Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31st, 2018 In Those Ways

December 31st, 2018 In Those Ways

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Yesterday's event at my girlfriend's family gathering went very well. I could tell the host was familiar with what I do--or was "tipped off," because she immediately gave me ingredients for certain food items. It was very kind of her. I thanked her.

I don't make a big scene with my food plan--I know what my boundaries are--and I'm willing to ask questions if needed, and I had a backup plan ready just in case the choices didn't fit for me. The responsibility for and commitment to my food plan is mine. This is a different approach to how it used to be years ago when I would conveniently place the responsibility on other people or the circumstances at the moment. Thoughts of "well, if so and so wouldn't have brought that one thing, I could have been okay--I just couldn't resist that thing." Or, "It was a party--and I didn't want to offend anyone by not eating the offerings. I had to at least try everything!" You see how those two thoughts clearly transfer the responsibility for my daily practice food plan onto others and onto circumstances or environment? Those thoughts worked way back when because, in that thinking, it wasn't ever my fault. I was the victim--completely at the mercy of others and other things. Preparing and honoring a plan--and taking full responsibility for it, empowers us past a lot of the obstacles we created in the past.

Ideally, when I go to an event like that--I go in, I take personal care of my food plan boundaries and I simply enjoy the celebration. I don't talk about it, I don't make it a big deal, I just take care of it--My food plan doesn't need to be nor should it be a topic of discussion unless someone asks me specific questions--and that happens sometimes, considering what I do in this public way. But, unless I ask a specific question about certain things or someone brings it up, it isn't the focus or a thing. I try to pour myself into the non-food elements of the get-together. I did that too. I had a wonderful conversation with and learned a great deal about her uncle's fascinating life.

When I stay engaged in those ways, it helps keep my brain "between the lines" of my food plan. If I go into an event like that completely focused and obsessed over the food, I'll lose that mental tug-of-war every time. The best thing for me is to NOT pick up my end of the rope. I was so focused on the people and conversations, I didn't even notice the dessert table. That's a little miracle in itself. I also bookend texted a support friend with the intentions of my plan prior to the event. Setting up some accountability helps tremendously.

Tonight, we're attending a New Years Eve fundraiser event for a local chamber of commerce. The food situation will be similar to yesterday's event. Once again, I'm not certain of the choices available, so I'll make sure to keep a backup plan ready. I may eat prior to the event. I'll also be bookend support texting my intentions going into the event and coming out.

Tomorrow is New Years Day--wow, 2018 seemed fast! I'm looking forward to making 2019 a remarkable year in phenomenal ways!

Episode 19 of Transformation Planet released last night, late. It's my first short episode without an interview. If you're not subscribed, I hope you will! It's free! You'll find it available in Apple Podcasts (in the app store), Google Play store for Android, and wherever you find your favorite podcasts!

We have just a couple of openings in the private support group I facilitate. Our next 8-week session starts Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd. All members are in a secret Facebook group where we create accountability and give support to one another daily--then, once a week, we have our group coaching/mentoring calls. We have three call times: Wednesday 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific and the late Wednesday call at 8:15pm central/9:15pm eastern/6:15pm pacific. We only have one Thursday call time at 8pm central/9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The fee for the 8-week support group session is $120. If you're looking for a change in 2019, joining this dynamic support group creates an instant support team behind you! I look forward to working directly with you! For more information, text 580-491-2228 or email:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 19 episodes waiting for you!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

December 30th, 2018 That Was Nice

December 30th, 2018 That Was Nice

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Yesterday's YouPlan teleconference workshop/presentation went very well. Naturally, my brain immediately goes into analytical mode. I should have spent more time on this, I should have remembered that analogy, oh my, I can't believe I forgot to talk about whatever it is... I suppose it's a very natural thing to do. I quickly was able to turn off that noise and just be okay. Some positive words from attendees helped that effort. It doesn't need to be perfect in order to be impactful. And really, that goes for everything along this road. In fact, the pursuit of perfection is more often than not, a barrier to long-term sustainable progress.

I picked mom up yesterday evening for a trip to our hometown. We enjoyed an Orange Bowl watch party and visit with family. I volunteered to cook--very simple, lean beef tacos. It was fast and easy--and for my food plan, super easy to log in MyFitnessPal. On occasions like that, super-easy go-to type things provide me the additional mental space to focus on the visiting with family and not the food. The Sooners did not fare well against the mighty Crimson Tide. I'm an Oklahoma State Cowboy fan, but still, I was pulling for the Sooners in this one. The Alabama/Oklahoma matchup inspired some good communication back and forth with my Alabama born and raised father--and that was nice, too.
Simple works for me

We arrived back in town really late. I think mom's frequent adventures away from the nursing home is the envy of her neighbors. She mentioned how she's not able to share those experiences at the dining room table, because, "they don't get to go out very often at all." I suggested how she could share with the nursing staff and her family and friends instead. As much as she doesn't necessarily like living there, it was nice to hear her speak in terms of gratitude for the tremendous love and blessings she's able to enjoy.

I stayed up for a little bit, enjoyed some fruit, some reflection on the day--and finally, some good rest. I slept very well.

I'm traveling to Oklahoma City with my girlfriend today. Her family is having a late-Christmas gathering and I'm invited. I don't know these people very well, so I'm not going to contact them to inquire about the food they've planned for the event. I'll make sure I have what I need in my man-bag just in case the food choices don't fit the boundaries of my food plan. Kristin has assured me that there will be plenty of good choices. One thing that's in my favor is the fact that I don't mind saying no. If saying yes means sacrificing my food plan boundaries, the answer must always be no. Sharing it here is an accountability measure. I'll bookend the event with a support friend also and that strengthens the accountability factor even more. 

I'm really looking forward to releasing Episode 19 of Transformation Planet tonight. It's my first shorter episode without an interview. I will have a couple of listener messages to share from the Transformation Planet hotline, so that'll be good. If you haven't subscribed--it's free! You can find the Transformation Planet podcast in the App Store for Apple users, Google Play for Android, and just about anywhere you find your favorite podcasts! I received a message the other day from a listener who hadn't ever listened to a podcast. Mine was their first and now they're discovering podcasting! That feels good to help introduce someone to the world of podcasting. Basically, it's on-demand radio shows. We have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and many other "on-demand" choices for movies and TV shows, podcasting uses the same concept for audio programs, except-most podcasts, like mine, are completely free. I hope you enjoy listening!

