Still Learning Everyday and All The Way Back To Day 1
Sunday came, finding me well rested after an amazing 5K last night, and looking forward to the PEWC. I wonder what this increased and consistent water consumption will do for my body? If I see an increase in weight loss, I’m going to be…uh, happy—of course, but also a little miffed at myself for not drinking enough a little sooner. I’ve talked about calendar regret before—how about lack of water regret? Nah, no regrets here my friend. I’m 259 pounds down and feeling fantastic—but I know there are some fundamentals of weight loss I’ve casually handled, or ignored. Drinking enough pure water everyday is absolutely one of those!
I enjoyed an amazing omelet for brunch. I used fresh tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms, and mozzarella. The avocado added about 50 extra calories, but still, after using three egg whites and one whole egg---this big and hearty veggie and cheese omelet checked in at a low 240 calories. I added 150 calories worth of baked hashbrowns, making this a big, filling, giant brunch—but still only 390 calories. It was one of those meals where my brain says, this must be more---can’t be so low, no way!! But yes, yes way—This is called getting the most bang for your calorie buck! Really---I almost couldn’t finish the thing.
I received a call from my cousin Sherri today. Sherri owns an insurance company in Tulsa—and has organized a weight-loss and wellness seminar for August 17th. She originally booked Danny Cahill from NBC’s Biggest Loser, but recently Danny has expressed some disinterest in speaking at this event. So whom does she call? Yours truly!! It makes perfect sense really. Sherri has known me my entire life, I mean---from birth. She may have changed my diapers or baby-sat me, I’m not sure really. But anyway—I was so excited about accepting the invitation! I’ll give them a 40-minute talk they’ll never forget, even without any TV celebrity status! Who needs that, when I have before pictures and old pants, and most importantly--a story I’m proud of and excited to share?
A year ago today was Day 300. The excerpt I’m using from that day, uses an excerpt from the all important Day 1. So---here we go with another excerpt within an excerpt. Someday, I swear---I’ll have an excerpt within an excerpt of an excerpt. From July 11th, 2009 and September 15th, 2008:
In looking back on the past 300 days, I often go back to Day 1. So I thought it might be appropriate tonight to include an excerpt from that first post at 505 pounds:
I also know that losing weight and being healthy and looking good will have tremendously positive effects on every aspect of my life. I've always known that. I firmly believe that I've allowed my weight to hold me back in my career, and more importantly: It's held my family back from fully enjoying life. That's pretty big stuff. I'm writing this blog as a self-motivation tool. I need to write, I need to express my feelings and experiences, I need to continually remind myself of what I need to do and keep doing. That's what this blog is all about. If you read this blog and have a laugh or feel inspired to lose weight too, then it's all the better! But I'm doing it for me. And by doing it for me, I'm also doing it for my beautiful wife and two daughters. How important is it that I lose the weight now? Well...every now and then I day dream a nightmare where I envision my family at my funeral. I's dark! And very scary. But every time I have a little pain I wonder, is this it? Am I about to collapse? Will my funeral be Thursday?? That's very depressing and scary stuff. But when you're as big as I am, it's something that you have to think about all the time. Again, the question comes: Then why is it so hard to lose the weight?
Well, it's hard because there are so many psychological factors that play a part in our daily choices. I eat because it taste good...I eat because I'm stressed out over something...I eat because "we're celebrating"...I eat because it's much easier to eat whatever you want than count calories and make healthy choices. I never exercise on purpose because it's way easier to not. But all of this must change. I convinced myself that my eating and lack of exercise was controlled by my stress level and emotions. So surely I can convince myself that despite a high stress life, I can still eat less and workout. And that's exactly how to lose weight. Eat less and work out. I don't want a surgery or a lapband or anything other than complete control of myself.
This is all about making choices. Every choice we make has a consequence...some good, some bad...Some real good, Some very, very bad. Choices and consequences, that's what it's all about.
So here we are, 300 days later. Is it perfect? No. I don't expect it to be ever be perfect. I often wonder what kind of numbers I would have at this point had it been perfect, but that's silly thinking. But then again, if making consistently good choices is considered perfect, then I guess it's been perfect after all.
Well---OK, now we’re a year and 300 days in, and I must say---That Day 1 post still gets me good. I thought I had an idea of what it would take, but really—I didn’t have a complete perspective on just how much the mental aspects would play in my success. I’ve learned so much along the way, and I’m still learning. When we think we know it all, that’s when the learning ends. I don’t know it all, and I’m still learning everyday. We’re all learning from our experiences and each other. This is a team effort by golly!
My daughters and I dined at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants tonight. The guacamole is out of this world from this place---but at about 500 calories a bowl—according to my research, it’s strictly something we share. I swear---it’s so good, I could eat the whole bowl. But I will not! I will enjoy some, call it wonderful, and move forward! I’m in control now---not food! We spend so much less calories and cash at a place like this, compared to the old days. The difference? We order water and we usually order ala carte—sans beans and rice. I typically order two tacos. That might not sound like much, but with some chips and salsa and this heavenly guacamole, oh my---it’s more than I need, every time, but still within reasonably acceptable portion and calorie limits.
The water challenge starts tomorrow (Monday) and I’m completely ready! Bring it on!! Do you still need to join? Can you commit to drinking 64 ounces of pure water everyday from July 12th to August 1st? Nearly 80 people have joined the challenge already and it’s going to make a tremendous difference for each and every one. If you want to join---it’s not too late---just leave a comment of “I’m in” or something to that effect in the comment section below or as a comment on Kenz’s blog. We’ll add you to the growing list of PEWC participants. By the way—the list is on the left hand side of this blog. You can click on those with blogs and follow their success---and remember, let us know how you’re doing at least once a week during the challenge---preferably on Sunday—or whenever works for you.
Thank you for reading. Goodnight and…
Good Choices,

My omelet in the pan.

