Hotel Breakfast Buffet and The Wedding Cake Lingered In My Mouth
I woke up this morning knowing it was going to be a busy Saturday, kind of stressful really, I mean--this is Mary Ellen and Rock's wedding! And I'm not sure if anyone told them, I don't normally do weddings. I was so worried about messing up their special reception, but like so many different events in my life, it wasn't near as tough as I made it out to be in my mind. Everything turned out just fine. I guess I was over-complicating this whole wedding DJ business. Still, no matter how successful tonight's wedding turned out, I don't plan on ever working as a DJ at another, as long as I live. Let's hope, anyway. It's stressful, more than it should be.
I woke up hungry this morning. It's a rare feeling for me. Seriously, and some people are surprised by that...but it's absolutely a rarity when this happens. The Hampton Inn has a pretty decent breakfast buffet ready to go every morning, and it wasn't long before I was down there, surveying the options, deciding on the best calorie values available.
The free hotel breakfast buffet, oh my--I always looked forward to this before my life changing trek along this road. I look at things differently now. Look at the choices! Biscuits and gravy, fresh waffles with butter and syrup, pastries, bagels with cream cheese, and greasy sausage patties...oh dear, that's all I would see before. Now I look a little longer, and I end up discovering fresh fruit, scrambled eggs, yogurt, melon, and even oatmeal. There's absolutely no reason in the world to make anything but good choices here. I would have totally blamed the hotel breakfast a couple of years ago, well--what are you going to do? I'd say, I have to eat, right? And all they had was biscuits and gravy and bagels with cream cheese...I was stuck, and I was hungry---Oh well, I'll do better another day. I've actually said things like that before, totally refusing to accept responsibility for my own choices, turning a blind eye to the truth, and shutting down self-honesty at every turn.
I picked some fresh fruit, a 110 calorie yogurt, and some scrambled eggs with salsa. It was a fantastic 300 calorie breakfast! I noticed the other choices and thought, old Sean would love this place. New Sean navigated those calorie value choices like a pro! It feels so good, this new relationship with food, it's a feeling I never knew existed. It's control, it's confidence, it's eating to live instead of the other way around.
I've had my water bottle with me everywhere today. I still managed 72 ounces, and that's awesome. It isn't the 104 ounce performance of yesterday, but I exceeded the required 64 ounces of the PEWC, so I'm good! Speaking of the PEWC, I'm so excited about what this water drinking challenge is doing for people. I know it's making me feel better, and it's seriously helping Annie and my dear Aunt Kelli:
Annie at writes:
"Drinking water has been so great! I've had at least 64 ounces each day so far and I am feeling good! My water bottle holds 24 ounces and I have just under three a day. I'm working up to the full three! I have more energy and I just feel better all around. I was having some...ahem...backup issues...and those are now gone and I'm regular again. I'm feeling fuller throughout the day, so since I'm working on weight-loss, that is a great thing! If I'm wanting a snack, I drink water first and only once this week did I end up eating a snack after drinking the water because I was actually hungry and not thirsty. I realized that I was often eating when I was thirsty because I mistook the thirst for hunger. Whoa!"
Aunt Kelli from writes:
"I want to let you all know how important water is and makes us feel. It's almost like I'm glowing. I was an avid Dr.Pepper couldn't get me to drink water for any amount of money in the world. I just wouldn't do it. Well, one day I decided I needed to lose this weight, and drinking pop wasn't going to do the trick for me. So I stopped and I stopped and I stopped. Everyday I was wondering if I was going to start again, because I had so many times before. But not now...I'm done with the pop and onto the water. I thought water is what I am going to have to drink forever. It makes you healthy and it makes you feel good. It's also allot cheaper than buying the pop all the time. So now I'm onto the great tasting pure water. I was drinking 9 glasses a day. I need to stay at that..its good for ya and believe me it helps you lose the weight. I had been on a plateau and when I started drinking the water. I started losing the weight..actually what I call it is: The three W's..Walking, Watching the calories, and drinking Water. You can't go wrong there! So pick up a glass of water and enjoy!" Sincerely--Kelli
How's the PEWC treating you? Let Kenz or me know through a blog comment or e-mail! While you're at it, be sure to attach a water drinking picture, so we can proudly display your water drinking spirit!
The reception tonight was loaded with wonderful food choices. Meatballs, mini-egg rolls, fresh veggies, fruits, sandwich cuts of meats and cheese, and of course: Cake! Uh, no ordinary cake--wedding cake! Isn't wedding cake the best ever? Why is that true? Do the bakers make an extra effort toward absolute awesomeness just because it's a wedding cake? They must...
I grabbed a decent little plate. I took a picture, however--for some reason I'm having technical difficulties getting my pictures from my phone. I had a picture ready to go. I picked a couple of meatballs, a couple of mini egg rolls, some fruit, some cheese, and some lean, thinly sliced roast beef. I skipped the bread, skipped the dips, and ignored the cake for the longest time...but...uh--
There was no way I was going to miss this cake. But I was busy with the music, so I wasn't really thinking about eating a bunch, even wedding cake--I was focused on the task at hand: Not messing up Mary Ellen and Rock's wedding. Close to the end of the night, I strolled into the reception hall and found three small slices of the wedding cake still on the table. It looked amazing! I was the only person left in that particular room. It was just me and the cake. I could have polished off all three pieces in a mad fury, and no one would have ever known or cared--well, I would have...Old Sean wouldn't have given it a second thought. I probably wouldn't have had all three, but 671 days ago, at least two, probably.
