We Want You For The PEWC!
One of the biggest discrepancies along my transformation road has been my inconsistent water consumption. I know all about the healthy benefits of drinking water, at least 64 ounces a day, and still---some days I struggle. Do I still get enough fluid? Maybe, but maybe not. I just haven’t placed the priority level as high as water deserves. It’s extremely important, aiding in weight loss as it flushes the system---I know this, and yet, some days I don’t drink a single bottle, relying solely on my coffee and tea for hydration. That’s about to change.
When Kenz suggested we co-sponsor a water challenge, it just made perfect sense. I’ve never sponsored a challenge before and if you've followed this blog for some time, you know---I’ve never been big on participating in challenges. I just do what I do. But what I do, isn’t always best. And not getting enough water is a good example. So I whole-heartedly agreed and sponsored this wonderfully easy challenge.
Kenz and I challenge you to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day for three weeks. The challenge can start today, no need to wait---but officially it starts Monday July 12th and ends Sunday August 1st. The idea is simple---three solid weeks of consistently drinking enough water could form a nice habit that will benefit all who participate. Maybe you already drink this much or more water daily, if so—great!!! You can still offer your water consumption habits, tips, and tricks to this challenge, so please join! Your positive water habits could really inspire someone like me. How do you sign up? Just leave a comment here or on Kenz’s blog saying that you’re ready for the Sean and Kenz Positive Effect Water Challenge! We’ll keep up with everyone. Then, every Sunday evening—report how you accomplished your water drinking goals. This is going to be fun!
One more thing...
This message is for those of you interested in joining us for this challenge. Before we begin please be aware that there is such a thing as drinking too much water. Please understand that our personal goals are to drink 64 oz. per day which is widely accepted as a healthy amount of water consumption. Sean and Kenz are not medical or nutritional experts, they are just really cool weight loss bloggers. Please consult a qualified physician before starting any weight-loss regimen.
I like the “cool weight loss bloggers” part.
If you want to right click and save the Positive Effect Water Challenge logo found below, resize it—and place it on your blog---you can go right ahead, we would be honored! Right Kenz?
I started this morning with a round of non-weighted strength training exercises followed by leaning against the bed and feeling my abs of steel that normally hide under a blanket of fat and loose skin. There’s this one position, when I’m leaning against the bed, knees on the floor---stretched out---when I can feel them, along with a different style belly button---I know, it’s crazy---and as soon as I get up---it’s gone. But it’s there and someday my friend, someday---it’ll be uncovered completely, I’ve simply decided. I dream of a flat stomach…I do. And if having skin removal surgery can help me achieve that someday, then that’s what we’ll do. I know I’ve said that I really don’t care either way---and from a health stand-point, I really don’t. But from a mental health stand-point---I must.
Let me explain: Tonight at play rehearsal, I learned that the director is expecting me to tuck my shirt into my pants. He told me that he would allow it un-tucked for certain scenes, but it had to be tucked for others. Why is this such a big deal to me? I know I’ve come a very long way, but I’ve never been a tucker---NEVER, and I’m very uncomfortable with the way the loose skin and remaining fat looks when I’m tucked. Un-tucked, I’m the picture of confidence---tucked, I’m horribly affected. Crazy, I know…but I’m just being honest. I went through this same anxiety with last year's "Call Me Henry" production.
And then I was told that I needed to wear boxer shorts for a bedroom scene---and oh boy, that’s a completely different set of insecurities. You want me to show my legs? Uh---hmmm. I don’t want to talk about this right now. Chris is a great director---he understands me---we’ll work something out.
I swear---I’m going pita pizza crazy! I just bought these last night, and already I’ve prepared and consumed four pita pizzas. Last night, then a breakfast version this morning, then a 300 calorie double “pita pizza nachos” for lunch. I’ve been deprived of these 60 calorie treats! I do love them dearly---and the calorie value is just awesome---plus, I’m getting needed fiber. It’s all good!
In my daily time travels back to the day one year prior---I found this excerpt that highlights my zero deprivation, “nothing is off limits” approach:
I'm eating a Hershey Chocolate Bar right now. I had the calories left tonight, and so did the girls, so we thought...why not? We're not breaking the calorie bank! I actually still have 115 calories left after this creamy chocolate bar. It's chocolate without the guilt! I love the freedom that calorie counting provides. What I love more, is how it's taught me how to eat responsibly for the first time in my adult life. If you're new to this blog and you think it's crazy that I'm writing this while a Hershey Milk Chocolate bar melts in my mouth, then you should read some of the archives. I've enjoyed anything and everything, all within my calorie budget. It sounds crazy to have had so much success eating every thing from ice cream to pizza to fast food to cake and pie and even lasagna and Olive Garden! Oh my...But what I've done is really simple. I eat normal food and normal portions. The difference is, before I would eat normal food and gigantic portions, or large portions more often. The idea that NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS completely eliminates any possible feelings of deprivation. And feeling deprived is a big reason “diets” are temporary. I'm living and eating what everyone else eats. The difference? I now know what a portion is supposed to be!