Featured Tweet:

One more thing...

We have just a couple of openings in the private support group I facilitate. Our next 8-week session starts Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd. All members are in a secret Facebook group where we create accountability and give support to one another daily--then, once a week, we have our group coaching/mentoring calls. We have three call times: Wednesday 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific and the late Wednesday call at 8:15pm central/9:15pm eastern/6:15pm pacific. We only have one Thursday call time at 8pm central/9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The fee for the 8-week support group session is $120. If you're looking for a change in 2019, joining this dynamic support group creates an instant support team behind you! I look forward to working directly with you! For more information, text 580-491-2228 or email:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29th, 2018 Separate Power Source

December 29th, 2018 Separate Power Source

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

If I had kept this diary prior to September 15th, 2008, it would have revealed someone desperate for some kind of life-saving solution.

One of the biggest and scariest thoughts I had back then centered around the idea that life will always contain stressful and emotional situations. These things may change in shape and size and with consequences big and small, but they will always be a part of a balanced and normal life.

It was a scary revelation because I had decided, concretely, that I couldn't in any way, shape or form--lose weight successfully unless everything was smooth sailing, every day, every week and so on.

I accepted, as fact: When the rain starts pouring, I start eating.

This perspective afforded me an endless supply of excellent excuses for why "now isn't a good time."

A "perfect time" is a myth. If I had waited for the perfect time, there's a good chance I wouldn't be alive today.

When someone asks me, what clicked on September 15th, 2008? It was truly the realization that if I was going to survive, I had to remain consistent come what may. I had to walk in the rain and not be afraid. I had to make an iron-clad decision that this time was going to be different from any other previous attempt.

No longer could I allow my resolve to be hard wired into the ups and downs of life. My resolve required a separate power source.

For me, Day 1 was the start of my parallel streams philosophy. I just didn't know what to call it back then.

I found out what happens when I plug my importance level/resolve back into the ups and downs of life. My lifestream and fundamental elements stream crossed one another, and it didn't take too long for these to tangle in such a way, I felt more lost than ever before--and regained 164 pounds of my initial 275-pound weight loss.

The turnaround from relapse/regain had to start with untangling the two streams and then adding additional measures to keep them separate, including more traditional practices in recovery and stronger accountability/support tools.

Dr. Marty Lerner, PhD, one of the world's leading experts on food addiction recovery, foreshadowed this entire experience in his review of Transformation Road, printed on the very first page of the book. He wrote: "Although incorporating some suggestions that run contrary to some recovered food addicts, Sean's experiences are worth learning about and considering."

We have just a couple of openings in the private support group I facilitate. Our next 8-week session starts Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd. All members are in a secret Facebook group where we create accountability and give support to one another daily--then, once a week, we have our group coaching/mentoring calls. We have three call times: Wednesday 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific and the late Wednesday call at 8:15pm central/9:15pm eastern/6:15pm pacific. We only have one Thursday call time at 8pm central/9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The fee for the 8-week support group session is $120. If you're looking for a change in 2019, joining this dynamic support group creates an instant support team behind you! I look forward to working directly with you! For more information, text 580-491-2228 or email:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Friday, December 28, 2018

December 28th, 2018 Sit In It

December 28th, 2018 Sit In It

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I slept in like a champ today. It felt amazing. Yesterday was all about preparing for the time off. I was working until super-late last night, but it was worth the effort!

I really enjoyed giving extra time and attention to my morning foundational routine today. On workdays, I give myself enough time most of the time, but still--there's a clock ticking and things to get done before I walk to the door and into the day. When my time is free, I can just sit in it--practice it and feel it longer. It makes a tremendous difference!

My plan today includes working on my personal projects, maintaining my food plan boundaries, and getting in a trip to the gym. It'll be a productive Friday!

2019 is days away! Kickstart your new year with My 2-hour YouPlan Workshop! It's set for tomorrow1-3pm Central/2-4pm Eastern/11am-1pm Pacific. This workshop is designed to inspire and help you create your personal plan practice. Presented via conference call line, it's available to anyone, no matter where you are. If you're outside the US, special international call-in numbers are available to avoid international rates. Bring a pen, paper, and a phone charger! The fee is $25.00 US. Text 580-491-2228 or email: if you're interested. I'll reply with the registration instructions and details.


We have just a couple of openings in the private support group I facilitate. Our next 8-week session starts Wednesday the 2nd and Thursday the 3rd. All members are in a secret Facebook group where we create accountability and give support to one another daily--then, once a week, we have our group coaching/mentoring calls. We have three call times: Wednesday 7pm central/8pm eastern/5pm pacific and the late Wednesday call at 8:15pm central/9:15pm eastern/6:15pm pacific. We only have one Thursday call time at 8pm central/9pm eastern/6pm pacific. The fee for the 8-week support group session is $120. If you're looking for a change in 2018? Joining this dynamic support group creates an instant support team behind you! For more information, text 580-491-2228 or email:

Featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

December 27th, 2018 I Know

December 27th, 2018 I Know

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I'm happy to report I completed the four exercise session challenge last week. It shows me how if I make it important, I can do it. This isn't something new, but it's certainly something I find easy to ignore or forget. I know how it helps me. I know how I feel great about doing it. I know how important it is to my overall practice. But as I've learned along this road, knowing doesn't make a difference. It isn't the knowing, it's the doing. It reminds me of what my friend Jordan Burgess said on an episode of my podcast Transformation Planet, "The words "I know" almost killed me."

I'll make a similar challenge important again this week.

The two-hour "New Year-New You Plan" teleconference workshop is set for this Saturday afternoon. Here are a few words from attendees of the LIVE You Plan Workshop from last March...

P.B. writes: "On December 18, 2018, I reached 75 pounds lost!!!!
J.T. reached her lifetime goal on WW. This has been a great journey with her by my side for encouragement and a sounding board. Thank you for coming along with me. 
We both attended Sean Anderson’s workshop in March of 2018. He really said things that clicked in our minds and hearts to help make us a success. Thank you, Sean.
I have a long way to get to my goal but I will keep at a healthier me every day."

