Friday, February 3, 2017

February 3rd, 2017 It Doesn't Exist

February 3rd, 2017 It Doesn't Exist

Today was interesting. I had a midday location broadcast, production work this afternoon and I Dj'd a sock hop at a catholic school tonight. In between these events, I picked up sound equipment and made sure my needed music was in order. It was a full day. I navigated my food fairly well, even though it meant a late lunch and late dinner. I declined an offer of pizza during my midday broadcast. That's not so unusual for me, but what was different is, I didn't provide an explanation. Just, "No, thank you." 

This week has challenged me in a variety of ways. When hours get long, certain things get shortchanged. I know this. And it's not a good thing. I do think it's important to minimize or better, simplify as best we can when things get hectic--but after awhile, I think we must ask ourselves--is this a pattern? What is it about what I'm doing or not doing that's constantly compromising five-star care? Two or three-star care is still extraordinary, but it's not the best. And don't we deserve the best? And let's not confuse "best" with "perfect," perfection is a myth--it doesn't exist. But giving our best does exist. And the definition of "best" changes along the way, sure--

I'm just saying, a few special circumstances take place--okay, we do the best we can--simplify and make it through--- but if a few circumstances become the norm, then it's no longer a special circumstance, it's a constant circumstance. And for me--I must acknowledge my role in the pattern and do something about it--rather than constantly parading--then forgiving--only to do the same thing the next day.

I do have a knack for maintaining the integrity of my food plan each day, no matter the circumstance. I lean on accountability and support to help me through with my food. I can't say that for my exercise schedule or my special projects schedule (podcast). If you just mouthed the words, "what exercise schedule?" and/or "You have a podcast?" I deserved it--absolutely. And it's only a couple of several things that's suffering from the patterns I've created.

And yes--I've been sick--and I'm considering that--but these patterns started developing long before I fell ill.

Anyway--I'm not beating myself up in this post-- I'm simply expressing some things I most usually ignore. Willful ignorance isn't acceptable. It's a sibling of dishonesty--and that's a first cousin to denial--yeah--they all hang out together.

I maintained my maintenance calorie budget today. I remained refined sugar-free. I exceeded my daily water goal. And I stayed well connected with great support!

Oh, by the way-- I forgot to get in two more cups water last night, which meant I didn't meet my water goal yesterday. I've only done that five or six times in almost three years--so I'm not going to make it a giant issue.

Thank you for reading and your continued support,

1 comment:

  1. Actually it is a good blog second, i would like to till you 2 infos you might know them or not but calories and our hormones are the 2 effective elements that decide if you get fat or thin . A lot of people now think about counting calories and most of them don't know that there are calories that make us thin too because any food you'll eat has calories . Hormones also have ways to deal with to let you lose much weight.
    Anyways thanks for the info :)


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