I also found this line---and I couldn’t resist:
Maintain your journey with consistency, defend your journey like it's the life or death situation it really is, and you too will experience this freedom if you haven't already.
It’s all about importance level, right? Thank you so much for reading. Goodnight and…
Good Choices,

Join in today! Just leave a comment here or on Kenz’s blog saying that you’re on board! Then, track your water consumption between July 12th and August 1st---updating us on your progress and performance every Sunday evening. Three weeks to a more consistent, healthy habit with water—that’s my goal!

My “Pita Pizza Nachos.” I used two 60-calorie pitas, three 50-calorie slices of mozzarella—divided equally between the two pitas—and a ¼ cup of pizza sauce for 30 calories. 300 total! Great little lunch!!

Where did this come from? My dear Aunt Kelli found this “Lost” before picture---I have no idea how long ago it was snapped---but I think it’s safe to say it’s either pre-transformation road---or shortly after I started stumbling this way. 500 pounds, and if not, real close.

Recent picture with my lovely grandmother
I'm pretty excited that you're joining me in drinking enough water everyday. :) There are so many positive benefits. :)
ReplyDeleteHave I mentioned that I want a pita pizza? I'm going to Trader Joe's later today, and my goal is to find something comparable because I want a piece of this extraordinary calorie value too.
Your grandma is positively precious. I can't wait to see her in a few weeks. Just saying.
I was basically a no-water person until the beginning of 2009. I've really improved since then but find it hard to reach 64 oz.(8 glasses)/day. I usually get to 6, sometimes 7. It's 2:30 p.m. and I've had 5 glasses. I think I can do it today and count me on board for the water challenge!
ReplyDeleteHey man, I'm right there with you on the loose skin insecurities thing. Today, in Seattle it's going to be 89 degrees, and the next few days it's supposed to get up to at least 92. I know, I know, all the Oklahomans, Midwesterners and East Coasters are rolling their eyes, but around here that's HOT, especially since nobody has air conditioning here, plus it tends to be on the humid side. I usually wear what I like to call "strategic underthings" to help rein in that loose skin and remaining fat in the middle, but in weather like this, there's no way that it's practical. So I'm making the decision to leave off that layer and deal with it, and it's HARD. I haven't seen anyone pointing and laughing yet. I'm starting to realize that my body may not be perfect, but it's so much more normal after losing 110 pounds that nobody is really taking notice of a little extra around the middle.
ReplyDeleteI know that acting is a little different - you're on stage for all to see and scrutinize - but I'd bet that most people will see you as a normal human being with the normal extra padding here and there. You look great in all the pictures you post these days. I think taking on acting roles is incredibly brave, and you should be proud that you're not letting your fears and insecurities stand in the way of your dreams. Here I am fighting to deal with going out into public without my Spanx, and you're kicking it up 10 notches and struggling with the concept being in your underwear on stage. You take on challenges that dwarf others', my friend.
Thanks for the tip on the pizza, im going to try it this weekend. :)
ReplyDeletekeep up the great work man!
Im totaly in for the PEWC, I'll put it on my blog too.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all, I know it's hard to drink pur natural water for those of us used to flavored water, like cool-aid, crystal light.
Those pita pizzas you are head over heels for look delish! I am going to have to find the pitas and start making them too; I know the man in the house would probably like them too. They also soung quick and easy which is always good around my house since we are busy 90% of the time.
ReplyDeleteI am going to join you and Kenz's water challage; I want to lose some weight before we head to Orlando next month and starting this challege will be good for me and will kickstart my weightloss; so add me to the list. I do have a blog but I talk about everything not just one main thing. I will be doing a post in my blog about the water challege and I may be able to get others to join aswell.
Okay, I'll accept the Puke...I mean PEWC Challenge! I've been saying for a year that I needed to improve on this, and do improve for a while, then slide back. It's on!
That pizza looks great == the challenge timing is perfect for me since right now hydration is even more important than normal while I am recovering from so much blood loss and all. Thanks! I am so in!
ReplyDeleteOkay I'm in but I'm already drinking 9 glasses of water brother...hehe that picture was the winter of 2008..I remember taking it cause you had alreaady started losing and we thought you looked great even then...loveyou..
ReplyDeleteYou're so right Kelli--maybe two months in for me---very cool!!! Any other "before" shots you can find in your files---share them with me, ok? I love you sis
ReplyDeletei'm so in! (found you through Kenz.) i have put water on the back burner for a very long time, which is a real shame for so many reasons. it's actually the only drink i order at restaurants, and i drink it about 90 percent of the time, anyway, but i am definitely not drinking enough. i know it sounds nuts, but i'm always scared i'm going to drink too much and die! but i know you have to drink a ton to do that. i think measuring water out in ounces might be a good way for me to get back into water the right way.
ReplyDeletethanks for the inspiration! -Josie
Pita Pizza looks great! Why does your water challenge have to phonetically sound like puke ?
