Let's be honest. I often have the food maturity of an eight year old. It's okay, because I'm growing up and gradually trying new things. It's hard to believe now, but there was a time when asparagus, sweet potatoes and squash was all on my 'gross' list of foods you couldn't pay me to eat.
Getting on this list most always involved an unfair judgement from me, based on looks and smell, mainly--instead of being based on an actual taste test. Brussels sprouts was near the top of my personal list of banned foods. Cabbage was also on my list, except it had an asterisk with the notation: "Unless it's inside a deep fried egg roll and dipped in sweet and sour sauce."
I tried Brussels sprouts today for the first time in my life. Since they appeared to be miniature heads of cabbage, I wasn't the least bit interested in having them anywhere near my face. A colleague, we'll call her Wendy (because that's her name), encouraged me to give them a shot. I talk about trying new things, I say I will expand my food options and choices, but then I rarely do. Wendy, after working with me the last twelve years, knows this. She knows how particular I am. She knows all about my food maturity level.
We agreed today would be the day. Once and for all, I could proclaim my hatred of Brussels sprout-based on actual taste--or I might actually like them. Wendy knows how to prepare them. She tossed them in some olive oil and real garlic cloves and roasted them until the entire business office smelled like garlic. I was worried about the fish aroma. Nope--garlic won the smell battle.
I don't know what my colleagues wanted more: Me to like them or me to throw a fit and freak out if I didn't--rushing to the nearest trash can to get rid of the nastiness.
The shredded cabbage on the fish was really enough of a stretch for me today. After getting past the initial bite, I was pleasantly relieved and happy with the shredded cabbage. Then it was time to pop a little mini cabbage into my tostada hole. And...
Chewing--flavors...not bad--actually, dare I say, kind of good...and okay, that was that. Brussels sprouts is on my list of veggies I'll eat. I avoided them for over four decades and now, --I can do those occasionally.
I had a good day at work followed by a much needed afternoon nap, evening coffee, a wonderful dinner and a fantastic workout at the YMCA. I'm ready to drop!

#TBT The most intense workouts I've experienced were the twice weekly boot camp workouts a few years ago. This throwback Thursday pic is a post-bootcamp selfie. I haven't worked out with the same intensity since. It was brutal--but in a really good way, and the instructors were top notch! Finishing one of those workouts brought an incredible feeling of accomplishment. I was so proud!
My Tweets Today:
Good morning! Dark roast with sugar free hazelnut flavored creamer. My fav. 30 calories X 2 cups= 60 cal. pic.twitter.com/zCyu56ZIkk
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
Two cheese omelet with three whole eggs, 1/2 slice muenster & 1/2 slice mozzarella. Golden delicious apple. 355 cal. pic.twitter.com/zBcrUtW2r2
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
2 cups #wateraccountability pic.twitter.com/3uFHkM44cI
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
4oz tilapia, cabbage, onion, cilantro, lime, salsa, sr crm, tomato on soft corn. Brussels sprouts, 1/2 orange 394 cal pic.twitter.com/u4gjn2qdOO
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
Tried Brussels sprouts for the first time in my life. Sautéed with olive oil and garlic--very good! I'll add it to my list of choices!
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
Revised lunch count: 409 cal. Forgot to calculate and log the salsa.
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
Evening coffee (becoming a habit) I usually keep it at one cup of an evening. On my second, now. 30cX2=60 cal. pic.twitter.com/5cAMrbCiZN
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 12, 2015
Water with dinner. 2 cups. #watertracking #wateraccountability pic.twitter.com/jWHwXiByah
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Beef (93% lean) & bean (1/2 srving) tacos w/mozz, lettuce, tomato, avocado (33g) & sour cream. Apple slices. 564 cal. pic.twitter.com/3QGqdvEY7w
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Workout time. 2 cups. #watertracking upper body weights/cardio. #letsdothis pic.twitter.com/YVNbI1c3lJ
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Upper body weight training flowed by level 15 elliptical-30 min cardio. #endorphinparty #naturalhigh #choosechange pic.twitter.com/cijIZ8jk50
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
I make sure not a single soul sees me snap a rare after-workout selfie. Except maybe security. #bottomsup #hydration pic.twitter.com/7ueevZFMoz
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Post-workout refill. 2 cups. Water goal met as soon as I make it empty. #wateraccountability pic.twitter.com/XT9j1oAzgR
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Several things... pic.twitter.com/UqyJN26XwX
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Oh my oh my, this #lastfoodofday is going to be tasty! pic.twitter.com/6R2FZ2rIjO
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Nat. peanut butter, 18g all-fruit spread, 1/4 apple, on 1/2 g-free wrap. W/2 cups cashew milk. #lastfoodofday 265 cal pic.twitter.com/GPwIuGrYaq
— Sean Anderson (@SeanAAnderson) February 13, 2015
Thank you for reading and your continued support,
Sean, good for you! Brussels sprouts are GREAT roasted...use a little olive oil, sprinkle with a little parmesan. Also, you can do SO much with cabbage. I bet you would like it stir fried with some onion. Good calorie bargain, too!
Thank you for the suggestions, Dede!! And thank you!
DeleteHooray! But, a comment: brussels sprouts are best when cut in half, laid out on a cooking sheet covered with tin foil and sprayed with olive oil or other non-stick spray, and roasted in the oven at 425 degree until done. You'll know they're done because they'll be nicely caramelized and brown on one side--and sometimes a bit crispy around the edges. Easier than sauteeing (stick in oven), and cravingly good.
ReplyDeleteThat does sound cravingly good! :) Thank you for the tip! I'm looking forward to cooking some very soon!
Deletegreat progress! You mentioned several times your not a salad person. However during this transformation in absence of added sugar I share with you, especially in my case avoiding alL
ReplyDeletethe sweetness altogether, it's an incredible phnom omen of relearning my eating habits to the foods I like. it's an amazing process, how surprising so many foods especially vegetables I always considered bland or simply did not like that I absolutely crave now. Relearning which foods I like and understanding all the processed crap, artifically flavored & sweetness from added sugar was a lifetime of altered eating habits caused by our past food addiction. Never resembling or learning our eating habits our bodies always intended us to learn. it's an amazing process discovering i truly like alll these hidden gems of nutrition that I did not like or tasted to blaND consumed by a sugar addiction. Most importantly I encourage you my friend, retry every single food that provides nutrition regardless how sure you are that you don't like it including all salads. I can't believe how many foods I use to not like, especially so many different vegetables I discovered I now crave simply from forcing myself to relearn my new & letting go of the mindset, lifetime of unatural ones. This change in taste buds, relearning my relationship to the foods that cater to my taste buds in absence of sugar is as important, at least in my transformation, as is the daily choice to avoid the added sweetness.
Excellent points, Jon. Thank you! Makes a lot of sense.