My omelet on the plate---complete with baked hashbrowns—390 calorie plate total. I know!!

I swear---I could eat this entire bowl. I LOVE this stuff, especially from El Patio.

Today’s featured before picture. With my late grandpa, Roy Anderson…

Recent “now” picture---sounds redundant, I know…

Have you joined? Come on in, the water is fine!

The first of many 20 ounce increments in my daily 64--
Glad to see you're expanding your food horizons. Avocado, though somewhat calorie-rich, is both super tasting and super good for you.
ReplyDeleteNews on the water front: I'm meeting the challenge every day (I started the day you announced the challenge so I've been at it for a few days already). It's really helping me to participate.
That picture of you & your Grandpa, wow that shows how far you have come. Water, almost done with my 1st liter of the day. Two a day is the plan!
ReplyDeleteHey NewMe and Patrick - awesome! I've had about 32 oz. so far, but I'm drinking as we speak. :) I'd like to drink another 64 oz. today. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteWow Sean..the before pictures are so important! Your transformation amazes me every time I think about it.
Okay I would like to join the water challenge. How much do I have to drink every day? You amazing and I love reading your blog it gives me motivation every day.
ReplyDeleteI'm on my first bottle but two more will be going down my throat as well..hey your mom already finished her 1st bottle for the day..whoohoo that's an accomplishment..good luck all.
ReplyDeleteI've had (3) 32 oz glasses of water so far today, which means I've been to the bathroom like 200x already today, lol...I'll drink my 4th glass after I get home from work. Easy Peasy! :)
ReplyDelete32 oz down my food pipe, half way there...
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the speaking engagement! You're going to rock it out! I hope you tape it and put the video on your blog! (hint hint)
ReplyDeleteI would like to join the water challenge please. I'm almost done with my first 32 oz....
(BTW, Is that Yankees shirt you're wearing? Swoon! Be still my NY-beating heart!)
ReplyDeleteHey bud has anyone told you look 10 years younger, I used to get it all the time. :)
ReplyDeleteThe people at the seminar will be in for such a good time getting to hear you. I can only imagine how motivational you are in real person! You are going to rock it :D
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm in on the water challenge! I needed something to keep going. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Sean I live in Tulsa and would love to come hear your speech. I'm thinking I would like to bring my husband and best friend too. Can you email me info. It will be good to see you after your great loss....very inspiring. My email is I'm so proud of you.
ReplyDeleteJoin me daily for a better PEWC.... Positively Enjoying Wine Continuously... 64 ounces and you can out negotiate anyone..
ReplyDeleteMr.'re a little persuasive, but not pursuasive enough. ;) For the record, I miss Mr. Steinbrenner..just saying.
ReplyDeleteSean ... I sure hope you and everyone in this challenge recycles those bottles. I have a real issue with water bottles filling up our garbage dumps and oceans. I would prefer everyone use a reusable water bottle, but if they can't please, please recycle.
ReplyDeleteThanks for listening to my little rant! Water is going down great ... right from the tap ... which at my work is city water and at home comes from the well. :)
279, I know that Sean has been refilling the same bottle all day. And I'm using my 32 oz. Nalgene bottles. I've read that several others are doing the same. I hope people are recycling too. It's required here in NY, and it's just smart. Congrats on owning the water challenge today!
ReplyDeleteI am caught up on your blogs once again. I want to say something, but don't want to offend you. I am biting my tongue...ouch:)
Take care and God Bless!
Don't be a wimp Lisa---just say it! Can I guess? Uh---don't lose another pound? Come on---you can say it.
ReplyDeleteLMBO! Sean, seriously, if you lose anymore weight you are going to look like a skeleton! OK..I SAID IT:)
ReplyDeletePS...load up on the guac while you're at it...LOL!
ReplyDeleteSean, I think the water is making you look less-"gaunt!" (hehe Lisa!) But really, that last picture makes you look so young! But can you please write a letter to my boss? Thanks to P.E.W.C.,I seem to be spending more time in the rest room than at my desk!
ReplyDeleteWow, you look awesome. Everything you mention rings true. I started losing in January and have lost 40 but still have a ways to go, my husband, who at his height was 400 lbs has come around too and wants to live a healthier lifestyle, he's down to about 335. Part of him has a hard time believing it can ever happen, I am going to show him your blog and your photo for inspiration!
ReplyDeleteI love you Sara!:)
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Late but in!
ReplyDeleteI am in!
ReplyDeleteI'm 2 days late but I'd like to join the water challenge. I just found your blog on AOL news and started reading and what an inspiration you are. I am in the process of trying to lose at least 60lbs and I'm down 9lbs so far. Let the frequent bathroom breaks begin.
ReplyDeleteOh btw, I'm so stealing your pizza and omelet recipes. They look awesome.
I too saw your blog from an AOL advertisement. I am so desperate to lose weight...and I have to tell you that I have been thinking of doing something like this to help me to be accountable and motivated. I could relate so much to your ideas about being a prisoner. I am a prisoner in my own body. SOOO many hang ups and sooooooooooo many excuses. I have three beautiful children and that should be motivation enough... sometimes I can't believe that I can't stop this insanity!!!!!! WAY TO GO MAN! YOU BROKE THROUGH THOSE CHAINS!