Today started out rough. I wasn't feeling very well and finally, decided my best course was calling a colleague to cover my morning show. I gradually started feeling better and made it to my blood work-up lab thing. I was supposed to get this workup a month ago! I kept putting it off for scheduling reasons--and a time or two I forgot to fast. It's done and next Thursday I'll follow up with my doctor so we can go over the numbers--all of the numbers. I think it's been a year since I had this complete blood workup, so it'll be interesting to see how the numbers have developed.
I eventually made it to the studio, completed some work in production--made a midday meeting across town, then back to work--and home for a good refresher nap before my trip South to see mom.
Mom is super excited because she's getting a year membership to the YMCA. That was part of our trip this evening--taking her to the Y to turn in the membership application. She'll get her membership card on her next visit! She's super enthused and I'm overjoyed for her!
I really wanted to prepare a home cooked meal for mom. That was the original plan I had in mind. It was just getting too late in the evening. We'll do that soon, I'm sure. Tonight, we dined at our favorite Mexican place.
I made it back home--without grabbing a coffee for the return trip (unusual for me--but I already had two in one day--and I have my limits!)
I did a living room floor body weight strength training routine. It was fast, challenging and felt like a great workout. It's what I needed tonight.
Today was solid despite a rough start. I'm hitting the pillow tonight having maintained the integrity of my maintenance calorie budget, I've remained abstinent from refined sugar, I've exceeded my water goal by 40oz--and of course, I completed the above mentioned workout. I also made support connections important today.
At the end of last night's blog page, I mentioned embracing "My Normal." Earlier today, I edited the post and included the link to an archived post all about "my normal," from October 2014. The following is a rerun of that post.
From October 21st, 2014:
One of the things I've given a lot of thought to lately is, what does it mean to be "normal?" I've concluded "normal" is a relative term. Your normal isn't my normal. We're all different.

(different photo used in original post)
This guy wanted to be normal. He wanted to have a normal relationship with food. He had fixed in his mind a vision of what it meant for him to be normal, you know, like people who are of normal weight with normal eating behaviors who wear normal clothing. To him, in order to be normal, he had to simply eat less and exercise more, yeah--that would be some kind of normal.
What this guy failed to recognize is, he was already normal. He was his normal. In order to achieve weight loss success, the perspective on "normal" had to change. It couldn't be someone else's normal, it had to be his own kind of normal. He could mimic someone else's normal for a while, but eventually his normal would override the abnormal impersonation of normal--and everything would go back to being his normal.
Okay--enough of the third person--it's annoying. What I had to embrace was my normal. I had to let go of the idea that I wasn't normal because in that, I was constantly suggesting I wasn't good enough or something was wrong with me. I am good enough and there's nothing wrong with me--as long as I'm not trying to be someone else's normal.
My normal is: I'm addicted to sugar and if consumed, it triggers bio-chemical reactions that send me searching for more and more--and not just sugary items--I'm talking loads of carbs and high fat-- it's on!! Nothing trips my trigger like sugar--it is my normal. So I abstain, one day at a time--and it's my normal and I'm okay.
I enjoy a drink of alcohol on rare occasion, perhaps once or twice, maybe three times a year. It doesn't negatively effect me beyond a slight feeling of intoxication. It doesn't trip anything for me. That's my normal. I have close friends with decades of sobriety, who--if they tried to mimic my normal, it would ruin their lives for who knows how long, maybe even kill them before they found recovery again. That's their normal. So they abstain, one day at a time, it's their normal and they're okay.
Embracing my normal is imperative to my success. My normal means that I take extraordinary care with food. My normal means no refined sugar. My normal means I remain active in seeking and offering support. My normal requires my attention and a rock solid commitment in doing what I do for my recovery. I fiercely protect it and never apologize for it.
I know many people who will enjoy their share of Halloween candy in a couple of weeks and it'll not be a big deal at all. That's their normal. If I tried to mimic their normal, you would witness a much different turnaround on these pages.
The biggest key for me to be my best, requires me to embrace and accept my normal, not someone else's. I hope and pray I spend the rest of my life celebrating my normal. Because if I do, I can't lose.
This is what "finding what works for you" is all about. Sometimes that statement is misunderstood to mean "Find the plan or procedure" that works for you. I'm suggesting that "finding what works" for you and me, starts with honestly defining our personal normal, then fashioning a plan that gives us what we need.
I no longer want to be some idealized version of "normal," I just want to be mine.
