Friday, January 18, 2013

The Excitement In Doing

The Excitement In Doing

There's an excitement in my step and it's one I recognize from the early days of my weight loss success.  I'll be weighing again in a little over a week and every two weeks after and I know, without doubt, I'll find results.  I've been straight up walkin' it.  I've been doing.

And when we're doing, and we're being true to ourselves along this road, there's an alignment of joy that comes over us like no other.  This is what we're looking for.  This is what it's been about.  This is the road to where we want to go.

The other day on my facebook page I posted a "micro-blog" that generated a couple of questions--and I'd like to answers those...

The post:

"At my heaviest, I often asked an endless amount of questions “in search” of the answers I wanted about weight loss. And asking questions is a good thing. Often though, I would keep asking—collecting answers until I heard what I wanted to hear. There comes a time when the questions have been asked and answered, the advice given and received—and there's never a shortage when it comes to this exchange. But there comes a time when we must simply start doing. Simplifying our approach and simply doing what we already know—then occasionally reaching back and incorporating nuggets of advice we've collected along the way, is, in my experience—the way. There comes a time. And it's here. The time is now."

Peggy: "You got that right keep it coming because I need all the info I can get. Doc say stop eating this and that and it is not working. How about you? Any answer to that as well?  Hope to hear from you."

Peggy--There's no shortage of advise, of course.  Often, we're told exactly what would be an optimal diet.  We're told lean meats, vegetables, fruits and whole grains--or whatever.  We're given a menu of what would be this ideal consumption list.  And we're given another list of everything we should avoid--and of course it's three times as long.  First of all--The doctor is right in an ideal or "perfect" sense.  I don't know about you, but I'm not perfect.  I'm sure, in the "do and do not" foods listed, he's spot on.  What isn't addressed in this approach is what we've been doing, who we are and what it will take to get us there.  An all or nothing approach might work for some--a drastic cleaning of the cupboards and fridge---and an immediate shift to only what would be considered ideal.  For me, an approach like that would have been going to bed and expecting to wake up a completely different person.  And I might have been able to keep up the charade for a while--but eventually, I would return to my natural inclinations--my familiar territory.  This is why I'm a big proponent of changing the focus from this "ideal" list of foods--and putting it on a gradual evolution of good choices.  Doing--is setting a limit and sticking to it.  Holding a calorie limit sacred--making it the most important goal everyday...and allowing room in your food selection to naturally evolve as you go.  The focus is less about what you're eating and more about the mental dynamics keeping you honest and within the bounds you've set.  First of all--You'll naturally start making better choices simply because you're wanting to get the most value, food, for your available calories.  Secondly--By allowing yourself a natural evolution of good choices, you're eliminating the negative mental effects of "I messed up," when you eat something not on the "perfect" list.  You'll learn much about yourself along the way when you're taking the approach of portion control--eating what you like, but strictly adhering to a set budget.  Eventually you can arrive at a place where you're eating habits are drastically changed in a very natural, productive way.

Nicole: "Figuring out why we do this would be MONUMENTAL, would it not?" 

Nicole-- We do this because it postpones the moment where we take control once and for all.  As long as we convince ourselves we're ill prepared, without the answers we need--it alleviates the responsibility to take charge of ourselves.  And because we're ill prepared, we feel justified in delaying our transformation--it alleviates the feelings of guilt, because we're convinced it's not our fault--we're still a victim because we haven't received the answers we need.  We simply must do.  Enough with the seeking... The answers will come along the way.  And since we're doing, so will results.

I'm headed to Tulsa's Hard Rock Hotel for the Oklahoma Osteopath Association Winter Conference.  I'm a featured speaker Saturday morning.  The name and focus of the conference is "The Ravages of Obesity."  Indeed...yes indeed... It does ravage.  I can't wait to speak to a group very different than any other I've ever encountered: 350 doctors and medical professionals in a room. This will be good.

I'm happy to share my mom's wonderful success!  She, along with my aunt Kelli and her husband Tim are all doing well--on Day 6 of their journey.  They're all supporting one another and all three are experiencing success already.  It was pure joy to hear mom's voice last night as she was telling me how she had already lost 2 pounds... She's feeling the same excitement I talked about earlier.  She knows success is coming.  she's doing.  It's such a great feeling.

I look forward to sharing how this conference goes and what I've learned from the experience.  

I'll be facing "road decisions" with my food---navigating a Toby Keith's Bar and Grill for dinner tonight.  I'll be live tweeting that experience for sure.

I would love for you to follow me on Twitter-- @seanaanderson

More later, my friends...

My best always---thank you for reading, goodnight and...

Good Choices,


  1. Wow. Nothing I have ever read has hit me right between the eyes and nailed my rationalizations like this did. I appreciate it. I don't think I'll be able to fool myself anymore.

    I am almost 60 years old and no matter how many years I have left, I want to at least get this weight off and know that I am capable of sustaining the weight loss and becoming "normal" in regard to my eating. I acknowledge that it is a process, a journey, but not one that I can travel in my head. I have 130 pounds to lose. I need to start DOING. I want to feel that alignment of joy you talked about.

  2. oh sean, this was perfect. You nailed the rationalization thing 100 percent! And fantastic on your progress. I knew that once you decided it would go. Isn't great how other people 'know' when we don't always know? know what I mean.

  3. Very interesting group you spoke to this morning. I'm looking forward to hearing what approach you took and their response. Congrats to your family members for joining in and taking control. :)

  4. So glad to see you back on line Sean. I checked your blog last night after having not looked for a few months and was so happy to see updates!

    I understand what you are going through. I lost 40 lbs on Weight Watchers, and thought to myself, Ha! I've GOT this!! I've figured it all out!
    And that is pretty much when things started sliding. I stopped weighing things even though I knew my portions were more than what they should be, I stopped going to meetings, I stopped keeping a food journal.

    I have gained back about 20 lbs, and just recently had an incident occur that was the kick in the pants I needed. I'm back on track and working hard and feeling all those great, powerful emotions that come along with even small successes. Like you, I have decided for the moment to eliminate certain foods altogether, because I just can't trust myself alone with them. Ohhhh, Chinese food, how I will miss you! As you said, in theory, you don't have to eliminate anything from you diet, but for now, they are just trigger foods and not helping me at all.

    I am so proud of you, and just remember to keep moving forward. If you have a bad day, it is only a learning opportunity, and a chance to improve the next day. Keep up with your good choices and don't ever feel obligated to hide any "failures".


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The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.