Heavily Investing In Pizza and Cake—Plus, Amber Time—and Water!
Today was going to be good. I just felt good about the day ahead. I knew I had a broadcast scheduled from 11am to 1pm at the Verizon store, so no mid-day spinning for me—and Amber and I planned on traveling South to Stillwater for mom's 2nd birthday dinner (today is actually her birthday), busy—absolutely, but good all the way through.
I started mom's birthday by surprising her with a live on-air call shortly after 8am. Regular listeners of my show know mom, and they love her! She sounds incredible on the air---I swear, my natural talent and ability on the air is something that I attribute to her completely. She's smooth...even when she's nervous, and completely unsure of herself—that's when she's most endearing. She's a natural, and I can't wait to have her in studio again! Happy birthday mom! I love you—and I thank my lucky stars everyday to have such an amazingly supportive and loving mother.
I spent wayyy too many calories on pizza today. My plan was to grab something wholesome on the way to my broadcast, instead, I ran out of time and was really hungry when the pizza arrived for our broadcast. I decided to “invest” in a slice of California Veggie—complete with spinach! Yeah, uh—me and spinach don't get along too well, but as a topping on a pizza, we tolerate each other. It's kind of like spinach is coming over to the dark side---in an effort to win me over. Keep trying spinach! I swear, I almost picked you off of my slice...sorry, just saying...Anyway, spending 230 calories on this slice wasn't the best value, but I needed something, and it was available. The radio account rep offered to pick up something else for me---But I hate to be that picky, finicky, “I don't do fast food pizza” guy. I do do it, but only occasionally—rarely is a better word. After I tell you where we dined for mom's birthday dinner, you'll be like--”yeah right, sure—you're not a fast food pizza kind of guy.” You've probably looked at the incredible calorie value--homemade personal pizzas I make---that's what I like. But these pizza circumstances today—are not typical for me, and really---just a part of my life on this day. I just live and try to make the best choices I can in whatever situation I'm involved.
I returned to the studio after my broadcast for some production, followed by writing. It was after 4pm when I wrapped the afternoon. I had very little time to prepare for our trip to Stillwater. I managed to squeeze in a quick nap before we departed...I really needed that refresher nap, or did I? I had enough sleep last night---and it was good sleep, I got up feeling good today—without any contrary symptoms. But still, a nap was too alluring to resist. Habit? Healthy? Hmmm...
Last week it was Sirloin Stockade Buffet. Today was Ci-Ci's pizza buffet. Mom picked the place---and it's her birthday, I'm not going to say or suggest anything different. I'm not there for the food really, except maybe that mac and cheese pizza---I must try this flavor combination that combines two of my favorite foods. Like I was saying---I'm there for the family, there to visit and enjoy my loved ones---the company we enjoy---that's where the focus should always be, not on the food---I realized that important element to weight loss success in the very first week of this joyous adventure. Walking into this place reminded me---I need to hug that fundamental philosophy tight, especially here. The great thing about this place is, the slices on the buffet are typically small---ranging anywhere from 90 to 170 calories per 1/10 12” slice. It all depends on the toppings.
Mom couldn't decide on a white or chocolate cake---so she bought two cakes, one in each flavor. At mom's first birthday—-we enjoyed the bakery version---but these were the small Pepperidge Farm cakes. I cut the coconut cake into 1/16th slices---or 120 calories each. I ended up eating two of them—maybe I should have just cut the 1/8th slices like the box and nutritional values suggest...Oh well. These Pepperidge Farm cakes, especially chilled---Oh my...I must watch myself around them. Weakness food? You bet! Totally---something in me breaks down a little around this stuff. I have to get into a very basic frame of mind—battling myself against the desire to eat more---convincing myself that what I did allow was good, and I don't need another piece to be convinced. It was good. Somebody get this cake away from me! By the way---The mac and cheese pizza checks in at 170 a slice according to Calorie King---and it is totally NOT worth it in my sharply critical opinion. I know good pizza and I know good mac and cheese---and trust me, this was neither. I took a couple of bites---realized what a waste of calories it was---then refused to waste another calorie on this gimmicky piece of pizza---clearly a recipe/marketing idea gone awry. But the kids love it! Not this kid, no sir!
In my daily time travels---I found this excerpt from exactly a year ago. It's no surprise that I also had a remote broadcast appearance on that day. And an interesting weight loss related interaction with a couple of listeners. From July 9th, 2009:
During the broadcast, a regular listener popped in to specifically ask me how I was losing all this weight. She had weight loss surgery several years ago, lost just over 100 pounds, but recently gained back a good portion of that loss. Her interest in my weight loss “method” was piqued. She leaned in, like I was about to reveal a major secret, and I told her of the eat less-exercise more-mental changes approach. She gave me a look like that's it? Are you serious? It's sometimes hard to understand why the most sensible approach is often the hardest for some to grasp. Then a little while later, a nice lady walked in that I knew, but hadn't laid eyes on since I started this journey. She didn't know it was me. A genuinely “unrecognizable” situation. It's like I'm in disguise, really cool if you ask me. I remember writing about and day dreaming what that would feel like, when people I know just walk by not realizing who I am...It's really cool. Of course around here all I have to do is open my mouth and they immediately know it's me. That's what happened, just like Saturday at that 4th of July event, this nice lady said the same thing. “If you hadn't started talking, I wouldn't have realized it was you." The first thing she asked... “Did you have weight loss surgery?” I've had this question asked of me over and over. It must be a very popular procedure in these parts judging by the number of people that hear the numbers and automatically think must be weight loss surgery. I quickly filled her in on the details and she took down my blog address to give to her son who's desperately searching for an answer on his obesity. I hope he finds the answer. It's really easy to overlook, especially since it's not a “special” plan and it doesn't cost a fortune. Like I said before...often times the most sensible and simple of solutions is passed by in search of something more substantial, more elaborate.
That was a fun excerpt, nice. It's amazing to me how many people automatically assume I've had weight loss surgery---even a doctor several months back, remember that? I will say this: Weight loss surgery IS a good choice for some people---and I totally appreciate the differences in people that make this so. I've had many friends and family who have had the surgical options---some with incredible success---and they're amazing. Because let me tell you---the ones that have the surgery and enjoy incredible success all the way—they're also working hard on all of the issues that I have had to confront. The surgery isn't in any way, shape, or form—the easy way out---Not at all. Just ask anyone who has undergone one of the many procedures available today. We all want the same thing, right? Freedom from morbid obesity.
It has been a really good day in so many ways. I enjoyed my time with Amber tonight---the drive to and from Stillwater—the two of us, alone in the vehicle---Just a great time to talk. We're not listening to the radio—we're talking all the way. Communicating---it's the key to great relationships, and I feel so blessed to have that with my entire family.
It's not too late to join the Positive Effect Water Challenge! Kenz and I are proud of the wonderful support and participation from so many! Well over 50 people have accepted the challenge. It's easy...Just commit to drinking 64 ounces of pure water a day for three weeks. We start Monday---so please, leave a comment here or on Kenz's blog saying “I'm in,” or something to that effect. You'll be listed along the sidebar of our respective blogs---and if you have one, your participation will come complete with a Hyperlink to your blog or webpage. How easy is that? We can do this!
Thank you for reading! And thank you to AOL and writer Martha Edwards for featuring me on thatsfit.com You can read the interview here if you haven't already. It was really cool! Goodnight and...
Good Choices,