Today's Live-Tweet Stream:
Not feeling well this morning. Doing a minimum 2 cups water & 20 push-ups. Taking a rare sick day.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Just black coffee this morning. Lab work later. Can't have anything else until after. MFP says 4 cal. Really? Not 0?— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Finally- lab work done. Now, I get coffee the way I prefer! Three tablespoons half & half. 60 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Breakfast in MFP...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Two whole eggs-three egg whites omelet stuffed w/166g avocado, salt&pepper. 5.9oz apple & 5.6oz orange. 613 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Midday meeting. 2 cups water. #wateraccountability— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
2 cup refill. #wateraccountability— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
2.5 cup water bottle with lunch hits #watergoal early in the day.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Lunch in MFP...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
BBQ Chckn Pizza: 90cal Flatbread w/4oz chckn, 3oz pnnapl, 1 srv SF BBQ sauce, 48g red bell pepper & 56g mozz. 513cal— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
4.2oz banana with 16g natural chunky peanut butter. Holdover until dinner with mom. :) 172 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Drive to mom's place for dinner. Pike roast with three tablespoons half & half. 60 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
Listening to #prince on my evening drive. His talent was in a league all its a 100-year storm kind of artist. They're so rare. RIP— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 21, 2016
#mothersonselfie Mom & Me- waiting for a table. ❤️— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
2 cups water with dinner exceeds #watergoal— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Tonight's strategy: Count & remove my chips from bowl- Now, bowl is off limits. I have mine. Skipping the cheese tonight. Order a la carte!— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Appetizer: 12 chips & fresh chunky salsa. 172 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Some assembly required...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Dinner in MFP...— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Fajita Steak Crispy Tacos w/6oz beef, 3 tblspns sour cream, lettuce & fresh chunky salsa. 527 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Workout time. I'll time it-This is a homemade body weight strength training workout, in my living room. Push-ups, squats, planks & wall sit.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Push-ups-3 sets of 10✔️ Planks-2, 30sec each✔️ Squats-2 sets of 10✔️ WallSit-one for 40 seconds✔️— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
The workout time included taking a 5 min break between push-ups/planks & squats/wall sit, to prepare fruit for #lastfoodofday— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
3 cup water bottle exceeds #watergoal by 40oz. 4.8oz orange, 5oz apple & 3.2oz pineapple. #lastfoodofday 178 cal.— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) April 22, 2016
Thank you for reading and your continued support,
It's essential that you notify your doc that your bloodwork was not fasting. Several lab values will be wonky. Like glucose, triglycerides, and a few other lipid markers.
ReplyDeleteAsk for a fasting redraw another day.
Karen, I think there might be some confusion. I was fasting for this blood work. I had canceled previous lab appointments because I forgot to fast. I didn't forget this time! :) The lab told me I could have one cup of black coffee and water only. I did it!
DeleteWhoops, sorry Sean. Glad you got a fasting draw. That's what I get for posting before I've had my coffee... LOL>
DeleteHow does/did your family handle your strictness to abstaining sugar?
ReplyDeleteDid Amber understand you not having wedding cake or was she like just this once Dad?
I guess I'm asking cause I could prob ... Maybe handle strangers thinking I was fanatical with food but not sure I could handle it if the family ... Siblings etc didn't understand
My family understands my abstinence--the why/how it's important to my continued recovery/weight maintenance.
DeleteAmber was 100% supportive. Me not having cake didn't make the occasion any less magical. Truly--hardly anyone noticed. It just wasn't a thing, at all.
There will always be people who don't get it, at all--and it's simply because it's food--it's sugar. The same people who don't understand this would likely never suggest having "just one," to someone in successful recovery from drugs or alcohol.
I never worry about what other's think about it--at all. I know--and so does the countless people who have found stability, peace and calm--and long term weight loss maintenance with abstinence being a part of their plan--that it isn't fanatical at all. Changing the perspective is critical--but ultimately, the only perspective that matters is the one we carry for ourselves, each day.
My goodness, I use "at all," a lot. :) Thank you for the comment--seriously good question and topic!!!
DeleteThank you so much my friend for being willing to answer my question... I realised when writing it that it was personal. I am so glad you answered thank you
DeleteSean, it's the little things you do that I keep learning from; putting food on a paper towel so it can be weighed on the food scale instead of using a container and having to subtract the weight of the container...thanks for the continuing lessons!
ReplyDeleteThat's so awesome, Bonnie. You're very welcome!
DeleteThank you for your honesty and sharing your family photos too. I am new for only a week now, but learning so much. Hope you are feeling much better.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anonymous. Glad you're here!