ReplyDeleteI'm in on the water -- I'm already a water drinker, but my weekends I kind of... erm... bail on it, so here's hoping I can make this a weekend habit as well :)
ReplyDeleteOne thing I've found helps: get a 32-oz cup or bottle or something. Then it's just "two" cups of water. Makes it easier to not lose count!
OK...this has little to do with this specific post, but I just have to say that your blog is awesome. What I love the most is your honesty and common sense approach to losing the weight. It is a great "pick me up" when I'm wavering on throwing the towel in and succumbing to a life of excess. So...just a little thank you for sharing your weight loss story :)
ReplyDeleteYour grandmother is very beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteCan I join in too please but I need to find out how many mls are in 64 ounzes? - we don't do ounces in NZ -
ReplyDeletePlus how do I add the button to my blog???
Sorry :(
Lisa in NZ
Look I can't even spell it
There are days my water consumption can't be beat..and then there was today.
ReplyDeleteyeah..I am in. I will even post that badge...bleck. I hate work. lol
I'm so excited that we've both had such a positive response for the challenge.
ReplyDeleteAnd Mr. Gecko...we obviously did it just to hear comments from you. ;)
I am completely in for this! Awesome:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the help with the button Sean - you made my day! and the instructions worked!
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise it was for me checking out my comments and it was from you!
Thank you so much for that - Sounds a bit sappy sorry!
Also worked out that I need to be drinking just under 2 litres of water for the challenge so will aim for the 2 litre mark each day
Lisa in NZ
Boy that is some real before and after pics!Huge difference! And yes, I take your challenge. I dont drink enough water during the day, and I know I have to change that. Drink, drink, drink!!
ReplyDeleteToo much of anything is not a good thing. Many have died of water intoxication. But I will say, I am the worst about water consumption, and it is showing. I am pretty sure I have gained back all I lost in "Lose to Win." I lost focus after I lost 10 lbs, for reasons that do not matter at this point. To you, they would only be excuses, because they are:) Never been a coffee drinker (gag me). I drink water in the morning, but not near enough obviously.
Sean, you have a flat stomach! You just don't know it yet. Tuck that shirt in. Black in color helps...lmbo! Love you!
PS...and why did my pita pizza look so much better than yours? I am pretty sure we had the same caloric value. Mine may have been less for the record:) I just added more veggies. Ok, I'm done. You cannot call yours nachos! Mine were nachos. My serving was smaller:) And I actully survived! Just need to exercise more now!
ReplyDeleteI only used a 4th of the pita bread (50 calories total). 25 was what I consumed, and one slice of cheese...that explains it all:) Maybe I need to eat more too? Mine was prolly a total of 100 calories! I added more veggies to mine, not a bread person. Think I will join "Weight Watchers." Did I just say that? But still Sean, you can't call yours nachos. No way. Kenz, I need the point system, I can tell:)
ReplyDeletePita bread calories, 50 for a 1/2 a serving, I had a 1/4 of that. I am never done...what can I say? All these calories are driving me crazy! Good news, you don't have to put up with me for the next 2/3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteTake care and God Bless!
Hey babe! Love the challenge...and beings that I already drink twice that much...(4) 32 oz glasses a day...this is going to be a breeze! I'll post about it on my blog a little later this morning...it's a good thing for EVERYONE to be doing! Call ya' later!
ReplyDeleteI'm in on the water challenge! I have to ditch the coffee, and drink the water!
ReplyDeleteThat pita pizza looks awesome :)
I'm in. Just in case Pinky is still looking to convert Liters to ounces, I found a cool site that will do it for you: http://www.calculateme.com/WineVolume/Liters/ToOunces.htm
ReplyDeleteSo I have to drink 4 of these skinny Ozarka .5L (16 oz) bottles/day. Piece of cake.
What a great idea! I love the name PEWC, that is what I am going to feel like doing while getting used to drinking so much water! Count me in...thanks.
ReplyDeleteI'm in on the water challenge. I do pretty good in that department, but I'm always looking for tips to not get bored. Thanks for the challenge guys!
ReplyDeleteI'm also in, even though I regularly drink more than 64 oz. I need a gallon or better to feel good and that's even with eating tons of veggies. I live in a DRY climate. About 15% humidity lately.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree, a large, 32 oz. cup or water bottle is a real help.
I just found your blog and I just wanted to say that your transformation is amazing and inspiring. I look forward to browsing your archives to see more of your journey!
ReplyDeleteAnd I will do the water challenge. I am always struggling to get enough. I'm like a plant!
Danget Sean,
ReplyDeleteI am squeezing this one in, and you didn't delete my last three ramblings like I asked? Just wanted to let you and Kenz know I am in on the water challenge, since I didn't mention it up there ^. I will update you when I can, but trust me, I will be consuming much more H2O than I have been, and I won't overdose:)
Thank you two for all of your effort!
Kenz, did I tell you I am joining "Weight Watchers" after the final "Lose to Win" weigh-in? Surely the point system is easier than reading lables and guesstimating(caloric value), right?
Take care and God Bless!
I'm in!