J.A. writes: "I've worn Santa's suit in Dec. for the last 35 years. Last year, I just barely squeezed into it. This year it went on easily. Thanks to the "You Plan" for pointing me in the right direction, I'm 67 pounds healthier & headed in the right direction. HO,HO,HO!!! & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

This two-hour workshop presentation on Saturday from 1-3pm Central/2-4pm Eastern/11am-1pm Pacific will feature the same perspectives, challenges, and activities as the live workshop. It's designed to inspire and help you formulate a personal plan practice of your own. This workshop/seminar will be presented via conference call line--making it available to anyone and everyone, no matter where you're located. This event is also available if you're in another country--with special call-in numbers and access codes for your country (avoiding international rates). The fee is $25.00 US. If you're interested in registering for this two-hour event, simply send a Text message with your email address to 580-491-2228 or email: Upon receipt of your text or email, I'll send you the secure PayPal registration, then you'll receive the conference line number and access code for the presentation.

Former attendees of the live in-person version and current Sean's Support Group members are invited free of charge.

I hope you'll join us!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26th, 2018 Good Day

December 26th, 2018 Good Day

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Christmas 2018 was a wonderful day in several ways. I exercised at the gym twice yesterday--once in the morning and then again last night after the festivities. I must explain because you know that's not like me. I'm in an exercise accountability challenge this week with Kristin and the support group I facilitate. I pledged to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes four times this week. If I don't meet the challenge, I must dress up in OU Sooner clothing and walk into Walmart singing Boomer Sooner. As a lifelong Oklahoma State Cowboy fan, this cannot happen!! It's a fun challenge and it's helping me get back into the groove of going. I think it's doing the same for Kristin. If she doesn't meet her pledge, she's got to go to Walmart in PJ's, no makeup, and perhaps rollers in her hair--and if you knew her, you'd know, that would be a nightmare for her.

I got in the Christmas Day 5k, just in two parts. It worked well!

Kristin stopped by yesterday morning for breakfast and our small gift exchange. She's essentially on the same food plan as me--maybe a few differences in our trigger lists, but for the most part, it's almost identical, which makes it easy because I simply prepared two identical plates. I got a new shirt!

And of course, we did a Christmas morning selfie. It wasn't long before she was on her way to her family thing and I was back to preparing for mine.

Noah and Raegan!

Making the loved ones around me the star of the show (instead of the food) was made much easier with grandkids all around!

I love this photo of Noah!

My daughter Courtney and Phoebe!

Mom had a great time, too!

My oldest, Amber and little Raegan

My trusty digital food scale was with me!

One plate-no seconds-no refined sugar-no leftovers-That was the plan!

I have more pics but I'm out of time! It was a beautiful day! Now it's back to work! I need another day or two! I'll get a few more days off soon.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

December 25th, 2018 Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2018 Merry Christmas

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

My goodness gracious, the rush yesterday was insane and it really got me rethinking my last minute strategy, I mean--habit. If I call it a strategy it sounds like I meant to do it. It wore me plumb out. If that was a strategy, I need a new strategy!

Merry Christmas!

I took mom back to her place after our Christmas Eve family gathering last night, went straight home and collapsed! I was so tired! I'm up early this morning, cooking, in preparation for today's family Christmas dinner.

One of the precious gifts last night was sitting back and watching Noah's excitement. That little guy reminds me so much of me. The other three grandkids are still young enough, they're not quite sure what to think of it all--but Noah, he knows exactly what's up!

I spent some extra time focusing on my gratitude list this morning. It was a wonderful way to start Christmas morning.

I'm keeping this edition short today. In between cooking and getting ready for the get-together later today, I plan on some Christmas morning exercise. My food plan is set for today. I'm committed to honoring the boundaries that help keep me well. I look forward to sharing some pictures from today's gathering in tomorrow morning's edition!

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24th, 2018 Hustle And Bustle

December 24th, 2018 Hustle And Bustle

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The hustle and bustle of the season were on full display yesterday. Wait, what is "bustle," anyway? Does it mean anything? Or do we just use it because it rhymes with hustle? Mom and I made it to the store last night and oh my, it was busy, as expected. I have another solo trip to make this morning--plus several stops at other places. My last minute Christmas hustle and bustle has become somewhat of a tradition. If I did it any differently, it might alarm those close to me. What's the deal with Sean? He's all calm and relaxed on Christmas Eve, this isn't like him!!  Isn't it interesting how we develop certain patterns that, although they're not helping us, they become familiar--and in that, there's a measure of comfort? 

Breaking out of old patterns and developing new patterns is essentially what this daily practice thing is about. If we approach the new patterns in a way that is doable--in a way that promotes consistency, then perhaps the new patterns have a chance to become comfortable, too. 

Two things, besides Christmas, that I'm excited about this morning: My upcoming "New Year-New YouPlan" Two-hour Teleconference Workshop is set for this Saturday, December 29th from 1-3pm Central/2-4pm Eastern/11am-1pm Pacific/12-2pm Mountain. This inspiring and transformational two hours will offer perspectives and practical ideas designed to help you start 2019 with fresh enthusiasm for your daily plan. Signing up is easy. Text your email address to 580-491-2228 or send an email to:  The fee is $25. Upon receipt of your text or email, I'll send a secure PayPal invoice that can be handled with any card or PayPal account. Once you're registered, I'll forward you the call-in number and access code! Have a phone charger ready!

The other thing... I released episode 18 of my podcast Transformation Planet! Here's the episode description:
In this episode, I release an episode! This podcast isn't dead, yay! In this one, I discuss some wonderful advice I've received for Transformation Planet. Have I over-complicated the process of producing this podcast? Uh, maybe. Okay, yes--yes I have. No more over-complicating. Simple works. I also talk Christmas and about the perspectives I must use if I'm to make it through without compulsively overeating. I'm also including a replay of my interview with Dr. Marty Lerner. Dr. Lerner's experience with eating disorders started long before he became known for his research and published articles. He shares his personal story with disordered eating behaviors in this episode. He also shares how a research project using ice cream forever changed the direction of his career. In the decades since, he's been featured on numerous national television and radio shows including The NPR Report, 20/20, ABC's Nightline and Discovery Health. Dr. Lerner's research has been published in many different professional publications and featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today and several newspapers and national magazines. He is the CEO of Milestones In Recovery Eating Disorder Treatment Center in Florida. 