So there I was, face to face with a premium wedding, it looked amazing. You know what I did? First, let me explain where I was calorie budget wise: I had 170 calories remaining. I had to try this cake, but I couldn't "afford" the calories for a whole slice. Instead, I picked up a slice--took a decent sized bite, and left the rest on the table. I let it linger in my mouth a little, soaking up the amazing flavor, appreciating the hard work it must have required, oh my--it was amazing. And amazing is exactly how I felt when I walk away from that table, back to the DJ booth...I think it's time to play "Celebration." Yeah---we should totally celebrate.
Thank you for reading. Goodnight and...
Good Choices,

Kelli Anderson--My Aunt--drinking the water and feeling better! Visit her at

Annie at
Good for you, Sean! We will be traveling shortly, and I must remember how you made such good choices at the breakfast buffet. It is easy to go overboard just because you are "on vacation" or "out of town" or whatever. My problem is weekends in general, so being out of town on a weekend is really tough!
ReplyDeletePS. My husband will DJ some events (two class reunions in Sept.), but he doesn't like to do weddings, either. For the same reason you stated, too much pressure not to mess up the couple's special day.
You know, I don't get tired of telling you how incredible you are so I hope you don't get tired of hearing it.
ReplyDeleteI tell myself all the time (in my head, in written notes, etc) that the next bite will taste the same. That was my strategy when I visited Marble Slab before bringing you there. Our kiddie cups was a great strategy too. :) But it's true. The wedding cake was amazing, I'm sure..and you enjoyed a taste not a few slices..control tastes better than the cake, doesn't it? :) Ahhh, I love this.
You're doing so well with the water too. Record setting amounts all week = outstanding.
You are just.....stellar! :)
I keep telling myself to dig the camera out of the box I packed it in and keep forgetting...I'm gonna' go do that right now!! I'll take a pic of myself drinking my water tmrw morning at my desk at work...I keep a 32 oz water bottle there to make sure I get my water in ALL DAY LONG!!! And I'm extremely impressed with YOUR water've done a 180 in that dept!! :)
ReplyDeleteBreakfast is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteChoices choices everyday choices. I feel great now and when I overeat I feel horrible so Choices Choices I choose healthy!
P.E.W.C. Update
The water routine has been great. I just keep rolling one 8oz bottle into another. I have a gallon jug in the frig so I can keep track of the refills. Can’t believe how dehydrated I’ve been. I’ve noticed that my fingers feel skinny. I find myself rolling my fingers together over and over like a mad scientist.
New Blog Post are awesome! *I* would "tell" myself "I'm only going to have one bite", which would end up being a total lie. Then I'd eat it all. Ugh! I know me! Sweets are my downfall.
ReplyDeleteI'm not doing so great on the water. I fall off the wagon so often. But at least I get back up again. I plan to go by sonic today and get me a Route 44 water and get back on the wagon.
have a great day!
Congrats on exhibiting such great willpower with the wedding cake! I hope you had a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog thanks to the anti-jared. Looking at your pictures just shows what hard work can do. I wanna get in on this water challege you got going on. Cant wait to keep on reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteHi Sean, I found out about you through a friend of mine. She sent me the link after I told her I've decided it was time to lose the 100 pounds I've put on. I am reading your blog from day 1, and I love your sincerity. I share many of your ideas, and I hope to get where you... well, where you right yes, I want to get there, but I want to be where you were mind-set wise when you began this journey. Sometimes I doubt I will be able to finish. Well... but I can tell you one thing, reading your blog inspires me, and as I read I think to myself I might be able to do this...
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your life with us .... I know you are saving lives you dont even know.
God bless you always!
ReplyDeleteI have spent a lot of time at hotels this past couple of weeks, and the breakfast buffet sounds almost identical to the one you described. I chose a serving of scrambled eggs and a slice of bacon. I passed up the waffles with no problem. Never been much on sweets, however last weekend my mom made a peach and pecan pie. I took one bite size from each and put it on my plate. I sat down and divided the 2 bite size portions in half. Putting it on a plate, dividing it and sitting down to eat it made me feel like I was actually getting more than a bite of each:)
Normally, I would have just forked the bites out of the pie pan and shoved them in, and not stopped at one bite. I have had to work at eating at a slower pace. When I'm hungry I get excited and get in a hurry. My mom has said many times "Lisa, slow down, take your time,":) It's so much more enjoyable when I do take my time, and I really do get full faster.
It's been fun to see how we face some of the same challenges and how each of us handle them differently. It's what makes life exciting and each of us unique. The weight is coming off and that is what matters. But keeping it off is the real key to success.
Take Care and God Bless!
ReplyDeleteIt is really nice delicious foods facilities, i really like your blog as well foods
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