We love cake.

I love her.

I love them...two very important women in my life! Mom and grandma!

Mom—sporting some cool new pink sunglasses! Very cool mom, stylish---quirky, nice.

I love this picture of Amber and Me!!!

and this one...

Totally not worth 170 calories. Mac and cheese pizza...Sounds like a dream come true---not so much...at least in my opinion. I ate less than half this piece before coming to this realization.

Join today!

I absolutely adore her. Just saying...
Nice post sean...loveyou
ReplyDeleteAwww, great photos. ♥♥
ReplyDeleteLovely post today Sean. I love how you fit your eating around life rather than your life around your eating!
Pizza and cake do seem like strong temptations, but I gotta say that the mac-n-cheese pizza looked nasty!
ReplyDeleteStill a pizza buffet would be too much for me right now. Good for you for really mastering your discipline.
I make a homemade, low cal pizza dish that uses whole wheat macaroni as the crust. You simply cook the macaroni to al dente, add some egg white to hold it together (I season it a bit too with salt, pepper and oregano), put in on your pizza pan as a crust and top your pizza with your favourite toppings. It's really good and it combines those two things with less calories!
ReplyDeleteHello Son, this is your mommaand I am wanting to join your 64oz water challenge. So I am in. ok?
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your blog and just wanted to say hello and congratulate you on your success. It's truly amazing. Also I am a huge proponent of the goodness that is water and I'm in on the challenge as well!
ReplyDeleteI read your blog for the first time. I think you are amazing! Keep up the great work!!
ReplyDeleteHello and congrats on your success; It is truly a success. I want to join you in the water challenge and I was wondering if it would be okay to add a packet of zero calories chrystal light?
ReplyDeleteread your blog for the first time today...not even remembering how I ended up here, because I've been so into your writing. You should write professionally! Just wanted to tell you how inspiring you are. And congratulations on your success!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog,just found it today will try to catch all the entries.I am in the three week water challenge.
ReplyDeleteFor the first time in a long time, I feel some motivation to do something about the mess I am in because of wieght. I've struggled with it all my life. I'm looking at heart disease, diabetes, constant discomfort in my lower back and extremities and on and on and on. I found your blog by accident this morning and have been reading parts of all day long. Thank you for your encouragement. Hopefully, my husband will join me and see his success as well. You are on my favorites list now and I will join your water list challenge as well. I do drink lots of water. I don't like pop, which is amazing in itself, and I prefer unsweetened tea so they both are to pluses I already have. I will be back. Thank you.