As I mentioned above, today includes some last minute hustle and bustle--and a nice get-together with family for a gift exchange and finger foods this evening. I'll make sure to have planned and packed what I need for my fingers.

Honoring my daily plan practice isn't a barrier to enjoyment like the addict part of my brain would like me to believe. It's the opposite. Honoring the boundaries that help keep me well allows me to be present for the loved ones around me. It allows me to notice things I wouldn't and couldn't if I were "in the food."  In this noticing, I'm able to identify so many more things worthy of gratitude.

We'll congregate again tomorrow for Christmas dinner. 'Tis the season, my friend--and I hope you're having a warm and wonderful Christmastime.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 18 episodes waiting for you!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23rd, 2018 Still Believe

December 23rd, 2018 Still Believe

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I've heard from a few people over the last twenty-four hours who have offered tremendous support and perspective on last week's happenings that inspired yesterday's blog post. I'm grateful. 

We all have days and sometimes weeks where things seem out of sync, I mean, that's life right? We have good days and not so good days. The thing that made it exceptionally difficult for me was experiencing two things in the same week--and both of them challenging who I think I am; my identity. Being good at standup and being an excellent broadcaster are not the only things I think I am--they're just two of the many elements. If I listed the core elements of me--those two would be on the list. Both events from last week challenged those two things. Anyway--that's the last of me covering this. I still believe those things are true, I just had a couple of bad days. I'm fine--and most importantly, I've learned some tremendous lessons through the experiences. 

Special announcement: I'm offering a two-hour "New Year-New YouPlan" Workshop/Seminar Saturday, December 29th from 1-3pm Central/2-4pm Eastern/11am-1pm Pacific/12-2pm Mountain. The perspectives and concepts presented during this special event are designed to inspire and help you formulate a personal plan practice of your own. This workshop/seminar will be presented via conference call line--making it available to anyone and everyone, no matter where you're located. This event is also available if you're in another country--with special call-in numbers and access codes for your country (avoiding international rates). The New Year-New YouPlan Workshop is similar to the LIVE workshop I presented in March. The fee is $25.00 US. If you're interested in registering for this two-hour event, simply send a Text message with your email address to 580-491-2228 or email: Upon receipt of your text or email, I'll send you the secure PayPal registration, then you'll receive the conference line number and access code for the presentation.

I'm releasing a new episode of my podcast later today/this evening. If you're a subscriber, it should show up in your podcast feed! If you're not a subscriber, you can find Transformation Planet in Apple podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

December 22nd, 2018 The Cycle of Retreat

December 22nd, 2018 The Cycle of Retreat

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Feelings. Oh my--they come and go, huh? Sometimes the feelings are created by real circumstance, other times they're created by perception; literally manifesting out of our imaginations. The worst is when the feelings combine both--and that's when working through it becomes a challenge in deciding between what is real versus what's imagined. What is true?

Feelings are often complicated because a big part of their makeup comes from the experiences and patterns that have shaped us. Another part, in my humble opinion, comes from unmet expectations. If our circumstance challenges our core beliefs of who we are; our identity; the expectations of self--watch out because disappointment and negative head chatter will quickly follow. The last couple of days have presented enormous challenges for me in this department.

Here's the thing: I've avoided feelings the majority of my life. Instead of feeling them, I'd quickly retreat into the food. For me, it was the quickest and "safest" escape route. The attempt to quickly change how I felt in any particular circumstance gave the illusion of "all better," but in reality, the issues, circumstances, and feelings still existed--they were just being cataloged for future reference, waiting for the spotlight to bring them center stage once more so the cycle of retreat and eat could continue over and over again. 

Recognizing the pattern doesn't fix it because it isn't what we know, it's what we do. By the grace of God, I haven't stuffed these feelings of late with food. I've thought about it and that scares the hell out of me, but I haven't. And in that place---uhg, that place where the feelings are raw and real, I have the often unpleasant task of unpacking it all, sorting through them, and asking, "what is true?"

So what's the deal? I can't disclose specific details but suffice to say, the broadcast Thursday night didn't meet my personal expectation of broadcast excellence. Since it didn't--and it didn't on a public stage, it also attracted harsh criticism throughout social media--things I haven't and will not read were written (because people have told me so) and okay, fine--that's the nature of the beast, right? The important thing is, lessons were learned and procedures and plans are either in place or will be developed to prevent the same results moving forward.

If I react to life, I'll eat. That pattern is deeply ingrained. In that reactive pattern, life happens, feelings are felt, food is consumed, those particular feelings take a hike for a little while replaced with more negative feelings created by the reactions--like a shampoo bottle instructions, rinse and repeat, right?

If I act on life, I have a dramatically increased chance of making it through without stuffing the emotions with excess food. Two important things are proven and learned in this process of "acting instead of reacting:" Number one, there are options. And number two, feelings change and pass. If I'm acting instead of reacting, and in that process, actually feeling the feelings and working them through, then they pass with a measure of understanding and compassion instead of simply being filed away for future reference.   

I've made my morning routine of prayer, meditation, and positive visualizations very important, I've stayed in contact with good support, I've kept the boundaries of my food plan in place--and all the while, I've been sorting through how I feel about it all. Those are the actions helping keep me well. Instead of the feelings being set aside, the deeply ingrained and natural-to-me reactions have been set aside. This acting instead of reacting thing interrupts the pattern.
After a long Friday that started at 6am and ended at 6pm, including two location broadcasts, I made my way to mom's place for a good visit. Mom broke a tooth and we're waiting for an appointment with the dentist to get her fixed up--in the meantime, her nurses are helping her manage the pain its created. Otherwise, she was in good spirits. It was a really nice visit.

After the visit, I headed home for a scheduled mentoring/coaching session with a one on one client of mine followed by dinner out with my girlfriend, Kristin. Kristin is a therapist--not my therapist, but a therapist by profession. Although, she has been known to ask me some compelling questions! We'll call those things food for thought--better than food for food, right? Anyway-- we enjoyed a good on-plan dinner before calling it a night. I was exhausted and dropping in bed early for some good rest was just what I needed. 

