slices) tostadas w/salsa & lght sr crm (15g). 148g strawberries, 203g apple. 489 cal
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
Evening cup of coffee w/2 tablespoons half & half and a sprinkle of cinnamon...X 2, one cup now-one later. 80 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) July 31, 2015
2 cups with dinner. #wateraccountability
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
Beefy, creamy, cheesy. Steak fajita melt tacos. 8oz steak, zucchini, 1.5 slices mozz, 15g lght sr crm. 605 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
I swear, I came in for one thing...
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
This is happening. Looong day deserves a relaxing cup w/2 tablespoons half & half, touch of cinnamon. 40 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
Kiku Kiku apple (small-60 cal) & 120g red seedless grapes. #lastfoodofday 139 cal.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
440 calorie burn. I'm okay without an intentional workout with this level of activity. It was a very busy day.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) August 1, 2015
Thank you for reading and your continued support,