By the way-- for friends and family who are like, what girlfriend?--Wait, when did this happen? Please do not take it personally because I haven't sought your advice and counsel. I've learned the hard way to keep certain elements of my life largely private. It's not about hiding it, when it comes to girlfriend issues, for me, it's simply about living and learning--and experiencing things without judgment, counsel, advice, or anything that interrupts or influences my path. Of course, this is the opposite approach from where my daily practice and recovery is centered. My daughters, both of them, bottom line it for me-- "Dad, be careful and be happy, that's what matters."

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21st, 2018 Deeper

December 21st, 2018 Deeper

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

As this busy week draws to an end, I'm filled with anxiety because I'm so far behind on sending some things in the mail. At this point, I must take a deep breath--do what I can and accept. I have all day tomorrow to finish what I need to finish. Things will be late--but better late than never. I'd rather put some thought and attention into it instead of rushing, anyway.

I'm glad yesterday is over. My goodness. I'll spare details--but let's just say, it was stressful. A lot to be learned from yesterday as far as work-related issues go.

I worked late last night before coming home and preparing a late dinner. After the long day and the events of it, I needed to relax, eat my meal, and laugh. I watched the first half of Ellen's new standup special on Netflix before it was time to turn in for the night.

Today includes two location broadcasts--one early and one late this afternoon. After that, I'll be off until next Wednesday--I'm so glad!

I ran into a listener yesterday who complimented me on my "dieting." I'm always grateful for words of encouragement and compliments. I don't go into detail about how dieting never worked for me. It's too deep of a conversation and it goes against the perception of most. I simply say, "thank you"--and I might add, "It's a daily practice, for sure." But that's about it. However, on this blog, I can go deeper...

I'm not sure when the switch occurred. Looking back, I suppose you could say it happened after my initial weight loss, and right as I started the turnaround from my 164-pound relapse/regain. The switch arrived at just the right time.

I'm talking about the switch from DIEting to LIVing.

Yeah, I don't "diet." I didn't "diet" while losing that 164-pound regain and I don't "diet" in maintenance mode. I live each day with a plan, a style of eating that fits me--and one that's conducive for a healthy body weight.

Diets don't work because it's a means to an end. Have you ever attempted a diet that was so restrictive and gross--but you did it anyway because you knew it would succeed in dropping the weight? But you hated it the whole time--dreading it each day, white-knuckling through it--and fantasizing about the day when you'd reach the pre-determined goal so you could be done with the diet, whatever it is/was? Me too.

I remember doing a plan that included all the food I'd need-- and hating it--every meal of it, just horrible, and then going on the air and essentially lying to my audience because I was contractually obligated to speak favorably about the diet's food during my show. I was looking forward to the day the contract ended--and was secretly hoping they'd cancel early, so I'd be off the hook and get back to being me. And right there, the last five words of the previous sentence--that's why diets don't work. Because...

If what we're doing is a temporary diversion from who we are in the behavioral patterns that brought us to our heaviest in the first place, then as soon as we return to "being ourselves," with the internal patterns, experiences, actions, and coping mechanisms on which we've grown dependent, the weight comes back--every time, with rarely an exception.

When I looked for an external solution to my internal issues, it always ended in a bad way. I still like my disgusting analogy for diet mentality: It's like calling a cleanup crew to the sewer line break instead of calling a plumber to repair the sewer line.

It's interesting, our whole lives, people often tell us to "just be yourself," yet, when it comes to losing weight, the advice or plan is often: "Here's the latest fancy diet plan, product, or procedure, do it. It works," with little consideration for the divide between who we are and what it requires us to be.

Basically, don't be something you perceive as "better than" yourself...and here we go into another direction promoting self-loathing as soon as we don't somehow conform or live up to this "better plan." 

Binge eating, compulsive overeating, and the resulting morbid obesity ARE NOT MORAL issues. But the old diet mentality would have us believe it's so. 

I refuse to share some of the most brutal things I've told me about myself over the years--all because I couldn't "get it together," somehow. The least of it involved the word "failure," the worst--well, you can imagine, I'm sure. I would never speak to someone or treat someone the way I've spoken to and treated me...ever.

But--the search continued for the next thing--the key to my weight loss success--the next best diet plan--something, anything that would work--and I was desperate---and as long as that search continued, I felt justified with my food behaviors.

Maybe the solution I needed hadn't been invented yet. What could I do?

This search for the next best thing is what fuels a 100-Billion dollar weight loss industry.

When our personal truth is finally recognized, acknowledged, and embraced, the search can abruptly end.

It's like an exhausting search for a missing car key that comes to an end when you realize the key was in your coat pocket the entire time.

I've witnessed this happen with numerous people who reach in, grab the key--insert the key--and head in a direction with a consistency they've never known... and they do it without the next best-latest-greatest-wonderful-sure-fire, straight off the shelf, tv, or some other plan.

These people stop DIEting and start LIVing.

I don't know what your personal truth is. I can only speak of and write about mine. I'm a compulsive overeater. I'm an emotional eater. I'm a stress eater. I'm a celebratory eater. I'm an addict whose substance of choice isn't served exclusively at a bar and it isn't secretly sold in the back alleyways. It's food. And that doesn't make me any better of an addict than anyone else--not to compare, but my addiction is just as lethal as others--the only difference is the speed it proceeds.

My food addiction, more specifically, is about certain food substances--for me, clearly refined sugar--and my personal list of trigger foods--some of which do not contain refined sugar--but they dance for me if I let them. My dealer is the unwitting individual working the drive-through.

So what's the key?? Well, in my experience--and again, that's all I can draw from--there are several different cuts to the key.

As Jordan Burgess referred to it on episode 13 of Transformation Planet, "an unwavering commitment to self-honesty." That right there is the pivotal cut--without it, nothing works.

Another cut--is extending love, self-compassion, and a healing level of forgiveness to ourselves for where this road has led us--and all of the things we did or didn't do along the way. The struggles and successes have a common denominator: They're all opportunities to learn. That's it.

What went well? What didn't go well? It's a study every single day. It's not good or bad. It's not shameful or admirable--it's just an opportunity to learn how to proceed in a groove that fits us well and keeps us well. 

Because really--

It's okay. I'm okay. You're okay. We're human. We're fallible. We're conditioned. We're experienced. We're lovely. We're beautiful. We're good people with great intentions, We have overflowing love and compassion for others--and now, for once, we can start cupping some of that overflowing love and compassion for ourselves.

When we have those two cuts on the key--and we add spiritual support (whatever that is to you), accountability, and support from others who understand--who've lived it--as Dr. Marty Lerner puts it, we surround ourselves "with others in the same lifeboat," this is when this time becomes like no other time in our history.

Add another cut--a style of eating--a plan that considers very personal elements of our individual truth--with boundaries in place and held with a sacred importance level--and suddenly something almost magical happens. Things start changing.

And a few other things that are critically important to remember: It's about progress, not perfection. Consistency beats intensity--in other words, it's better to embrace a plan that's not only doable, it's one that's sustainable long-term instead of doing something dependent on short-lived bursts of extreme intensity.

It's important to look for ways to feel good about what we're doing instead of feeling horrible because we're focused on things we think we should be doing. And one of the most important things--- oh my, it's big:

Always remember--our continued peace and calm isn't guaranteed and it isn't found on the scale. It's found within the plan we embrace each day, one day at a time. If I forget this--or willfully deny it--or throw it all out the window tomorrow, I'll return to over 500 pounds without question. And I'm very capable of doing that. I'm capable of not doing it too.

But--I'm much more experienced in the chaotic stream of the struggle than I am the softer flow of peace and calm.

My continued success doesn't come from the words I speak, the words I write, or the personal truths I've discovered about me. It's the things I do each day in service of the mental, spiritual, and emotional transformations, that give me the best shot at another day like today.

I don't "diet." And I don't have to diet.

My body weight will follow and reflect where I am within my daily plan. I don't have to chase it anymore because it follows me wherever I go. My body weight isn't the focus, my daily plan must be the focus--because body weight is a side effect of my continued recovery or lack of recovery.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20th, 2018 With A Thing

December 20th, 2018 With A Thing

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

It was two years ago today when I picked mom up from the hospital and moved her up here in order for her to get the care she needed while being close to me. The care she's received in this time has absolutely, literally, saved her life. It's interesting to me how mom forgets a lot of things but she remembers this date. It was a major turning point for her and me.

Yesterday stayed busy as expected. This is the busiest time of year for broadcasting and it isn't finished. It's taught me some things about staying focused and working through to the finish. The challenge has involved compartmentalizing tasks and staying on point with a thing. For a serial multitasker like me, this is a different approach. Now I'm contemplating ways I can apply this in other areas of my life!

Short one today. My morning foundational routine is finished, food is planned, packed, and ready--and today is poised to be a good one. It'll be a long day. Tonight includes a special broadcast at the studios, our biggest broadcast of the year, for the big Santa Buck Giveaway. It's a promotion with the chamber of commerce involving thousands of dollars worth of prizes and a very precise, to the minute, broadcast schedule. It can be very stressful, but we're prepared and ready for the challenge. Dinner will happen for me after the broadcast.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19th, 2018 Each Day

December 19th, 2018 Each Day

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

The party at the studio turned out really well yesterday. I made fresh guacamole and sliced a couple of big juicy ambrosia apples. It was perfect. I received a Starbucks gift card in the exchange, then later in the day, received another from a friend! I'm set on coffee for a while!
My contribution to the buffet line

I think sometimes it's very easy for someone to look at what I do and how I'm maintaining my plan and get the impression that it's somehow easy for me. It isn't. I think it's also easy for someone to forget the nearly two decades of struggle near, at, or above 500 pounds... it's certainly not easy for me to forget. The failed attempts, time and time again--sabotaging myself over and over--lose, gain, lose, gain--on plan, off plan--and so on...for nearly two decades. When I started writing this blog over ten years ago, I started turning those nearly two decades into my own personal study of what worked and mostly what didn't. Suddenly, what I perceived to be a collection of worthless past failures became very valuable lessons.

The things I do each day are not for show. The logging, the accountability tweets, the strong connections to giving and receiving support, the writing of this blog, the production of my podcast, the planning, preparing, cooking, weighing and measuring everything, the daily prayer, and meditation--these things and more are my rails of support.

Is it all solid? Not by a long shot. The only thing that's solid is my food plan and a willingness to do the work necessary to maintain its integrity. I eat what I like and nothing I don't within the boundaries of a generous maintenance budget. And I feel like, in a way, I've earned that calorie budget--like a reward of sorts from my metabolism for getting this far and giving it what I do. The food plan has evolved, of course, but it's still been "what I like and nothing I don't" from Day 1. That's it--I have a solid food plan.

I'm lacking in every other area. Rest, exercise, spiritual--every other area needs increased attention. That's not a knock on me--it's simply a reminder of the practice needed each day. And I know--if I continue lacking in these other areas, it'll eventually infect the strongest areas of my personal plan.

This here thing isn't easy. It might come off that way with day after day of "hey--today was great!" But trust, I work at it each day. I focus. I learn. I take extraordinary care. I make sure to enjoy the process. I make it important to be kind to me along the way.

Above all, I understand that this is never a given. It's never automatic. And it's never guaranteed. I start fresh each day and try to add just one more day to this practice.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18th, 2018 Sharper Focus

December 18th, 2018 Sharper Focus

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

We were short staffed yesterday--and that, combined with a couple other extra commitments I'm contracted for with the school district, created a fairly busy day. However, it was very focused, despite waking up way too early yesterday morning. I felt good. I had my list and I worked it one by one. Some days call for a sharper focus, right? It's like, okay--if this (the list) is going to get done, I need to stay focused and actively working.

Today we're having our company Secret Santa and holiday lunch get-together thingy. I'm making guacamole. I'm also bringing apple slices. Some keys for me at an event like this is, number one, knowing the boundaries of my food plan--and honoring those--and two, making sure what I bring are things I can easily fit into my food plan. For added accountability and support, I'll bookend text my plan for the event to a close support contact, too. That connection always helps when the event calls for all sorts of off-plan things on the table.

Featured Tweets:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17th, 2018 Before You Decide To Give Up, Please Read This

December 17th, 2018 Before You Decide To Give Up, Please Read This

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I'm so glad this weekend and the illness thing is behind me. I'm ready to start this week in a wonderful way. I woke up too early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. Instead of forcing the issue, I decided to jump up and start early. Most certainly an afternoon nap will be part of this day--I certainly hope so because I'll likely need it after this 3:15am start. Yesterday went very well. Mom and I enjoyed our weekly evening out for dinner, Christmas lights, and a store run. Mom picked up a nice little Christmas tree to brighten her place. It looks wonderful--perfect size for her space.

I spent some time on the phone with a support friend last night. It was a tough call. She was done. The call was to inform me that she had reached the end of struggling, deciding rather, to simply lean into the compulsions, release any semblance of a plan, and just accept whatever consequences lay ahead.

There's peace in acceptance.

I thanked her for calling me. I reminded her that I thought the world of her and I wanted her to know that struggle wasn't any kind of moral failure. There's no judgment or shame, ever, from me. I've been there, I know. I also know that the biggest amount of judgment and shame comes from within our own heads, not anyone else. I reminded her that she could always keep me as a support contact moving forward. And with that, I thanked her again for calling me and I wished her a good night's rest.

There was a short pause--a silence on the line before, "do you want to talk me out of it or give me some advice on how to not do this?" I don't remember my exact words, but essentially it was, no, I'm honoring where you are and your decision. If you're telling me you're done, then words from me to the contrary aren't likely to help. I don't have any magic words. I'm not an expert, a therapist, a doctor, or anything like that--I only have my very imperfect experiences along this road. Along the way, I've learned that it doesn't matter how much I want it for someone else--it's no match; never enough to compete with what's happening inside someone else's head if they're at the point of saying, I'm done.

It's a process. Each and every one of us go through our own unique process. Sometimes it's best to get out of the way. What I mean is this-- Some of my greatest periods of struggle are the times I'm most grateful for along this road. I'm not saying it's desirable. I'm simply saying those experiences, as horrible as they were at times, were showing me the things I needed in order to move forward in a positive way.

"You're really not done, are you?" There was another pause and then, "No, I'm just tired of fighting."

Are you willing to create a plan with the structure and elements that support you in a way that might just decrease those feelings of struggle? Are you willing to suspend your personal expectation of perfection--those personal preconceived notions of what "on plan" means? Are you willing to start simple? Are you willing to be kind and gentle to yourself? I mean really, how can we move forward if we're constantly pummeling ourselves with a barrage of negative energy?

Create a gratitude list. When it gets dark it's really hard to see the good things and blessings we have right in front of us. It's as if they disappear completely. A written list might help keep these things visible. Write a personal journal entry of your "why." Why is this important to you? Create a list of consequences in both directions--use your imagination, visualize the road ahead and commit it to paper.

She isn't giving up. I'm not giving up. And I hope you're not giving up, either. I believe in her. I believe in you. I believe in me. Just don't check out. Don't give up.

That's truly the most important thing.

Don't give up. If everything in your mind is saying it's hopeless, it isn't. Don't give up. The time will come again. The "click" will happen. The plan will be made with parameters customized to you, based on what you've learned along the way. Don't give up. If you feel a million miles away from getting into the groove toward weight loss and better health, be patient and don't give up.

It's hard to believe how far down I felt at the worst points along the way. A good friend who has been there, wouldn't let me go; wouldn't let me release what little hope I had left. I was giving up every day. I felt stuck. I felt trapped.

I felt like my choices were not my own, as if possessed. I was scared. I isolated. I felt alone like nobody could possibly understand the struggle. I was wrong. Plenty of people understand the struggle. Maybe you understand exactly what I'm writing about. Don't give up.

At this point, a food and exercise plan isn't the most immediate thing needed. The most immediate thing needed is someone to tell you, you're not alone--and this isn't the end. There's hope. And a better day may not be today, tomorrow or next week. But a better day is coming for you if, you don't give up. You're not alone. This isn't the end.

I don't remember the moment of truth. I don't remember the exact words spoken to me. I do remember being filled with hope once again and realizing it was a turning point. I could have easily turned the other way. If I had made that choice, to ignore and isolate further, by now I would have once again exceeded 500 pounds--there's not a shred of doubt about it.

I spend plenty of time exploring thoughts of thanks and gratitude for the incredible blessings this turnaround from relapse/regain has become. I've often wondered why my friend, Gerri Helms, didn't get exhausted and give up on me back there, not too long ago. Now I know why. She knew I wasn't really done. She's been there, too. And she knows the truth. It isn't hopeless. She believed in me when I no longer believed in myself and she convinced me to give it another look, or several.

I may not know you personally. We've likely never met or spoken to one another. But based on what I know about this journey, I can tell you with 100% confidence, I believe in you.

I'm not special. What I've done and what I'm doing isn't unique. It's been done by countless people before me. It's a practice, not perfection.

It's about progress, not perfection. It's about how you feel, not a number. It's about you and for you, not about or for anyone else. It's about living, not dying. It's about dreaming, not dreading. It's about freedom, not imprisonment. It's about opening your mind to the possibilities, not closing it to the changes. It's about acceptance, not rejection. It's about nourishing, not depriving. It's about a broadly consistent importance level, not short bursts of narrow focus. It's about wanting, not forcing. It's about doing your best, not trying to do another's best. It's about today, not tomorrow, or next week or the first of the month or January 1st. It's about committing to consistency with all your heart and holding on tight, not a halfhearted commitment easily released with the slightest breeze. It's about you deserving better because you do. It's about you being important because you are important.

I believe we each have it inside us. It's there, just waiting until you're ready to tap its blessings. It's in you, too. Don't give up.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16th, 2018 We Learn

December 16th, 2018 We Learn

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget (Ate more than yesterday but still wasn't eating too much because of illness), I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I'm coming out of the food poisoning situation fairly well. I kept my food intake really low again yesterday just to be safe. I received the stern MFP warning about eating too little as I saved yesterday's logging. MFP needs a little box you check when you're sick.

Last night's stand-up performance was not good. A lot of things came together to make it the opposite of what it was two years ago and of course, my brain has checked through them all. Two years ago was an hour-plus killing from start to finish, similar to the year before that--but this, oh my, my third time back, was not the same. It's okay. It happens. It didn't have very much to do with me not being well, that was the least of the circumstances. But I own it. Bottom line, I didn't connect with the audience as in years before--and that's on me. I used the same strategy in prepping fresh material as I did in years past--and in hindsight, I can see where a completely different approach was needed. We learn, right?

I slept in very well today. I needed the rest. I'm finally feeling back to normal.

My plan today is to pretty much resume my normal food plan schedule.

One very cool thing that happened last night...

As I was pacing in the hallway before my set, I was approached by a man who was very fit, built--and you could tell, he takes extraordinary care of himself. He told me that my story had inspired him a while back to start making changes. He chose change before changes chose him! We had never connected personally--I didn't know him before last night. I didn't expect that at all. It was truly a blessing to me. I'm so grateful for experiences like this. 

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More episodes coming soon!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 15th, 2018 Lesson Learned

December 15th, 2018 Lesson Learned

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget (wasn't eating too much because of illness), I remained refined sugar-free, I exceeded my daily water goal by six cups, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Yesterday was rough. I'm usually really good at masking how I feel while I'm on the air but I just couldn't yesterday. I sounded sick and I was sick. Food poisoning is brutal--thank goodness it's temporary. Lesson learned: No more saving diced onions for cooking later. I'm 99.9% certain the onions in my sweet potato side dish the other night was the culprit. I had to get through my show, then a location broadcast from a small car dealer before being able to make it home to rest.

I made extra water a priority yesterday. I didn't eat much because I just didn't feel like eating. I made myself eat some lunch because through the cruddiness, I was also hungry. Then I took a nap for four hours. My goodness, that stuff put me down.

The good news is, I'm feeling much better today. And that's a great thing because I have a location broadcast this morning and a big standup set tonight at a large corporate private party. The show must go on!!

MyFitnessPal doesn't like it when you try to save a day with a super low-calorie count. I ended yesterday under 700 calories for obvious reasons. Haven't seen this message in a long time:

Okay, MFP, relax!! I know! It's one day! I was sick!! I'm still taking it easy on the food today. I don't need anything upsetting my recovery before tonight's big performance.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More new-new episodes coming soon!

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14th, 2018 Food Poisoning

December 14th, 2018 Food Poisoning

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

I think I gave myself food poisoning. I became very sick just after 2am, laid back down after--sipping water. then woke at 4:30 with a very pronounced feeling, like I could throw-up again, anytime. My dinner was fairly simple--petite sirloin with a side of pan prepared sweet potatoes, red onion, and orange bell pepper.  The dinner tweet is below. I used leftover raw veggies that were in the fridge for the side dish, so I don't know. They looked fine. I think this is food poisoning because I don't think I'm running a fever. I can't find my thermometer to confirm.

This is not a day I can afford to be sick. I'm going to try to go to work. If this persists, I won't have a choice and alternative arrangments will be required for the rest of day.

Featured Tweet:

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More new-new episodes coming soon!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 13th, 2018 In Sync

December 13th, 2018 In Sync

Yesterday: I maintained the integrity of my reduced calorie budget, I remained refined sugar-free, I met my daily water goal, and I stayed well connected with exceptional support.

Good morning! Thank you for coming to these pages each day and reading this daily diary of happenings, thoughts, and ideas. I'm grateful. I hope that every now and then something I've experienced and shared here resonates deeply for you.

Yesterday was a good day and today is set to hopefully be another. I'm running behind this morning, so I'll keep this short. I've completed my morning routine, my breakfast items are planned and packed, lunch things are at the studio, and I have a list of things to make important today. I slept well, so today's practice is in a position to be relatively "in sync." 

The following excerpt with a couple of 2018 edits was originally written almost four years ago.

From January 2015:
Getting out of sync can quickly create irrational fears within me. It's certainly an area I need to further analyze and understand because life happens--out of sync can happen. I suppose the determining factor for necessary concern is if the interruption is intentional or circumstantial. In the case of last week, it was certainly circumstantial.

It's critically important to differentiate between the two and quickly because the negative emotions born from an improper perspective have the potential to turn choices intentionally negative, fast. It didn't come to this for me last week because I reached out for support, directly with support buddies--and indirectly through writing in this blog.

The most interesting elements along this road to me, are the psychological/mental/emotional parts. These have the ability to swing in both directions depending on how they're used. It makes the difference between consistency and chaos.

The food and exercise plans are fundamentals for success, but in my opinion aren't necessarily the most critical elements. Make no mistake, learning the importance of your personal boundaries (like my abstinence from sugar) quickly become monumental difference makers. In my opinion, the parts between our ears determine our trajectory, every time. This is why many of us can experience incredible success doing different plans, or 'what works for us,' and still find so much in common along the way.

The greatest challenge is a matter of faith. Believing in yourself enough to ignite that certain something within you that says, "I'm doing this. I don't have all the answers, I don't know how necessarily, but I'm doing it and I'll figure it out what works for me along the way." That takes big faith and courage. Faith in a power greater than yourself is critically important. "Believing in yourself enough" shouldn't be confused with going it alone. None of us go it alone, for very long, at least. It's more about deciding once and for all, you're worth the effort this requires.

This is especially difficult for anyone who must have all the answers before they start. Some of the smartest people I know have the hardest time getting started. I personally know of a doctor who is well over 400 pounds. A doctor! I use this, not in a judgmental way, but simply as an example to illustrate how it's not about intelligence.

It doesn't matter what we know. What matters is what we do.

It's about simplifying your elements, your fundamentals--setting up some kind of support and accountability system and most importantly, keeping an open mind along the way. Incredibly intelligent people sometimes have a hard time simplifying. If you're struggling, is it a compliment to your intelligence? It could be! Keep it simple, my friend.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Practice, peace, and calm,

If you're interested in connecting via social media:
I accept friend requests on MyFitnessPal. My daily food logging diary is set to public.
MFP Username: SeanAAnderson
My Twitter: SeanAAnderson
Instagram: SeanAAnderson
Also--I'd love you to subscribe to my podcast Transformation Planet! You can find it in Apple Podcasts, in the Google Play store for android, and listed wherever you find your favorite podcasts! If you haven't listened before, you'll find 17 "new" episodes waiting for you! More new-new episodes coming soon!

Copyright © 2008-2020 Sean A. Anderson

The Daily Diary of a Winning Loser. All rights reserved.